Was it a mistake?
Women's rights
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Do hot girls also shit their pants in the States? Does it get sliced twain by their thongs?
Anybody else thought she just had really veiny tits from the thumbnail?
Yeah the bible literally warned us about this shit: don't let women make important decisions because they will go with what sounds nice instead of what is sensible.
Imagine a world where women are kept in cages where all they know is accepting cock through a hole then ask yourself if it was a mistake. Plato was ahead of his time.
I thought it was vitiligo.
I've met smart women in my lifetime but they are conditioned from a young age to not be rational. They value social equity and emotional needs above what is right or utilitarian. There are exceptions, I don't like to generalise but that is my experience. I've even had an in depth conversation with my mother about this and she seemed to agree as ironic as that sounds. Maybe she just wanted me to shut up.
no. they are humans.
Felons are humans too, however they have no right to vote.
it doesn't matter if they're humans if they're out to ruin civilization because MUH VAGINA
you cucks are the reason the west will fall 2bh and good riddance for empowering whores
>tfw women right began because beta men who thought that if they are gonna help women they will get laid
yes. stupid question. only a confused pussy would think otherwise.
Mass murderers are humans too.
Nice to see our old hand-me-downs have finally reached the third world.
Hell, my mom is starting to come around to the idea that women's suffrage was a mistake. She doesn't believe all women should be allowed to vote, and that they should stay home, raise kids, take care of husbands, and all that traditional crap.
Three indicators for a high fertility rate:
Lack of women's right to vote
Lack of women's education
High amount of religious faith.
In proper fertile age range of 13-30
All four means she will be most likely to be popping out children.
>they're out to ruin civilization because MUH VAGINA
Yeah, like such famous women as George Soros and Karl Marx. There's no evidence women are any less conservative than men. The most radical Conservative in our country was a women. We have Katy Hopkins, Theresa May, Andrea Leadsome... fucking Boudica. Men aren't any more immune to Socialism than women.
I was away for a few days what is this new SHART meme
>because a few women suck conserv dick means feminism isn't cancer
lmaoing @ you shill
Angry woman detected
Goddamit Sup Forums. I was this close to being a mentally healthy individual again, and then I opened this thread.
Wowee, a whole 28 subscribers. Who's to guess why with such quality content!
hopefully you end up going to a really bad prison/mental institution
There is no escape friendo
I've met plenty of smart women in my lifetime, but it's no coincidence that every single nation has seen steady decline of GDP, birth rates, lowered educational rates, less local industry, and increased debts after passing a form of womens suffrage.
They are not fit to vote, lead, or decide.
Americans Shit themselves in marts. They ALL do this. Its their culture.
>wahhhh I'm part of the leaf thought police we don't understand or tolerate hyperbole
No. Making women's feeling the law was.
WAHHHHH I'm part of the gender police and want to imprison anyone not male WAHHHHHH
Women no vote.
Gib sauce now.
Not to mention lack of access to water, famine, genital mutalation, having the GDP of a war-torn African country and just generally being a fuck up. Lets just copy the Muslims and throw away everything our ancestors built!
So they have no loos? ayy
Women's left on the other hand...
Feminism is cancer, didn't say it wasn't, this isn't feminism its equality under the law.
Women are sidekicks and no more than that.
Fuckin kitchen or slap
when I was scrolling up I thought that was a nutsack :)
uh news flash nigel, women only have those type of rights because of feminism
remove feminism and return them to their places naturally reserved for them
I don't know really
My mom is very based. I haven't talked to her in awhile but she is based as fuck. She basically introduced me to nationalism and the right but what I like is the way she did it. She didn't tell me it was the best or the right thing or that I should be one she simply told me to research the right wing and national socialism as well as the current leftism and let me come to my own conclusions about which was better.
So this is a very wierd choice. I would like to deny rights to women of my generation because they tend to have no true opinion of their own, base everything on emotion and want to fuck everything up because my feelings yet women like my based af mother would also be hit with the same stroke
The funny thing is there is a bit of evidence that my mother was kind of like that when she was way younger. So maybe the solution is that women's rights start when the woman gets older in her 30s maybe and is more mature and less driven by muh pussy
You are aware that the things you mention are in no way necessary for a high fertility rate?
>t. 1950s
Why would it be?
They have those type of rights because of the suffergettes. Feminism didn't actually do anyhting in Britain because:
a) Women have always been allowed to work (and for forced to work sicne ancient times like men) and there has never been a gender pay gap.
b) Divorce has always been allowed.
Everyone since 1920 has had equal rights in Britain.
