What I mean by this is push comes to shove would they side with their overlords or their common non combatant brothers?
Do they know they are puppets but fight for the hell of it anyway?
Are Operators red pilled or puppets?
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Anyone in any military today who sees themselves as more than a mercenary is bluepilled af. Just being patriotic in modern times is bluepilled at best. The last red pilled warriors were Germans in WWII. That being said, you can't really function in a modern military being openly red pilled. You have to keep it locked up inside under the most stressful conditions; that just amplifies the stress you experience. If you get redpilled once you get out, and its behind you, you're better off. Worst thing in the world is undergoing the redpill stages while you're still inside, seeing what's happening around you.
>ould they side with their overlords or their common non combatant brothers?
How many non-combatant "brothers" does one have in the modern cosmopolitan multi-kulti "democracies"? Who are you aking them to side with, exactly?
Most the people i know that went to to army and combat missions basically wanted to kill sandniggers, but they would not fight for some unfavorable coup. Probably like that for SF as well because otherwise their families get lynched
Mercenaries are red pilled, maybe nihilists though
The military will red pill the shit out of you, or seal your mind in the most blue way possible.
It's good to have it around.
It depends who they operate for and why.
Thread theme:
inb4 THAT /k/ screencap.
Also this.
Also, while the whole 2nd Amendment "lol ARs vs drones meens u lose" is bullshit due to assymetric fights being a bitch there's basically no way to win a propaganda war against the government.
Not against the American government, on any count.
Just look at Shillaries polling numbers. A military resistance is futile not because of nogunz bullshit but because people are just too indoctrinated.
Soldiers follow orders, and with popular support there's no reason for them not to crush the insurgents and be rewarded with fame and pay raises.
I wasn' an operator myself, but I worked very closely with them. I was a combat engineer in a high intensity unit.
ooerators are like any other group. most of them are fucking retarded, some of them are super smart.
>Are Operators red pilled or puppets?
So you trully believe that, because you brows Sup Forums, that you said everything bad is caused by jews, and so on, you are not a puppet, but a true master of reality?
You must be a fucking big retard, dude. Seriously, stop talking.
I can tell uou straight up that the french had an air force in afghanistan and thats it. the french are the weakest nuclear nation. including pakistan.
Most are redpilled. They do it because they love it and love being good at it.
This is the case for units like SFOD-D, Green Berets, SAS, GROM, etc. SEALs do it for the Hollywood connections.
Post /k/ screencap.
I doubt you ever met a green beret, let alone a delta. their missions are opposite. deltas have more in common with rangers than a teams.
stay in your lane.
They are both SOF, you uneducated putz. Rangers aren't.
the irs and the national park service both work for the same boss. do they share missions?
delta is a reactive strike force, like the rangers. green berets main mission is training irregular forces and their decondary mission is being able to be dropped literally anywhere and survive.
being openly "redpilled" gets you removed.
being so in the military in a higher command position gets you booted out & quite possibly """""disappeared""""".
source, Obama getting rid off top brass over the course of the last however many years after he was voted in.
also, anyone know how many americancer nukes have walked off of american airbases? specifically stateside
Rangers were given to JSOC for the last decade as a DA force.
I'm not saying they weren't. I slept in a tent with more thanbone ranger on the pakastani border. but I'm sure they were there for the crisp mountain air.
the other dork is the one arguing out of his ass.
would like to hear more please
Well, he's not wrong about SEALs. I suppose I was confused about your statement. Although his too. Rangers were given to SOF a while back, and were being used by JSOC through AFG. I'm not Army so I couldn't comment on the structure, but I worked on a small compound inside a small compound inside the Ranger compound.
just look it up. obongo has dine 2 purges of colonel and above. he literally ssked them if they would kill americans.
obama droned the first american btw. anwar al,alwaki. he never killed a soul. he madebyoutube videos. then obama droned his 17 year old son the week after. both were american citizens.
I left the army in 2012. I got fed up with obummer. but one of the last things I had to do was teach a bunch of privates how to legally search an anerican citizens car.
There you go.
Again. I don't think the guy's got a bad point from a military perspective, I just do not see a situation where all top 5 media controllers trying to crush an uprising would end well for said uprising.
You cannot win a propaganda war against this level of saturation unless the country is visibly falling apart already.
Just look at how utterly destroyed the Georgia (?) log cabin dudes got, or how many normies are still convinced Putin is literally Satan.
