>I know some really fucking racist people, friends I vehemently disagree with
>they are anti-immigration and absolutely voted to leave in Brexit
Hmm... really makes you think
>I know some really fucking racist people, friends I vehemently disagree with
>they are anti-immigration and absolutely voted to leave in Brexit
Hmm... really makes you think
what a jew
this isn't a mystery
cucks, faggots, and degenerates voted to remain
rednecks, racists, and nazis voted to leave
it's just more "wow people disagree with us, racists" shlock
>Friends with a jew
Pick one
That totally makes them racist... Fucking hell Harry. Did you let Voldermort into Hogwarts or his Death Eaters without crying that they wanted you dead like a racist would think? I think not!
hes a manlet kike
“Some of the most unbelievably racist s**t I’ve ever heard came out of a cab driver’s mouth in London, and you just go, “Dude, you’re taking a chance. I know I’m white, but you can’t just assume that I’m gonna agree with you.”‘
And from the article
>casual racism and xenophobia
RATIONAL racism and xenophobia
>A country that has been English for over a 1000 years or so, sudden influx of violent retarded foreigners, oh gee the brits are pissed, I guess they are racist for wanting to preserve themselves.
Nice cover story. Calls his friends racists and that he doesn't agree with them. Still continues to be friends with them.
This manlet is one of us.
>Let me, a millionaire Hollywood actor, who lives in a gated community with security, tell you who to vote for otherwise I'm judging you
At least he has a diverse group of friends including people he disagrees with. You cannot say that about most liberals.
It just doesn't add up
> I know racist people.
Okay, well, some people-
> They are against immigration and voted to leave the EU.
And you've lost me.
Probably because he agrees with them on some level.
He could be playing the narrative. He might have just revealed his power level. It might be why he took the role in Imperium.
I think he was redpilled when he was researching "white supremacist" literature for Imperium.
>And I’m still friends with them because I don’t think that friendship should be drawn along those lines.
It just makes me think, Mrs Radcliffes little boy, is a twat.
If he actually has a power level, he'd never want to play in a movie which vehemently attacks white power movements and focuses on them as if they were ''the real problem''.
Also, he's a jew.
A lot of your problems would be solved if you had
You're overlooking something lads. We live in a time where we got to watch Harry Potter saying words like nigger, kike and spic.
What a time to be alive.
A lot of your problems would be solved with
At this point racism has lost all meaning to me
is it true his mom is a jew?
Go back through the series and count the crimes that Voldemort committed then compare it to the ministry of magic and friends.
>Muh murder.
>Muh it's OK when we do it.
It definitely means something to you.
>browses pol to research movies
>ends up having "racist friends"
>ends up redpilled
Hymie Pottstein and the Chamber of Gasses
Open borders for Death Eaters
Not every brexit supporter was a racist...... but every racist voted brexit. /Britpol/ is an example of this. Don't understand why you guys get bent out of shape about this. Radcliff was just calling a spade a spade
Give the guy a break, he worked in Hollywood since he was 10 or so.
My close mates are commie bastards, we get along great.
#Notallmuggles was basically Hermione Grangers entire character beyond the empowered womyn.
>Cab drivers deal with the population and their manners hourly, sometimes even at nighttime.
If someone knows how shit people are, cab drivers are that someone
Exactly. I think he realized we're not all whackjobs who want to poison the water supply, and we actually have legitimate grievances with his jew media masters.
its funny how the left claims to be so inclusive, until you approach them with something they disagree with. then they foam and snarl at you until you leave.
Hey cool another millionaire telling people what to do, that worked really great in the vote and seems to be doing wonders for the Anti-Triump movement too.
Mudbloods out
Voldemort did nothing wrong
He tried to kill a baby
I'm pretty sure he redpilled himself by accident
>english for the last 1000 years
Arguably its the opposite
harry potter is a shit novel series and a shit movie series
Daniel Radcliffe (Harry Potter) confirms ties with racist individuals. See his interview on [...]I know some really fucking racist people, friends I vehemently disagree with [...]
slowly but surely
welcome brother take a seat
What if Daniel "Gas them all and throw the ashes off a" Radcliffe was talking about himself?
So do millions of women.
He just being carful about his honest opinons and need to appear as polictal correct as possible or hollywood will never star him in a movie again
Why doesn't he just cast a spell to get rid of all the pakis in London?
To be honest ths sounds like he's hiding his power level in front of the media
You're a commie bastard.
pick two
Maybe it's 4D chess (like Angry Birds).
>le swear a lot to look edgy man
>le trying to desperately get away from his Harry Potter image
>le really really shit actor
>le Jew
When he says "vehemently racist" I'm pretty sure he just means "Conservative".
I'm from Georgia, Harry Potter's prissy manlet ass hasn't even seen "kinda racist". Nigger isn't even a cuss word here.
Expelimus Pakiamus? The spell was banned by the ministry for being racist and against the common good. We can still use Potatus Plagus for the Irish though.
His racist cab driver story is about as real as stewart lee's
>“No, but I know some really f***ing racist people, friends I vehemently disagree with. They’re not white supremacists, they would never be that extreme, but they are anti-immigration and absolutely voted to leave in Brexit.”
Yeah more like 1500
i have great racist friends !
b-but i disagree ofc hehe
True, he's not as big as Swift to be able to beat the system.
Make Africa White!
