Why doesn't their economy boom like China? I am serious, they have the whole EU as a market and could be a manufacturing giant with all their low salaries. What is going so massively wrong here?
Why is Romania so poor?
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because they are subhuman trash
Most youth don't give a fuck.
ching chong ching chong.
>Most youth don't give a fuck.
Why do they not want a better life?
Because evil Russia took all they moneys during communism. Please send more aid.
romania is fine.
they are traditionally not as money and power hungry as a people, hence they did not come by a lot of wealth in the past. Mostly suppressed by foreign powers they lived a niche existence not drawing too much attention, which was good for them indirectly.
However they decided to join EU out of greed for subventions and access / membership in a powerful club. That wrecks them now. They will most certainly become wealthier now, although much of their industry is owned by foreigners who built factories and farms there. The average people slowly start to build western style middle class houses and they pick up stuff from western european countries and so on but it's not good for them.
money does not make a country. Dont be materialistic and superficial. There are poor countries that are great and rich countries that suck. I should not have to tell you this by the way.
It's plain and simple, communism. We're trying hard to recover but 45 years are still a big mountain to pass.
I meant about the country... A good example is the football team, tons of talent, but they don't push the extra mile to achieve something great, just get the cash and everything is fine.
That is horrible. Yamato qts should be protected no matter the cost.
It seems that, at least according to this guy, its the European Union.
or maybe its because you are subhuman gypsy filth.
SHART Bozgor detected
A helpful information graphic ! :)
>26 year old Vlad Nicolae, a native of the Romanian capital city, was arrested on Saturday but denies his involvement in the murder. Police say the security camera footage shows Nicolae approaching Yurika Masuno at the airport shortly after her arrival, and then getting into a taxi with her. The taxi reportedly went several kilometers in the opposite direction of where Masuno needed to go. It is then believed that Nicolae raped and strangled the girl in the woods not far from the road. Investigators believe the young man spoke english to the Japanese girl and lured her into riding with him by saying that he would help accompany her to where she needed to go.
>yfw the plot of Taken is real
>yfw this can happen to any of the women in your life if they have to travel abroad alone
40℅ gypsies that's why
In fact, after the Communist era, there was a period of wild capitalism where everybody tried to make fast money by selling Industries, proprety, etc. to foreign countries... some people became rich and the country lost part of it's value and production capability.
The video looks like bait, because most of those people are gipsies and they speak, oddly enough, Hungarian. So, what did these reporters do? Did they travel to Transilvania and talked to Magyar gipsies?
Obviously, this is like cherrypicking the poorest, homeless gipsies and showing them as evidence of how poor the country is. You can find such examples even in developed countries. Every country has homeless peeps.
Romania does have GDP growth right now and is mainly exporting cars, made by Renault at Dacia Pitesti. The problem is, Renault does not pay high salaries, because that's why they came here in the first place, to profit from cheaper labour. So, the average salary at Renault is about 700 euros.
What would happen if workers were to ask for higher salaries? They wouuld get fired and the company would employ other people or the company could move to a country with cheaper labour.
China is a (politically) communist state, with a controlled economy. I bet at least half of their growth is statistical bulshit and the other half is just ghost cities, artificial growth produced for nothing, that is not used by anyone.
And, obviously, if you have such cheap labour as China has and so much population to draw manufacturing skills from, you get big companies like Apple bringing a lot of capital in the country.
Also, almost half of Romania's population lives in rural areas, many of them self-employed on their own farms. So, they're not enrolled in the manufacturing sector or any high-tech sector (like IT & C).
It's a very long story, but the tldr is: after the fall of Communism we started from a low baseline and we need decades of continuous growth to be able to close the gap between us and develop countries. You've had centuries of economic development ahead of us.
A big part of the metallurgical industry was closed and raw materials sold for easy money
gypsies make 3,5% of total population.
88,9% are romanians.
So, if parasites were responsible for glorious Romania's misfortune, by that definiton Germany should be in worse situation than Romania given its ethnic enrichment.
That's correct.
Because they're all inbred, half-Roma subhumans.
>oy vey, muh gommunism
That's some bullshit there, Mihai. How come the Krauts recovered so quickly? They had gommunism too you gypsy nigger.
How do Romanians view Vlad? Is he a tyrant or a hero?
