How the fuck do you retards find this funny? Yet another retarded stoner "deep" mumble show

How the fuck do you retards find this funny? Yet another retarded stoner "deep" mumble show

This trash is being shilled by Turner Broadcasting employees because Adult Swim (who cancelled their second highest rated show "World Peace" over politics) is reviving it for a more modern "Trump era" version.

And yeah fuck Home Movies and all the other adult swim trash that popularized the mumble stoner shit.

Malapropisms make me laugh.

Fuck off, reddit.

Finally someone else agrees Home Movies is dogshit. The copypasta about it is 100% accurate.

Screencap this when the announce a new season of XRA in a few months.

Fuck off, reddit.

It's entertaining.

Fuck off, reddit.

Wtf I hate Sup Forums now.

Requesting the chad/beta version

Reddit loves Adult Swim and its trash programs though.

Explain how its reddit to say someone is shilling on Sup Forums about a new season of a show that's been off the air for 10 years.

Xavier is pretty funny
OP confirmed reddit and memey virign

Home Movies is total horseshit, not funny or entertaining at all

must suck to be you

>smoke DMT
>watch Xavier
>suddenly life makes sense


Lemme guess, R&M fan?

Of course someone like you wouldn't get it

Agreed. God that show was shit

Quads and Xavier is pure essential 4chancore.

close enough


>what is the catalog




wow those second and last quotes from xavier are actually pretty cool, I might watch this show now

This actually looks so fucking bad

no u

>Sup Forums contrarians and redditors hate Xavier now that it's popular again

It gives it some tooth, as opposed to the wet, shiny plasticness of the bad CGI from the original footage.
In case you missed it, which I think you did because you've been on Sup Forums for all of 1 week, is to make the image as pretentious as possible.

>"haha this show was made on DRUGS dude weed la mayo"
>watch it
>it's just zany and not drug addled at all
Why I dare say this show wasn't made on drugs at all

i think they're fake

obsessing over tv shows is pathetic

obsessing over tv shows you don't even like is extremely pathetic

Scott Adams stated that 1/3 of the population don't understand humor and only laugh along to jokes to fit in socially.

I think you're one of the 1/3 OP.

who cares what Scott Adams thinks, he's not a humorologist haha lol

On episode 2 at the minute and it's really funny, if you're into braindead stoner humor Biz Lez Show is worth a watch too

Scott Adams is one of the biggest cucks out there
Dilbert is fucking shit and unfunny, and Scott is a pseudo-intellectual jackass

>haha lol
i need you to literally kill yourself


they're from the show

chill user, no need to be a hater


I see he wasn't wrong

There's no deep underlining meaning in the show.

Rick & Morty writer here, hope you guys look forward to a very exciting cameo in an upcoming episode.

Do you even meme bro?

Its pretty funny in a way that it makes fun of "spiritual" people, but its still really meh. Some fags wanted to meme this, but failed.


It is just Sup Forums contrarianism and Sup Forumstards.

no. noooooooooo

What did he mean by this?


>people like something other than rick and morty

>mfw I've always loved Xavier but now I can't anymore because fuckheads will lump me into one side of an internet pissing match

>1/3 of the population don't understand humor and only laugh along to jokes to fit in socially
thats scott adams target audience

some shit is good, some shit just goes on with no meaningful conclusion, i didn't like the episode where he confronts himself, he doesn't really leanr anyting meaningfull, he doesnt accept the burden of killing his family and it kinda just turns into a retarded visual circle jerk of inconclusive jabble. That being said, some of the episodes are great and have amazing symbolic meaning

i only finished the first season too

What episodes?