>FBI finds 15,000 more emails from Hillary's server
>Sup Forums is more interested in fat fucks shitting themselves in walmart
FBI finds 15,000 more emails from Hillary's server
I don't understand how she is able to walk free despite all of this shit
If someone in the military pulled this shit they would be in prison. She wants to be commander in chief? What a joke. You guys better have an armed revolution if she rigs the election.
>failed hit on Assange
>Soros investing in an email encryption company
Bump for actual justice.
All I'm hearing on local news is Texas blocked Obama's tranny bathroom rules and how Trump is flip flopping on deporting beaners. What the actual fuck?
>>FBI finds 15,000 more emails from Hillary's server
But I distinctly remember her saying under oath that she had turned ALL of her emails over.
Because the favelabois on Sup Forums are too busy making shekels by shilling for CTR.
Sup Forums is a fucking chaos cult
Thats just the nature of Sup Forums. Its glorious.
CTR can't correct the record here, but they can distract us with the most obvious bait.
I blame you fucking retards.
>>Sup Forums is more interested in fat fucks shitting themselves in walmart
And people say forum sliding isn't real.
this shitmart thing is blowing up way to fast. Before you'll see maybe 1 thread of it a week but now i'm seeing 1 every hour. Seems like shills trying to bury good threads.
Because who cares at this point? Nothing matters. They could find an email that said "I hate America I want to be president so I can launch all our nukes and glass the continent" and she'd still lead the polls.
Is this half of the 33k from wikileaks? Same one, or different?
Add /shart/ to your filter. This kills the shills.
nice one!
I wonder when the word is going to get blammed because people don't know how to be subtle.
It's the same hollandfag spamming those. A bit too forced just like that Lithuanian dude yesterday.
Its funny though.
no coincidence there, user. they also burried those threads about someone climbing the ecuadorian embassy in london, where assange is. tha's why they're literally shitposting today
Trips of truth.
Even if you think it's funny, responding to those threads just pushes good shit down and kills discussion. We're not Sup Forums.
The first two pr three threads, sure. Pretty futile attempt at a forced meme considering 90% of Sup Forums are Americans.
If she was touchable, she would be punished already. She is protected by powerful people.
Yeah but Americas favorite pasttime is laughing at Americans. People shitting in Walmart is funny as hell.
I am a little disturbed that these people are collecting pictures of it though. Who the fuck does that?
shart in mart
I thought this was an old meme. Seen it ages ago
bump. sliders are scared
She deleted 30,000 emails... False, it now appears she deleted 45,000 emails. The FBI has 7 disks of these deleted emails. Contained in one of those disks is this new set of 14,900 emails.
This guy gets it.
are these emails released to the public? where can i read them
4d tic tac toe
>(((Sup Forums)))
the meme is old as fuck
its definitely a new slide tactic, trying to pull in Euros that want to bants against US and Americans trying to defend themselves or counter bants.
Seems like its working, dont participate in those threads.
main directive
Repeating digits says this bitch goes to prison in the next month for perjury.
The ride never ends!
But she didn't intend to do anything wrong so it's okay for her to SHARTINOFFICE.
>Sup Forums is more interested in fat fucks shitting themselves in walmart
Isn't it obvious CTR has finally understood that disrupting threads is easier when using memes?
You're all falling for it, jesus fucking christ.
This thread's getting slid pretty hard, shills are working overtime today.
>We're literally about to have a president that wears Depends.
It's over. We had a good run.
CTR is trying to force a meme. It's fairly obvious
>Canada The Record
Sounds about right.
btw poland i wanted to give you something since i hadn't found your flag in a while
fucking hell this, page 0 was flooded with "shart the mart" garbage just minutes ago
The more desperate the shills get - the worse things really are for the establishment.
Don't let them discourage you.
Most of us have just quietly accepted that, outside of getting caught red-handed with a garrote around someone's neck, Killary is pretty much above the law.
hillary is a fat fuck whos been shitting herself on stage
> Sup Forums is more interested
As if we aren't being slid?
Is her vision augmented?
The democrats are currently running the "justice" department, they refuse to prosecute themselves.
its great isnt it
Bump, fuck you ctr cucks
>>Sup Forums is more interested in fat fucks shitting themselves in walmart
Makes me think CTR hired some Indians to shill here using proxy and they got butthurt over finding out POO IN THE LOO memes
>The democrats are currently running the "justice" department, they refuse to prosecute themselves.
Pretty much this.
If the Dems were running any other candidate this election cycle they'd already have it locked up but for some reason these fucking idiots see fit to handicap themselves by running a blatantly corrupt criminal as their candidate. I don't understand their line of reasoning.
Surely Hillary wouldn't lie about something. Must be those pesky Nazi's up to their old tricks!
>It's funny though.
Most of them didn't want to, in case you forgot how Hillary got the nomination.
she's been the target of numerous 100% partisan "committees" and "investigations" all on the taxpayer dime.
if republicucks with a taste for blood cant even nail her with a small charge, there's no way the justice department is going to find wrongdoing.
i wish all you underage faggots would fuck off back to breitbart's facebook page.
That's what I mean; why do the people in charge want to push her as their candidate? I mean shit they even had to rig the nomination just to get her to this stage, surely they could've found someone a bit less radioactive to be shilling.
>FBI finds 15,000 more emails from Hillary's server
>post thread about Sup Forums not discussing this even tho there already were multiple threads on it
Just die already OP, people like you is why this place will always be shit
could someone please post more mart sharting pics
She probably has dirt on them. Or she's (((Hillary))) and we missed a connection somewhere.
>threadly reminder to ignore shartposters
Sup Forums is for intellectual discussion on politics only
Nevermind. Found (((it))).
Too bad nothing will be done about it.
surely it was just negligence
Is based Ben confirmed for coming here?
You can't blame her user. It wouldn't be fair to charge her with perjury after doing it... how many times has it been now? :^)
"Unborn fetus. No bun."
Sup Forums is under heavy COINTELPRO fire.
this board has gone to shit over the past year since Trump's campaign
Trump's campaign exists for the sole purpose of ensuring a Clinton victory and fucking the Republican party over so hard that they won't fully recover for decades
Shart on CTR bump
Even if that was true it would still be better for him to win.
kek, based Ben.
slide it