Voting age should just be raised to 30 (or preferably we should just do away with voting and have one leader)
People in general can't be trusted not to fuck things up
We should probably just ban posters spamming this meme. It's obviously the new "drumpf" meme from our friends at CTR. I haven't seen a meme this forced since Millhouse and that paled in scope to this. Designed to disrupt, divide, and disorganize and done in the largest scale Hillary can afford.
>Lack of women's right to vote
>Lack of women's education
>High amount of religious faith.
>In proper fertile age range of 13-30
Are right? The reaosn people aren't having children is because they're ambitious now and are scared that if they have children in their 20's/30/s they won't able to do what they want in life and enjoy themselves. Nannies/ more money for families and garaunteed free education beyond 19 is required. Its not just happening in the "jewified" West, its happening in all rich countries (i.e Japan, Singapore).
because majority (or loudest) drowns out minority ( or quietness.)
How the heck do these people just do that and go shopping as if nothing happened?
That doesn't even work, our rivers have poo because that's where the poo is deposited after we poo in loo
You should learn from us filthy American
American culture
because they're degenerate retards that shop at wallyworld
since when is this about britian?
Why do conservative women dye their hair to blonde?
Because we invented Western civilization?
nah, it's ok. every person should have basic rights even if we don't like them.
maybe you are just a freedom-hating communist faggot
Women's rights are a distraction from Central Bank Currency Control.
Take the fight to the Federal Reserve, but only after you have educated all the working men of all colors on the Money Printing Scam. That way the bankers can't just prop up a different group of people to distract from their Control Method.
>every EVERY every single country that has given women the vote on Earth has turned into a welfare state within the next fifty years afterward
mouth breathers probably unaware of their disgrace
Generalizing is bad
Giving ALL woman's rights was bad.
But also giving All human's basic rights was bad.
People in general and also womans should have rights , but only if they are deserving.
White trash , niggers , akbar kaboom sandniggers should not have rights they should be either put down or forced to behave since thats the only way wild animals understand.
Some people cannot handle freedom.
Also on the matter of woman's rights, seems to me that shitty brainwashed womans only go out yelling feminism bullshit. Yes it's more likely for them to fall to shit behaviour since womans brains tend to have both hemiphere equal meaning they fight between emotions and rationality , is much more easier for males to understand and behave rational then womans.
Problem with western society and why womans are degrading is because men are slowly becoming pieces of shit , betas/nu-males.
And because of womans rational/emotions brains they are kinda unsable , meaning they require confident and strong men to help them overcome that imbalance... because men are shit womans go apeshit
Maybe in someplace like backwoods Mississippi where manners aren't a strong suit, but here in the major cities you'd become pretty much a circus act, get asked to leave the store and wash up.
So what? Would you rather everyone be starving on the street?
lol NO that is rome/greece, stop being a piggyback fag 2bh
>Now that Canada is a welfare state, there are no homeless people!
Fuck off leaf.
Was submitting evidence for my case to the public forum part of your plan?
Alright then, we invented modern Western civilization.
>shills can't conceptualize plato's allegory
not even surprised. I imagine most CTR shills are niggers and women. Hence the low quality memes and their inability to penetrate our community.
At least they're not starving to death amiright?
There is literally a butthurt defenseless woman in this thread. Will you please stop trolling is Canada it's not cute :/
She didn't listen.
Its hilarious because its true. You know those virgins thought that by helping women get the right to vote they would finally get laid. It just goes to show the problem with western society isn't women. It's whiteknights
At least they're not starving
Platos allergory had nothing to do with dicks you are too stupid.
>Platos allegory has nothing to do with dicks
Really? Oh gosh I thought it was expressly about the male-female sexual power struggle. Can you tell me what it's really about?
not really, the disconnect from your lot has been established since the tea party, and women were not feminists until the 20th century
There are no girls here.
Then why do you speak English, use an English law system and have democracy and ARE fucking English.
Sure buddy, sure
>correlation is causation
No please explain it to me I'd like to hear what you have to say. Apparently I'm misinformed and my opinion needs to be corrected
Without anu doubt, YES, IT FUCKING WAS. Worse - it still is.
>women vote overwhelmingly left for welfare
>not causation
Fuck off shart in mart.
>Let's ask a board of autistic male virgins if they have any issues with women?
sure buddy
>voting for legislation
>let's consider the fact that females exist in abundance and yet we're posting on a board full of autistic male virgins
Hmm really made me think
meanwhile countries that dont have the vote for women are impoverished shitholes, really makes you think
Are you an American virgin?
American virgin means you have not Shart inside Mart yet
easy now don't squirt in those mantights
God you're pathetic.
Was it a mistake?