I'd hope so. But it'd have to be 5D underwater tric-trac, because I can't see anything else but "hey don't mind the muslims, neonazi gangs are rampant, dangerous and could be in your backyard!!1 Yes good g-.. boy, the whites are your real enemy!"
Is there even any proof that Voldemort personally went to Godric's Hollow? Look at the evidence man, Voldemort wasn't even defeated that night, he was under protection by the Ministry itself.
Us Anglos have been around for a while mate and we know what happened to the Celts.
Makes me wonder. Typically leftists, especially famous ones, are just completely against people who aren't bleeding heart retards. Makes me wonder if this is his roundabout way of saying "you know the racists aren't really so bad." If he took it any further than the statement he made the Twitter/Tumblr crew would never shut the fuck up about it.
>They are my friends, let me just disparage them and tell everyone they are racists because they voted to leave the EU.
He sounds like a petty bitch boy.
>Your famous mate calls you racist on telly just because you voted for brexit like literally half the country did.
Never trust a kike.
That's with the narrative user. You have to play their game if you want to win it's a hard pill to swallow.
"I know some really fucking racist people man, it's so bad dude"
" maintain active friendships with people who hate people that aren't white?"
"I...I...No, that's not what I meant"
"That's exactly what it sounds like you meant, Mr. Radcliffe. Do you really think it's appropriate for a high profile individual such as yourself to be friends with racists? Do you think your non-white fans will view that as acceptable?"
"Can...can we end this interview now?"
*a month later*
"I would like to deeply apologise for having had friends who are racist in the past. I have cut all ties off to these people, and will be donating ten thousand dollars to Black lives Matter. Akwaaba y'all, I am sorry".
>They voted for Brexit
>Such racism
Top fucking kek get on our level faggot
hardcore manlet feminist danielle radcliffe thinks this
> am surprised
>Call 17.4million people racist.
>Because they want the UK to be a country rather than a state.
he should do the trump thing and say:
my racist friends say the kikes own the media in every EU country and are the ones pushing for this terrorist invasion, but i would never say that
also that is how you say things to normie friends without outing yourself.
i heard this guy on the bus, he said that rothschild and warburg forced the allis into wwii because germany got rid of their private jewish owned central bank.... i've never heard that before what does it mean?
read the books ya fuck!
I BET you that this person is Rupert Grint.
Dindu Repello
>Hmm... really makes you think
I have seen or heard no racism since Brexit won from either Remainers or Leavers that I know. But the media are project smear now so what's new. Not the shill threads, at least.
as a burger this kind of shit scares me
>the issue has gotten so bad that the majority of the country votes to leave
>terrorist attacks continue
>their liberals STILL wont admit that it's not just racism
this is going to be the US in 5-10 years. the libs will still be crying racism as they are being gunned down.
He killed fucking loads of people what are you on about
So did the ministry. People gave literally no fucks about killing in the Harry Potter books.
I can only hope I've stockpiled enough bulletsand buckshot to be squeezing one of the triggers.
I've only used a London cab maybe 6 times, but I don't see how politics and stuff comes up ever.
All the cabbies that drove me just did their job and didn't say a word about anything other than the destination
>Look just like Daniel Radcliffe, same eye color, beard grows the same, same height, just not British.
>Was happy when the Potter films were done, got tired of hearing about looking like Potter.
>He goes on to make movies about horsefucking and being a Nazi.
T-thanks a lot Daniel.
My favorite part is that if it were a bunch of white immigrants into a brown country with allegations of rape and assault, sjw would all be losing their collective shit and screaming about believing victims.
Except Harry himself.
Molly fucking Weasley was blowing up witch bitches left and right in the final battle. Meanwhile, Potter couldn't even bring himself to use a lethal curse on Voldemort.
What he really means is people who dislike Islam and Muslims, because Islam is considered a race by retards like Radcliffe
Are racist the new black ?
>200X = "I have lots of black friends"
>2016 = "I have lots of racist friends."
“And I’m still friends with them because I don’t think that friendship should be drawn along those lines. That’d be a really sad way of viewing the world. But yeah, I definitely have got first-hand experience with this.”
he sounds reasonable, he's not some sjw pussy anyway by the sounds of it. I don't mind a disagreement in opinions as long as you are mature about it
This is so true it's not even funny.
They still can't bashing the American swim team or whitey for daring to trash a Rio restroom. The hypocrisy... it's unbelievable.
· can't stop bashing
Check the last thread
Somebody should make a comparison image.
>three American swimmers trash a bathroom in Brazil, assault the owner and pay him off as is customary in the third world to make the problem go away
>the world loses its shit over white privilege
>hundreds of women are raped or sexually assaulted by so called asylum seekers that were welcomed into the country and the police force actively tried to hide the reports
>nobody cares and claims you're racist or xenophobic for bringing it up
Why should you assume or tolerate white behaving like non-whites..
To paraphrase a guy from the last movie Daniel made "They are not even animals; animals don't live in their own faeces."
This may be it. The dude has taken some pretty controversial if not red pilled roles lately (Horns). Most actors are pretty picky with who they choose to act as.
racists in 2016 tend to experience other races more than the racists of 1916
this neo-racist is never spoken of
coke head slut
>Left invoking celebrity endorsement of their globalist agenda again
Nice gated communities and wealthy clean neighborhoods, far away from all the immigrants you are so eager to invite in.
wow, acting must be so hard, look what this young man had to do, read a rant of a bunch of trolls for days! someone give harry potter a oscar