What can you tell me about Serbia?
Yes, I am from Serbia but what can YOU tell me about my country?
Lets see how much are you brainwashed.
What can you tell me about Serbia?
Yes, I am from Serbia but what can YOU tell me about my country?
Lets see how much are you brainwashed.
Niko Bellic
Not exactly the smartest idea making this thread. You're going to get flooded with rival Balkaniggers and their diaspora.
Serbia stronk
Croatia scum
Tito is god
Tesla is serb
I'm Albanian. I like your country, it has some funny memes. You did right by removing Kosovar kebab during the war.
good people
good culture
good history
good country
Catholic Albo?
I know some English reporters lied about certain things
I think it never was proven he is from any particular balkan country, but yeah he is totally reference to balkan thugs.
They can always try.
Very nice gov'na.
Are catholics oppressed by the kebabs in Albania? I never got any info on that.
Also your guys started WW1
Great Orthodox tradition.
Great warsongs.
Rodoljub Vulović.
Good history except for rebelling against the Austrians.
Wish I could visit your country someday, senpai.
Slavs are in general misogynistic people
No, I'm a fedora-kin currently, but I've been thinking about converting to Orthodox. My mom is getting baptized in a couple weeks and she wants me to attend.
People get along in Albania no matter what religion, only thing that matters is money. There's lots of crime and mafia gangs all over the mainland. But the diasporas in Macedonia and Kosovo are so different I feel like I can't even talk with them sometimes. They are pretty disgusting. I don't consider them real Albanians. They've been Turkey-fied
Not sure if you're aware but there is a vibrant Brazilian community in Belgrade. A lot of you fuckers came over cause of the music festivals using traditional instruments and made latin dances popular. So now every night you can go out to some club for samba, rumba, salsa or something along those lines, meeting a lot of Brazilian people and quite a few people from the embassies.
Thankfully I am not a pleb, so I went for tango.
Bretty badass right? ( we didn't start it )
You are welcome here Ronaldo.
The fuck you talking about? Women here are fucking amazon warriors, if you fuck around with them they'll kill you. Nobody is looking down on them or oppressing.
Brainwash level : german.
rodoljub roki vulovic
I highly recommend him he makes great serbian patriotic music
Super nationalist and proud when they don't really have anything to be nationalist or proud about. Heard that some high schools in Serbia teach that Russians descend from serbs and that serbs went to war with Atlantis.
Brainwash level : shitting himself in walmart.
Are Serbian qts traditional or gold-digging whores?
The Serbian women's volleyball team offered an entertaining matchup against China in the 2016 Rio Olympics final.
Glorious kebab removers.
USA, making the usual mistakes, interfering with the removal. Are they sorry yet? Don't know.
Because of that war, the country's development was stunted. You were better off than Romania during communism, now you are behind.
You still hold a grudge to Croatians for Jasenovac. That wasn't nice, yes, but those Croatians have died since then, please don't blame the current generation of Croatians, they have nothing to do with that.
You are bro-tier, but I have a feeling you are not doing enough to protect your borders from invading Muslim shitskins. Gotta take some lessons from the Hungarians.
Who teaches you americans that bullshit.
cheap ak's and nice drug dealers
Y'all made a dank looking anti-materiel rifle.
Y'all shot down a "stealth" plane.
Novislav Djajic is your best accordion player.
Also Serbia embarassed the Austro-Hungarian empire back in WW1.
Overall: would visit-tier.
Servin servina sjekirom sjece
all qts are gold diggers
you only have the choice between the ones who bullshit you that they are traditional, and the ones that dont (:
if it warn for the austro-hungarian empire back in the serbo-bulgarian war you'd have a different flag.
I don't mind you bros, in general most people here like serbs, the nation enjoys your pop-folk silicone women.
The only country that doesn't want to fuck Russia in the ass
I think its like everywhere in the world. Maybe they are slightly more down to earth than western brainwashed whores. But in the end its the same thing. Global decadency is unavoidable. It got everywhere, even in the shit regions thanks to technology.