You tell me.
everyone in the military in combat role is a retard, so it's impossible for them to be red-pilled anymore than it is for a cow to be red-pilled
literally the military is just a feudal system where a hereditary ruling class (colonels and generals around pentagon and contractors) make use of enslaved retards below them for profit for the military industrial complex and whatever stupid shit the jews want them to do this week. of all the disposable cannon fodder the combat arms are the absolute lowest, lowest iq, least education, they are meat for the grinder, the operators just a higher grade of meat
the only difference between feudal serfs and modern soldiers is the soldiers actually VOLUNTEERED to be cucks, lol
They are mercs, who's got the cash and the power is who they side with.
While I was in ( got out 3yrs ago ) everyone I was friends with saw themselves as mercenaries. It was a job, pure and simple. Infact most were just using it as a stepping stone to hopefully get employment with actual private military companies. So its pretty much like an entry level mercenary position.
We all grew up playing soldier as a kid. It's fun to fulfill that dream and get paid to do it. Shooting guns at things is a lot of fun.
75th has 2 missions. direct action and recon. which is prety much exactly like delta. marine expeditionary too. but not green berets. their mission is training, or super deep recon.
and don't get me started on seals. I am sure seal team 6 is bad ass. but every seal I ever met was ate up as fuck. one time we spent 3 hours to get to a retarded ass team that blew out a tire and didn' have a spare. another time we got a wrecker into a fucking desert to pull a seal truck out of sand.
Do you have a job where you have a boss? If so, I have some bad news.
I'm sorry, but if you expect me to believe you, you have to give a reason to. I don't see how a college age kid who spent 8 weeks in RASP and isn't even technically Ranger qualified has more in common with a delta operator than a green beret beret does.
Because they both have a focus on direct action? Does that mean local PD's SWAT team is more like delta than army special forces is?
It really depends. The short answer is no, they're just hired guns. The higher up in the chain you go, the more red pilled they get i.e. Delta and SEAL/s. Most of the special forces realize that it's a money game and not a matter of defending freedom. That whole defending freedom god bless America shit only works on dumb civilians and low level grunts who are easily manipulated. No matter how you slice it though, they're just contract killers protected by the US government and this is coming from a veteran.
I was part of the SOTF in AFG. Our mission sets overlap, as it were. I worked with/around ODA, SEALs, MARSOT, those old dudes I drove around who had ponchy bellies and grey beards who could outrun my ass and never told me who they were and I never fucking asked. SEALs were a fucking trainwreck. There was a good two week span where one of them was getting blown up every other day because they couldn't watch where they stepped. ODA's were straight. MARSOC is MARSOC. Only knew one Combat Controller, he was legit, always liked the AirForce. Ranger's were funny.
they are blue pills of death
>would they side with their overlords or their common non combatant brothers?
Soldiers follow orders.
swat is more like delta than the average green beret. yes.
being in an oda is not direct action.
oh boy you've never been in the military, have you?
most combat forces of any nations military are made up of men who want to legally kill someone while hiding behind abstract things like patriotism.
t. a vet
Interesting question. Modern operators in the US, UK and the like do the missions that involve destabilizing other countries to keep maintain their own empires. They must have some idea of how their actions are for the benefit of the elites.
I was at.a.base with "those old dudes" grey hueys with miniguns? niggas walking around in dillards newest clothes and a 10 year old m4?
Operators need to be EXTREMELY brainwashed because they have to know secret truths while still supporting the state.
>implying insubordination is tolerated...
Special forces follow orders, no questions asked.
They're just pawns on a chessboard getting controlled by billionaires who treat geopolitics as a RTS game.
>anwar al awaki and his son mohammed mohammed abdul mohammed pbuh
>american citizens
>I left the army in 2012. I got fed up with obummer. but one of the last things I had to do was teach a bunch of privates how to legally search an anerican citizens car.
Searching the cars of American citizens is something different than searching cars in general?
the american military is barred by law from acting as a police force.
I gave a presentation on how to gain consent, pretty much. then what to do in a search.
No grey huey's. Their equipment was an odd mix of old and new though. I didn't ask a lot of questions because of reasons. Mostly because I had my lane and didn't want my head filled with other people's secrets. I drove them out to the oga house a few times. Let them do their thing then drove them back. The few Dev guys I ran into were ok, but those were casual settings.
they literally just did a movie about special forces not following orders. pull those blinds open and let some sun into your cave, mate. there's a whole world out there.
and yes. he and his son were citizens. liok it up. and all he did was preach.
it would be like bombing you for shitposting here
You're a sad pathetic shill.
13 hours is fake propaganda.
