The Iraq War was a good idea.
The Iraq War was a good idea
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Ok. Why?
you did it for the jews
Saddam's crimes and sketchy actions with UN inspectors.
But was that worth ISIS?
Iraq would have been well on it's way to being South Korea by now if we'd have stayed the course.
[citation needed]
pol is fucking dead
I said it was a good idea, not that it was executed well.
But in retrospect I still think it was worth it. People underestimate the horrors of Saddam's regime.
For the record, I think we should be more aggressive with ISIS now
Had we not turned away every fucking Iraqi soldier and bureaucrat who turned up ready to work and let the country go to complete shit while incompetent cunts set up contracts for their mates, Iraq would've been fine. Instead the place went to shit and thousands of armed men turned on us.
Plenty of brutal corrupt governments. Just so (((happened))) they had oil and were a regional power thread to Israel.
But those horrors were contained in one shit hole. Now everyone deals with the aftermath of the war.
The Iraq War was a good idea.
Surrendering the Iraq War and removing all forces was a fucking disaster.
Why do I care what the middle east does to itself? I wish it was made clear it was just for oil instead of acting like there was a higher purpose to it all.
It's not really about about corruption or brutality, it's more about pure evil. Saddam was on another level.
Also, just because we can't equally respond to all horrific shit doesn't mean we shouldn't respond to some of it.
YOU especially Egyptian could use some.
the iraq war wasn't a bad dea.
castrating our military was a worse idea
How was he on another level? The Ethiopian government does the same torture and murder and we're friends
The Iraq war was not a good idea. What you meant to say was that occupying Iraq and transforming its social and governmental structure was a good idea. The way that we did it destroyed the world economy and created a massive terrorist recruitment culture.
If we had just said "Look, Iraq is fucked up, Saddam is an evil dictator, and we can't have powers like this existing in the modern world" and then just made Iraq into the 51st state, I would have been fine with it, but blowing up NYC to make an excuse for a smash-and-grab job to get oil for the rich while selling out Americans' futures... that wasn't a good idea.
The elites NEVER wanted what you thought they wanted. They wanted to Ocean's 11 the country of Iraq, not bring it into the modern age.
West Germany and East Germany should have never been reunified.
>Iraq War was about oil meme
We imported more oil from Iraq before the war.
It could hae been a good idea if the old western alliance had gone through with it and saw it as a starting point to re colonize. Unfortunately cultural marxisme and globalist jewhood were already so deep implemented it didn't worked out.
Next attempt needs to be genocidal, means europeans and americans throwing together their resources and developing methods to extinguish natives culturally and physically. We dont need to repeat the same mistakes Hitler and the colonizer did.
>alternate history and speculation
>(((citation needed)))
Go correct the wikipedia record, Schlomo.
>I think we should be more aggressive with ISIS now
This retard still living in the bluepill world. First week off CTR? Still think some crazy lone communist killed JFK?
The day Saddam swung was a beautiful, nationalistic day I'll always remember. The entire country came together then, just like the weeks after 9/11. We really felt like we had won something meaningful, liberating an entire country and putting its dictator to death. Even the hippies protesting the war shut up for awhile.
I don't care about the mistakes or what's coming in the future. Publicly executing Saddam made it all worth it, and that day will always hold a special place in my heart.
>good idea
If the objective was to kill a lot of people waste a lot of money and essentially end Iraq as a concept then yeah totally
Otherwise not so much
Maybe if you had gone full Japan/Nazi Germany on them, occupied them for decades after slaughtering a shit ton of them and nuking them twice then MAYBE it would have worked out better, but I doubt it
Muslims are not Germans or japs after all
This one is true
>[ ] The Iraq War was a good idea.
>[ ] Independent thought
Pick one.
its fascinating to think about all the enemies i must have just for being an american
You are ridiculously stupid.
>the amount of oil we buy from Iraq indicates how useful owning Iraq is to the elites
Ownership and control of the terrotory and establishment of american corporate control of the oil fields is immensely valuable in controlling prices and availability. It's a tighter grip on the world market.
