Let's make #CheatingIsRape go viral

Okay, dipshits, let's make SJWs and their ilk look stupid once again, by making #CheatingIsRape go viral.

The purpose is to illustrate how stupid and gullible these groups are, make fun of their constant pursuit of victimhood (because believe me, feminists WILL make good use of the opportunity), and make their movement undermine itself. As a bonus, they will be condoning monogamy. Also, given that a lot of women do cheat, they will be calling loads of women rapists. Of course, they will focus on the men, and that will blow up in their faces when more reasonable people start questioning what the fuck they are on about.

If previous experience is any indication, they will jump on the bandwagon, and it will be hilarious.

The "logic",or how an SJW could try to rationalize it, is as follows (Buzzers that will appeal particularly to the SJWs are marked with *):

If you are cheating on your spouse by sleeping with another person, and you don't disclose this, but keep on having sex with your spouse, you are a rapist. It's sexual battery!

Most people with a cheating spouse would not accept it and would not fuck them if they knew about it. The cheating party robs his girlfriend/boyfriend/whfe/husband/spouse/partner of *informed consent* when they are having an affair with another, *thus violating their physical integrity*. It is comparable to drugging someone and then raping them. Why should the emotional turmoil this *breach of trust* represents be treated differently than other types of sexual assault, when its consequences are so comparable?

Outrageous shit like that.

How to spread it:

Twitter and other social media where hashtags are viable. Do NOT use your Trump troll accounts, MRA shit, and stuff like that, it will be painfully transparent.

Make "feely" pictures and memes with SJW buzzwords, statistics to fit the narrative, use the hashtag #CheatingIsRape, and use it with other hashtags that SJWs are likely to pick up on.

Other urls found in this thread:


This is so retarded I am 99 % college SJWs will fall for it. Didn't they fall for some "piss your pants in solidarity" hoax?

No they figured that out pretty damn fast. The only people who took the bait were Sup Forums users who posted the original tweets

Okay. But I do think that this has some potential, though.

but, why?

I like this idea have a bump

>The purpose is to illustrate how stupid and gullible these groups are, make fun of their constant pursuit of victimhood, and make their movement undermine itself

Also, lulz?


Free bleeding and piss your pants both caught second and third waves

It's not 2009, bro.

sure I will help, points for effort.

Also hot tip: lets try and fashion a very sympathetic story to troll /r/survivinginfidelity (~4000 users) and see if they will unknowingly help be the second catalyst.

Jesus, what a horrible place. This is a great tip.

Do you seriously want to legitimate cheating?

The lulz stopped once Poe's law became reality. Now its actually just about undermining them..

You dont get it juanito

it's looks more like a way to sharply expose the contradictions of those who misuse words like rape and sexist and racist which will become law if you don't defend against the popular meaning from becoming the only one.

Oh how much solid shit has to be wiped off the table just to have dinner. I would love to know how to ignore the smell.

Justice for Hugh Monguss

I'm in.

they won't go for this because they know women cheat on men much more than men cheat on women

>Implying feminists have the self awareness to detect their own hypocrisy

You'd be surprised.

But yes, the really egregious cases are almost all women. Men usually only "get away with" outrageous cheating due to the foolishness of the woman they're "cheating" on.

Just walk away.

I dunno the sluts love a married man and married women get fat easily after marriage.

check out /r/adultery as the antithesis to /r/survivinginfidelity

It had potential before you posted a thread about it. Now there's evidence available that the tag is a false flag.

bump senpai


*wrings hands Jewishly*


They are already unironically believe this, you're just using different terminology.


Cheating without informed consent is rape by the man inflicted on BOTH females.

The cheated with doesn't have full disclosure, meaning she can't give full consent.
The cheated on is emotionally raped (the hurt is intentionally and forcibly inflicted), and every subsequent sexual act without being informed is without full disclosure, meaning full consent is impossible.