I personally do not hate all croats, thats fucking stupid. But on the other hand if you watch the balkan news and what is happening over there it is fucking disappointing. Radical movements are publicly praised and making the situaion worse. Governments literally do not wish for people to move forward because It seems more profitable to brainwash us to hate each other for some shit other people did. tl;dr every balkan country is led by literal rednecks.
Poor-ish shithole, fucked itself with reactionary politics in the 90's
Comfy little arms industry. Known for accordions and removing kebab, women are fit.
Almost white but too much turk rape baby feces in the gene pool
Overall 6/10 country.
Sorry we stopped you from removing kebab. That's on Americas top 3 mistakes list between fighting against Hitler and not sending the all the freed slaves home.
Your people made me a wonderful m70 at zastava in kragujevac
Something something Belgrade. Expert kebab removers.
Other than that, nothing.
I apologise.
Are you sure you know what the word "reactionary" means, lad?
>if it warn for the austro-hungarian empire back in the serbo-bulgarian war you'd have a different flag.
Yeah sure buddy. But in all seriousness fuck Austria-Hungary, they were the ones that helped start that war in 1885.
best diamond thieves
do you know any OP?
Can't tell you much desu.
It's in the Balkans
It tried to remove kebab
>We bombed it
Some of us are still sorry about that.
But how is religiosity in general? I'm under the impression that basically no one goes to church in either West or East Europe.
Are they at least more conservative, virgin/few partners?
Likes to kill muslims. Will kill your troops if you stand in the way of them killing muslims.
Best diamond thief ended up getting drunk in reality show "Maldives" on happy TV. He then got angry at a black woman named Amy.
Serbs in Serbia = chill people.
Serbs here = thuggish bydlos.
Kebab remover
Serbian empire best empire
One of the last white with balls
Thats okay friend.
It stills confuses me how the hell are exporting guns to your country. It seems funny, I mean can it be that much of a quality so it is wanted over there even with your own weapon industry that compared to ours is so much bigger that it is really funny.
Its understandable and thanks.
Nah, even to us it is pretty unbelievable what did those fuckers managed to do in their "career". Like its a fucking movie.
They shoot down F-117 nighthawks, remove kebab, doesnt afraid of anything, except rampant kebab nation poisoning.
It's just another post communist gray Eastern European shithole. Why do they make pretend they're something special?
Your water polo team is pretty good.
You were justified in removing kebab.
Other than that I can't tell you much.
Where the fuck are you in burgerland?
I live in the North East, all the whites in my town like Serbia, we have pretty big Serb community, they are always fucking beating the shit out of the Nepalese and other shit heads when they steal from small businesses. Pretty chill desu.
Thank you for your kind words.
Hey what happened with those burka laws over there? Is it implemented? Are muslims protesting?
Nope, not many are visiting church except when its some major religious day. But going to church is not that important here as it is there in the usa with all that "sunday church family " days. Even tho we dont visit the church we do respect every holiday (holy day).
As to girls, again, i cant generalize them like that. I met some super cool converstavie bro tier girls and at the same time some super notorious subhuman trash whores.
I think, regarding the behavior of women, its the same in the whole fucking world. (except saudi arabia i guess , but even they are like every other woman in the head)
Woww be careful about posting something negative about then because i guarantee you will get bombarded by diasporas
When I was a teen I had a beautiful Serbian sweetheart with huge tits
It's the culture and old world attention to detail. You may not have the highest tolerances and best machining available, but we can get a budget priced weapon that we know for a fact some Serb made intentionally for removal of kebab.
Instead of a feelings free AR, I got a richly cultured AK. Thanks
A wanna be middle power who got btfo regularly in its history.
Recently gave up and tries to get into the golden EU cage.
>Hey what happened with those burka laws over there? Is it implemented?
The veil in school was banned in 2005.
The burka was banned in 2010.
The burkini is already banned in 7 places, and the gov plan to ban it.