>The day Saddam swung was a beautiful, nationalistic day
The day they killed the Lion of Babylon was a very bad day newfag. He literally got killed because he was an enemy of the Jews and of the Wahabbists in Mekka.
Everybody was best friends with Saddam no matter what he did to his people until he needed money and then decided to invade Kuwait and threaten saudi arabia. The morality thing is all BS.
They had the same decision to make in Germany at the end of WW2.
Maybe they picked wrong in this case. Hindsight is 20/20.
I still think that if we (allies) left a large armed force empowered to maintain some semblance of order, Iraq would be on it's way to becoming a productive member of the international community.
This sort of thing takes time and patience.
First of all:
No, it wasnt.
It spawned the modern war "on" terror. Made the US a failed state and is still actively influencing European current affairs.
You're talking about neo conservatives here i.e. Rumsfeld, Cheney, the whole Bush administration or the actual people who ran it I assume?
Well if you say that it was as revenge for 9/11 why invade Iraq when Bin Laden was in Afghanistan?
If you say that in their mind it was to bring democracy to a nation which was oppressed otherwise you have to consider the fact that their tribal and cultural background would and could never accept such a thing without long term occupation by US forces because NATO wasn't interested besides the fucking coalition of the willing, top ravioli.
So again, what was the real reason?
In my opinion it was money, oil was good business and all but in order to pay your deficit off to Saudi's you have to make a deal with the devil and Dubya was the puppet frontman to push this shit through, Bush sr did a good job considering he lowered the national deficit and kept the US running throughout its term while dealing with the gulf war but remember he kept his CIA contacts after presidency.
he must have known something of what was about to come, with his son as president the US was able to deal with a debacle that turned out otherwise in probably the greatest economic depression of its time.
However after Bush his people in connection to Wall Street plundered several rackets including the housing market there still was a crash in 2008 due to severe corruption, you can't sell people shit knowing they don't have capital and will never be able to pay you back.
This is profit hunting, American capitalism is in decline because too many are abusing the system and other nations take advantage of that.
>Lion of Babylon
the first iraq war was a good idea and perfectly executed
iraq 2 was completely unnecessary and a loss considering isis
>I think we should be more aggressive with ISIS now
How? By deploying boots on the ground?
For a country to prosper another needs to pay the price.
The iraq war was made to save burgerland in the long run because saddam didn't want to trade in petrodollar anymore. If he got away with it other countries would soon follow.
Gaddafi tried the same and paid the ultimate price. It's always about the (((petrodollar))).
My nickname for Saddam Hussein
yes boots on the ground but only for cleanup after nuking aleppo, raqqa, and mosul, and whatever else strongholds they have.. its totally doable if its done in alliance with putin and china..
in full nbc armor ofc
>we fallout nao
Assad is the Saddam of this decade however unlike in the early 2000s Russia isn't as weak and can protect her allies. He should have never been overthrown what we had was a dictator friendly to Christians in his land and supressed Islamists and now we have total shit.
this ba'athism was secular and even protected the handful of JEWS in iraq believe it or not
the party was also started by a christian..
Justin Trudeau is a great PM
he protected christians
He was the best bad guy we could have hoped for.
I know we went to war for oil but I want to know is how bad was America's or even UK oil reserves were. Was it bad enough to go to war over.
considering that the USA's currency is only relevent because it's backed by oil, yeah, I'd say so. The Iraq war was a good idea, for the USA
The middle east needs dictators. We've seen what happens when they're given muh freedumbs. The middle east wants jihad. Dictators are literally the only thing that keep the place in order.
hes not even a bad guy really
qaddafi said it best, dictatorship is the only thing that works with arabs because its the only way they can be "progressive"
democracy only leads to the imams taking over and bringing them back to the sharia stoneage
but sadam was a horrible bastard. i'm sure if the US goverment knew that this would happen after the war, they would of thought twice about invading. but they didnt. removing sadam was the right thing to do at the time