No, Romania is not poor because of gipsies, although much of the public impression about Romania was constructed based on what gipsies are doing (stealing, harassing people, etc).
If it's any consolation, we are a much smaller country with a lot less resources than Russia, but the average monthly net income in Romania is a bit higher than Russia's.
So, to put things into perspective, we may not be rich, but we aren't even as poor as Russia's ordinary citizens.
Who is that pepe faggot who talks like a Russian? But WTF he is right about Romania having the fastest internet connection in Europe at an average 80Mbit/s or something per average user.
Because you lost the 1 war that actually mattered.
You're right. But you've missed something essential. They had a substantial financial support from you via FRG.
get rekt faggot
It's either Central Europe or Eastern Europe, they're not "West".
Why the fuck i am not surprised if I see you are shilling hard to somehow push your own filth onto the Hungarians again?
If you said transylvania instead of erdely, then fuckingly not try to link your romanian filth to us.
You are pathetic sneaky twisted-tongue hypocrite.
Yes, we have insanely good internet.
And obviously, if you have money you can live a good life in Romania. You can buy a nice house in the country, in a green area, and live a comfy life.
Or live in a suburb luxury flat. That's also possible.
13% actually
take back spain before talking shit
They come here and steal old people and burglar houses. Fucking romanian shits ! they are subhumans just like the albanians and the bulgarians.
Vote for golden dawn
ethnic cleanse now !
i fucking hate them
My house has been burgled 5 times the past 10 years.
THose fucking gypsy chernobyl rats i hope they all die !
Because half their male population is in prison somewhere in Europe.
Romania is typically located in Eastern Europe.
We are not in the Balkans, as some people think, since the Balkan mountains end in Bulgaria.
We have some cultural ties with Central Europe though, since the northern part was once under Austro-Hungarian rule.
In the South (former Wallachia), there are Balkanic cultural influences. In the East, in Moldavia, we have some Slavic influences.
>baits with a picture of gypsies
should just ban americans for their shitposting en volume
What's gd's opinion on Armenians?
because they obviously speak in hungarian.
its like that fake sky news reportage about Romania from last weeks, where the gun dealers were all szeklers and they called them romanian in international press.
But you are still poor as fuck. Look at Russia, which is much richer.
It's easy to see a whole nation as evil isn't it, Papadokio?
He clamped down on boyars' corruption and on thieves. There were legends that during his rule in Wallachia, you could leave a cup made of gold next to a fountain and nobody would steal it.
He had a terrifying psychological effect on crime. Criminals/thieves were impaled too, just like mudslimes.
fuck all foreigners ! especially pakis, arabs, caucasus criminals and balkan subhumans.
>1 million romanians in Italy
>700k romanians in Spain
Fuck the EU, should have veto'd Romania
Romanians do not equal gypsies you hairy fuck
You are being robbed by GYPSIES
fuck the right wing is so stupid sometimes, hate associating myself with idiots like you
But what if I'm half Armenian half Greek?
It's full of Romanians.
We send you gibs too Mihai. It infuriates me that my hard-earned tax dollars go to propagating the existence of you Wallachian cretins.
Butthurt diaspora Mihai detected. Crawl back into your coffin Dracula.
Romania isn't poor but they have a very large gypsie population which are presented as Romanians.
The problem with Romania, is that it's full of Romanians.
He doesn't recognize his own language. Kek.
>How come the Krauts recovered so quickly? They had gommunism too
Yes, but they also had West Germany to keep them in line.
Most of the ex-commie countries got their industry destroyed with the first wave of privatization of state industry.
1 guy gets rich, 5000 people out on the street without a job.
20 years later that 1 guy has influence in politics or is a politician himself.
Because they're the niggers of Europe
My knowledge of Romania isn't great though I have learned over the past five years or so -
My internal contradiction is that the young Romanians I young in the service and custodial industry work hard and are polite. As a holiday destination the Channel Islands, for instance, are in big big trouble if a Brexit solution isn't reached.
Yet I am still suspicious of Romanians because I don't like gypsies and many of the ones in the UK are gypsies.
I've watched the documentary Children Underground which hurt my soul. So maybe the question of Romanian youth not caring is due to the fact that birth control was outlawed, and a whole generation of orphans emerged.
