Now let's see those Medal counts by country.
Stop this joke please.
EU is dead.
Why don't you add up Canada's and Mexico's count to the US's?
Or the rest of Asia's to China's?
Too bad the EU isn't a nation and competes separately. USA STILL NUMERO UNO, DUMMIES
you are technically still in the EU
Here you go, OP
>Trying this hard
Give it up.
>Europe has to group all of its countries together to beat the USA
Also, recaptcha thinks lemons are oranges.
>Great Britain is part of the EU
Now let's see those medals counts by states
The capitol of all EU countries is Brussels, right? Do all Europeans bow down and pray to Brussels five times a day?
Classic fatass baby.
You do know there is a limit on the number of athletes that a country can field, correct?
The USA for example on women's gymnastics had to pull one woman out, otherwise all three would have medaled. If EU had to collectively enter athletes this way you'd be crushed in medals
>Also, recaptcha thinks lemons are oranges.
No, its just millions of people solving captchas dont give a fuck about tiny details
so if it asks for oranges, they just select anything thats round & similar
So the system learns that all that shit is correct
Which is good in my opinion, making it care about the details makes captchas more time consuming (like select all houses vs select all buildings) and really i dont give a fuck if google's system gets bad info, fuck them
Honestly if it wasn't for like 50 stupid swimming and running medals Murica wouldn't even be there
nobodyll miss you or your medals. Please ship your island off to the coast of florida too.
We don't have teams from every state competing, dipshit
Individual states don't all enter separate athletes.
>thinks the USA is actually separate states because "state" is in the name
>Won 325 medals
>28 countries
>Won approximately 12 medals each
Well, slightly better than Cuba isn't bad.
You're just mad you're the host country and got exposed bby
Nobody will miss you or your 'people'. Please ship the remnants of your citizens into the BLOOD REFINERIES.
I didn't know you guys had figured out how to feel yet Hans? I didn't believe science had found that most illusive species - the German soul.
>Won approximately 12 medals each
Pls stop triggering me.
>european union
lets see medal per capita
I guess Canada never won the winter Olympics against the EU then
Now let's see those medal counts by Lithuania
texas is still third
Top fkn kek
And how many athletes did the combined eu countries send?
>Including UK
>its actually 65 medals from two sports
Seriously what is the point of this?
>Physically inferior european union cucks adding our medals in there
ha okay nerds
It's exactly this kind of behaviour that you have no allies left on Sup Forums.
>doesn't know the principles & the constitution in which the US was found on
>I didn't believe science had found that most illusive species - the German soul.
Yeah, they haven't, but they wanted a real challenge after finding the higgs boson
We don't need allies.
Don't hate the player, hate the game.
There's a shitload of swimming events, we entered and won. Deal with it
I assume you are a racist fuck as you are on this image board. Maybe count only medals by pure English people? No Pakistani-Brits, Afrobrits and other, only your pink - skinned pure British people? What would that look like then?
>a pic that triggers both murricans and bongs at the same time
Fucking saved
We're a federation of states you fucking idiot, not one fucking mass. There's a reason why states have their own laws and governments and can ignore some federal laws
>implying the eu is a country
I'd love to see if we could field teams from each state how bad we'd destroy literally everyone else.
Someone should calculate "medals per inhabitant" for it to make sense.
Gold medals would remain unchanged
Lithuania on suicide watch.
Come on guys, let's keep in mind what's really important here. A magnificent sporting spectacle where all countries came together...
And we beat the fucking krauts.
>It takes 28 teams to beat 1
>Eurocucks are proud of this
>Eurocucks are still claiming British medals, despite the fact they told EU to fuck off
It takes an entire collective of countries just to beat our one country kek
EU does have a bigger pool though, about 200-300m more hence more medals overall
Gonna go with this.
Stay Mad Luka.
Europe has a little over 500 million people, I forget what the US is at but I believe it's about 320-330 million
Considering they tripled your medal count without doubling your population, I'd say they are the winners here
Anglo commonwealth medal count: innumerable
Europleb Union medal count: negligible
Like 8 of our medals were by non-whites. Farah, Jess Ennis, a couple of runners, that one boxing nig and one taekwondo nig. Everyone else was white.
Meanwhile the US medal winners page is literally niggers + Phelps and ledecky.
Stale bait.
The EU is not Europe you retard