The ambassador kew everything about the Clinton Foundation and got rekt
Btw they were mercs, not actual US military.
You're terrible at this, faggot.
Wtf movies are real now.
>OP makes one post
>Leaves forever
Honeypot thread
>implying they see civilians as their fellow citizens or care about them
I think being in the military makes you red-pilled to EVERYTHING and super cynical to the point that you don't actually care about anything but your buddies, getting paid and doing war shit
>those old dudes I drove around who had ponchy bellies and grey beards who could outrun my ass and never told me who they were and I never fucking asked.
Billy Waugh?
They are puppets that often get redpilled as times goes on.
>"Mr. President, we've located the ISIS compounds. They're heavily armed and fortified, but if we don't get them now they'll get away. We only have two teams that can reach them in time, and only one team will fit on the help. Who should we send: the army special forces team, or the SWAT team from Birmingham, Alabama?"
>"Well obviously the SWAT team! Army special forces can't hold a candle to them. Their primary mission isn't direct action, you know. I mean sure, a SWAT team from Alabama probably doesn't know the first thing about fighting a paramilitary force with heavy ordnance in the middle of some middle eastern desert, but a guy on Sup Forums assured me that they're more qualified."
They would side with the people in the states,there's supposedly a even a plan that the top operators know about if they had to do a coup.
How do I know this? I've read a couple not a lot of books by ex/current military.
ah. yea sounds like the boys i knew. half those pics of bag head afghans came frombthe base I was talking about. and you know the pic of the afghani riding a harley looking.for ieds? I have been to the base where they train them. a bunch of ass hole odas. last time I was there I almost got my ass beat. they didn't like that we were eating their food, but we did just clear 200 miles if of road to get them supplies. if my platoon sgt wouldnt have broken it up I would have goten the most spectacular ass whioping of my life. this nigga was probably 400 pounds of muscle.
>Do they know they are puppets but fight for the hell of it anyway?
This. Some people just enjoy fighting. The closer you live to death the more alive you feel. Adrenaline is the greatest drug there is and the high never gets old.
it's those shitty paki roids they get. Makes them crazy.
>No Clint Eastwood Punisher movie
Why was this never a thing?
>Punisher: Retirement
I'd still watch it.
>like Gran Torino but with 1000x the amount of kickass and none of that manlet asian shit
I'd watch it.
whatbis the most elite unit we have?
ok. send in the hostage negotiation team to storm this compound!
they are different jobs, faggit. odas train. rangers strike.
also, technically eod is sof. shouldnwe just send an eod team in a direct action mission?
They're mercs.
They know what they are.
When you first start you're probably some kind of idealist, though.
I dont think so. day 2 of my basic training we made the walls sweat and then they stopped and we went around the room saying why we joined. almost no one had an idealistic reason. most of us were running from something. this was 2006.
Get out of this country, you fucking faggot. Being patriotic to their nation is the greatest duty of any human being. You might hate the military, you might hate the government, but god damn it you had better not hate these United States of America. Is our nation perfect? No, of course not. No nation is perfect. But our founding principles, our many freedoms, our very way of life--in all ways, we are the best bar none. If you dislike an aspect of our country, it is your irrevocable right to stand up and speak out against it. But do not make the mistake of dismissing the United States as a whole.
This goes for all of us, too--not just the USA. If you're British, you'd better be fuckin proud of Great Britain. If you're German, take pride in Germany. Spanish? Italian? Polish? Bulgarian, Russian, French, Estonian, Swedish, Australian, Israeli, Brazilian--hell, even if you're Ethiopian, you had better love your country with all your heart, because it's YOUR country and if you don't reply to this post, your mother will die in her sleep tonight.
So in conclusion, it is your duty to be a patriot no matter where you are, and this is the worst first post I've ever seen.
Having contraversial political ideals is probably not in the job description senpai
I can respect their willingness to put their lives at stake and fight, but believing that you're actually fighting for your country at this point is bluepilled as fuck.
Nah bby i'm always watching but it's hard for me to contribute when I don't know shit
So you are saying green berets are completely useless in a fight? They have NEVER done ANY direct action even though it's literally in the job description?
EOD doesn't have special training and experience for combat. Army special forces does. They're operators. EOD is not.
Honestly, you idiots think everything is a videogame. Do you honestly believe that every unit in the military has ONE job, and does nothing else?