>Are muslims protesting?
Muslims and liberals are whining on the internet it's all, and tbqh it has become a major thing after the foreign medias started to complain about the ban of the burkini in Corsica.
I came here looking for flags to add to my collection and all I found were jews and dirty niggers.
remove kebab
thats the only thing i know about serbia
I like your food. Especially pleskavica. Sometimes I go to the restraunt which is on the territory of your embassy on Moscow. I respect tigers of Arkan and troops of cetnici. I think that Kosovo je Serbia! So in general you are our brothers and we love you
>Serbia is Russia's european lapdog.
>Their history of war crimes disgust anybody who reads about them.
>if you are curious about common serbian way of life and thinking just have a look at the movie called 'Serbian movie'
That's all you need to know. If Serbia with all its people suddenly disappeared from the map, the world wouldn't be a worse place.
>muh genocide
Yet 250k Hungarians live in Serbia.
lol what is a serbia?
Ante gets it
Wow, thanks for kind words.
Such hostility.
Yall niggas cant hoop. Grats on silver tho serbiafam.
Nothing except you're dirty slavs.
serbia's pretty cool desu
t. bosnian diaspora
Woulnt be able to find it on a map even if it was labeled.
Tell me why do you think this? You had any encounters with us? Besides in video games.
I prefer Croatia.
mafia like structure having a decent amount of influence, many thugs doing crooked things, but it's almost as if it's legal because no one gives a shit
strongly patriotic and thinking they did nothing wrong during jugoslav wars, and in fact many think milosevic is war hero and they should have a great serbia
also they make the most fucked up movies
Most American AKs are shit. Looking at the c39 here. Otherwise they are expensive and why the hell not buy a shit ton from some Balkan country? Ive got an m70ab2 that runs like a champ. Bought some Balkan wars furniture for it too.
Prefer for what?
Wow, didn't know about that. Not my music style but cool anyway. If I ever need to emigrate, now I know where to go.
So you buy it because its cheap?
>strongly patriotic and thinking they did nothing wrong during jugoslav wars, and in fact many think milosevic is war hero and they should have a great serbia
Sounds like diaspora to me.
Yes and built well. How else would you guys have defended your homeland?
I'm in a rural area. It is not uncommon for people here to have 10+ guns. Many reasons: hunting, sporting, birds, defense. It is no surprise that we buy Romanian and Serb arms. Especially since the Russian and Chinese ones have been blocked. Hell, I have a could vz58's just because they are different than AK's.
Americans are retarded. Just depends on what we are retarded about.
Zastava is a totally decent factory
That's all I've got
you guys are hairy slav things that can drink half the planet under the table
I know that the country is fucking beautiful like a poem or fantasy movie. I've only enjoyed it from pictures though. Not sure if it'd be safe for me to visit and tell people I'm from North America.
> The VRS also sent one of the civilians who wished to surrender back towards the column: one of his eyes had been gouged out, his ears had been cut off and a cross carved into his forehead.
based serbs
Serbia, could you give me your home recipe of this 'sauce' - aivar
You guys have quite a lot of gun rights compared to countries around you.
Pro Kremlin
Think it should rule Yugoslavia
Well you were good target practice.
All serbians I know are BFFs of turks, also, theyre tiny as fuck.
Why can't you be more like Varg?
t. diaspora
its pretty shite to be honest
This pic is the only thing I needed to know that Serbs were bad ass. Would Serb with.
your input on this matter intrigues me
My uncle is a British Serb. He hates Croats because his dad fought against them and witnessed Croats killing Serb villagers. Pretty sad the stories he told. Out of the Balkan countries Serbia is my favourite.
Also remove kebab.
>a Turk and a Serb aided by a Russian was the best front we ever had for the circus
>nice food
>pretty cheap
>sexy girls and some really cool guys I know from there.
But on the other hand serbians in general are really agressive and can go on a rage attack in a second. Thats personal my experience so far.
Bog je srbin I on ce nas cuvati