seriously guy am i the only one who notice that time is passing too fast ? for example this year there only 4 months left from 2016 and it feels like everything moves so fast
Seriously guy am i the only one who notice that time is passing too fast...
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Time flies as you get older bud
For real it feels like just yesterday it was sunday
Time flies when you're a faggot.
Probably because your wasting your days in meaningless things that don't enrich you life gypsy.
I should know.
Not true. Rate of time passing is constantly accelerating as universe expands. Time will be fast for your kid too and will be even faster when they are old.
You're just getting older.
every time this picture
I laugh out loud
his dad is awesome
Your perception of time changes as your brain fully develops. The brain still develops into your mid-to-late 20s depending on the individual.
Basically, since your brain is now developed fully, you are able to stash more memories and bring them back more easily and vivid. Because of this past events seem like they didn't happen all that long ago.
Look at it positively -- your brain is healthy.
One year for a 4 year old feels very long because on his perspective, it's a whole 1/4 of his life
One year for a 20 year old feels faster because on his perspective it's only 1/20 of his life
Doesn't help that you probably just sit by and do the same thing for hours
If you did lots of different things the day would seem longer
>2008 was 14 years ago
idk if meaningless you have no idea of how much hard work i have to do to pay my bills and buy food but when i'm free 1 day per week i stay the whole day here
i'm only 26 years old
The Jews are stealing our time to sell for extra shekels.
What did he mean by this?
has to do with pic related. you will understand soon
What happens is, if you create unique memories frequently, then the passing of time seems slow
If you do basically the same thing every day, then you're not creating unique long term memories, so then time feels like it is "flying" away.
So there, now you know.
1996 was 40 years ago
each passing day is a smaller and smaller portion of your total lifetime and therefore feels shorter.
>when I'm free
>I spend that whole time here
yes. Meaningless.
I would agree with this if it didn't seem like there are older people who are also complaining of time going by fast. In fact I even heard a podcast recently where Joe Rogan complained of the same thing.
This might be true. I often wondered even if time is faster by 1/1000 of a nanosecond after a while you would begin to notice time is slipping faster.
Distorted time perception can happen for a bunch of reasons. You should stop taking any medicines or drugs you are on if it's fucking up your sense of reality.
Also, try giving Red Pills about the Central Banking Scam and how it fucks up poor workers of all colors. That will give you a couple drops of sanity back no matter how fucked up the time stream gets.
Central Banking Scam posts can also make shills give up in anger or flip their lids over nuances in language. Either way it creates Sup Forums gold.
I can't wait for it to finally be over.
if this were true then we probably wouldn't feel a difference
>whole universe accelerates 1 nanosecond faster
>so too would the speed of our brain synapses, as they are not outside of the universe
so we wouldn't notice a thing if our speed matched the universe's speed, we'd notice a difference if we could observe it from the outside, it's all perception, kinda like you can spend 1 hour in a dream but in reality you've only been dreaming for 20 minutes
Yes, science has already explored this phenomenon; and found that the older we get, the less our brains consciously process the passing of time.
As a little kid you may have memories of looking at a clock during school (for instance) and feeling like 5 minutes takes 60 minutes. (Your perception is that time was moving slowly).
However, now that you're older; and have dealt with time for many years, you are somewhat numb to its passing.
time isn't a constant its relative to persons speed because of e=mc^2 and shit
>this year there only 4 months left from 2016
Hahah good one An-
Its because we spend so much time here, or on our other regular activities
You need constant change
Fuck off you gipsy cunt.
That's assuming that our minds and thoughts don't exist outside the universe. Think about double slit experiment. Think about meme magick and the placebo effect. There is more to our brains than we are lead to believe.
Be truthful, user.
Are you feels because time is passing by too fast, or are you feels because you feel like you're actively wasting it?
Because Nibiru
>Not true. Rate of time passing is constantly accelerating as universe expands. Time will be fast for your kid too and will be even faster when they are old.
Yep, it's a real thing.
You can also think of it in percentages. When you're 10 years old, a single year is 10% of your life. Could be why kids get so impatient waiting in doctor's offices- relative to their time spent living, it's a far longer wait than it is for adults.
Meanwhile, if you're 30, a single year is .03% of your life. So it seems shorter.
The brain perceives time differently as you age.
nigga that's not how you into math
yeah i'm sad because i had a 1 week holiday with my twin brother and now he had to go to his home and i feel like this week passed too fast
This year has passed by really slowly. Time always slows down between january and june. It picks up fast after august.
Whatever I'll make it easier.
>1 year is 10% of 10 years
>1 year is 2% of 50 years
My point still stands. Probably.
The Jews are using the Saturn planet as a machine to further and further speed up time until they rip a whole in the time space continuum. Then we all get swallowed up by a black hole.
i'm not sure about all of that but the saturn worship is very real ie the veil/matrix
Time flies when you're having fun.
Praise KEK, may millions more die by His hand.
The older you get, a second or a day is less and less of a proportion of your life. When you're a 6 year old kid, a year is and entire 1/6th of your life, and when you're 30, it's only 1/30th.
your brain is in a hyper stimulatet state
(like nearly evry brain in the western world)
since i startet meditating seriously i feel that time has slowed down.
also do new things.
Your brain's rate of nerve transmission slows down as you age. This could cause your perception of time to speed up, and it only gets worse.
>you will never relive school
>you will never get the girl you want
Fucking medical issues.
Don't embrace the nihilism, it's not healthy.
>if you're 30, a single year is .03% of your life
Time goes by fast when life suck and goes very slow when we're being alive.
That's my experince.
>terrorists send their kids as suicide bombers
>they'll never live to be great successful people, only to be told to blow up.