Their previous dictator has a name I don't try to pronounce:
Nicolae Ceaușescu
I look forward to corrections. I am traveling to Romania, Hungary and Croatia next Summer for a holiday. Off to "Dracula's castle" I go.
t. syrian refugee
>Fuck the EU, should have veto'd Romania
Not required. The only thing we should have not had from the start is free movement of people. What the EU needs and needed were internal 50ft high massive walls that keep foreigners out of the different states. And no labour exchange except for a very selective group of people - so for instance, a top grade Romanian neurosurgeon may work in Germany, but some 15year old trafficked girl who wants to work as a hooker in Germany, could not come in.
Pic related the rapist and the Nip victim.
>krauts recovered
They became cucks senpai.
Ok István.
Rape for the japanese is like ´hello´.
She just couldnt handle the BGD (big gyppo dick)
It's Chau - che - skoo
Romanians aren't gypsies and just like Mexico they're sending their worst, gypsies, to you.
EU, UN shits on balkan countries for not "respecting the human rights of the roma people".
So they're sending them to you so you can respect their rights.
but do they pay denbts tho?
100% true
>Romania isn't poor
So if they are not poor, what are they, "sort of rich"? I mean, they are 5-10 times poorer on average than the Souther Germans, Swiss and Western Austrians.
Romanians pronounce it like Chau-uh-shes-koo
>go to gypsarest
>expect not to get gyp'd
situation couldn't have been handled better, now less foreigners want to come to Romania
fuck off
Not if they aren't fucking retarded and don't go with strangers in a completely new country
Why does Moldova have the same flag as Romania? And why are you not in the EU? Why didn't you join in 2007 with the rest of the poor Eastern Europeans?
Moldova is Romania stolen from us by filty russians during comunism , hence same flag. they are even poorer than us, like africa poor level so the eu doesn't want them,also rusia is opposed cause fuck them
nigger do you not have google or some shit?
Has your sister sucked enough American cock to get a green card yet Mihai?
>they are even poorer than us, like africa poor level s
Perfect, we want them in the EU. We need people who can produce low cost shit with shit tier wages. How can we get them in the EU?
>nigger do you not have google or some shit?
Can't you just answer the question? Why haven't they gotten accepted to the EU?
You try to act rich and have no one else to compare yourself to but to people from poor nations or...? You german cucks should mind your own business with the refugees and everything instead of being interested in our poor country and let us live in poverty and you in " riches ".
You are comparing stats from 2013. In the meantime, Russia's GDP has decreased and Romania's has increased.
Also, what's the source of those stats?
The average net monthly wage is higher in Romania than in Russia. Pic related.
Your graph probably shows annual income, by the looks of it, but obviously, average incomes are calculated by using rich people's incomes too. So, the median was higher in Russia in 2013 simply because their rich people are richer than Romania's rich people. So they are raising the average annual income significantly.
That's why it's better to compare average wages, because they don't include rich people's revenues from dividends, bonuses, etc.
they are doing this right now, without getting eu benefits
Because Bureaucrats working for the EU make it a bitch for Romanians to set up business while Foreigners buy up all the propriety they can and push out any existing Romanian businesses.
But idiots still think EU is a good thing.
Nah, Romania was worse off in the 90's than during communism.
Communism was cancer, but what followed suit was much worse.
That's a misguided idea. Registering a new business doesn't have anything to do with the EU.
Oh, Daniel
>Forgetting all that EU legislation dumped on us
>Forgetting the corruption
>Forgetting it's literally impossible to have protectionism
one of my father's friend said that back in the 90s he saw a train with the austro-hungarian coat of arms on it in Romania
romanian gipsies using 80 yo hungarian trains and they are to lazy to even remove our glorious crest from it
romanian poverty explained in 30 secs
Cucked by USA and Corrupt people.
Comunism killed the national spirit with force relocation and everybody is fucking each other.
Most people say will not take care of their own commies blocks , because they say "it's not their problem" even if they are the ones who throw garbage out the windows
With lack of strong leadership and with little or no sense of a national spirit we are basicly fucking each other in the ass.
Most people would rather take a bribe to make their life better while fucking the rest of the country up.
>Says the nation still indebted to the IMF
Gypsy nigger
Turkic mongoloid
Flamboyantly homosexual leafcuck
All of these literally who nations trying to insult America really makes me laugh.
Gypsies that's why
the train was transporting hanging bozgors back to Hungary