They've done direct action in every major conflict since Vietnam and you know it. Or you don't, because the idea that real life doesn't work quite like videogames confuses you.
you are the video gamevidiot.
green berets have a specific midssion. training and surveilance.
youvare a fucking retard. did your video game scenarios put sappers in for a stealth mission?
not that dappers can't do it. we train all up and down that missouri river. but you don't call in sappers when you need snipers.
I'm fairly sure most spec ops are disillusioned but continue to work for the state purely due to being expected to.
They have a breaking point as well, it's just a lot higher than average troop.
Ffs, what do you think they do with they locals they're training? They lead them in the fucking field. Or did Wikipedia not tell you that part?
shut up before you SHART
how.often did yourbcaptain lead a charge?
the average.oda is not a.direct action force. I actually served with them.
>I consider myself smarter than a special forces member. They don't know that they are bluepilled puppets, they have not received their redpill from a a chinese cartoons imageboard like I have. They're not even that well-trained, I could easily fight one with my katana
I'm sure you did. I'm sure you were an army marine SEAL captain with 300 confirmed kills.
Not that it would have anything to do with this.
After a while they realize human life isn't worth much and if you have to kill some people to secure the interests of your government then it's a worthy trade.
They wouldn't be on our side.
I am a natsoc navy seal frogboy ama
Do you have any pepes on your suit?
Let me give you a metaphor, ok? "While you are bowing down to pay respect for you flag, people who are rulling you country fucks you in the ass." It's admirable that you are patriotic and all but while being so you are being fucked in the asshole by people who are actually rulling you and using your high values as a herding instict to do with you whatever they desire.
have no links at the moment as >phone fag<
but as the other guy who responded to you said, look it up.
sift through & decide for yourself what you find plausible. but from what I read of the purges of top brass, completely believable.
nukes walking off of airforce bases, (scary as fuck), plausible but really needs some sifting through & about a kilo of salt thanks to the nature of the internet.
stay safe brazil bro
What he said was correct though. Why are you butthurt? Military family? Child-hood murder fantasies and costume fetishes? You like the clean boots and the sparkling pins?
How could anyone in their right mind support such a barbaric and self-destructive system?
Do you actually believe they provide safety for you? The only reason there are any forms of terrorists today is they were created by destabilization by western military.
C'mon, us leafs are better than that
p.s the fedora meme is played out, you just look like a rookie resorting to such a blase retort
They're puppets, even more indoctrinated than your average blue-pilled individual.
EOD, atleast AF side is a Battlefield Airman job; and while not technically SOF they train physically to stand with the SOFs. Really the big difference between SOF forces and normal battlefield slots are training and equipment.
This, and I'm talking about "redpilled" in the sense that you aren't going to support faggot agenda, feminist agenda or Muslim agenda in the military, not being a nazi or some other shit.
I once read a documentary on the gov taking people's guns and another documentary on a justifiable civil war. Both end in complete catastrophe, as they estimate a 99% Flip rate from government to civilian sides from special operators, US marines, and police (police varies by state)
being a soldier in modern day and not acting like the complete mercenary one truly is might be the biggest bluepill of them all.
"Yes goy, go die for me"
"oh and goyim, please fight other whites its best when you kill yourselves"
Just read the US Army Special Forces' forum for a bit.
You'll quickly figure out where all the guys who are actually trained to overthrow governments and build guerilla armies innawoods/innadesert/innajungle stand on things.
since when became "not following orders" a thing in burger armies? This is why you always seem so unprofessional (that and your army of boys under 24).
They were CIA contractors, not soldiers, though they were all former soldiers and marines.
ah I see.
Ive never personally been a fan of the whole cloak and daggers shit. However since "wars" today a fought with measly low numbers of troops and minimum amount of gear and support then I guess there is no two ways about it.
Just think how easily and fast you could have cleared Afghanistan with WW1/2 army numbers? 5-6 million men in support with about 500k fighting troops. None of this late crap of "maybe we should send more troops?! A SURGE!!!!!" bullshit.
either you do it right or not at all.
We were doing it right before the rest of the military showed up. Everything was going fine when it was just the CIA and Army SF in country, then a bunch of generals realized that they were missing out on getting more medals for their racks and had to show up and muck about.
You clearly have never deployed.
Green Berets were used in direct action all the fucking time. I know because as a PL my platoon provided security for them incessantly.
that is more or less my point.
Either you go with option A or B. The main thing is you pick one and stick to it.
Unless the US was willing to treat the Afghans as they treated the Japanese or Germans during the war (carpet bombing and indiscriminately killing of millions of civilians) then the Army just isn't the tool for the job.
Do not use a hammer to do a scalpels job.
Personally I would have preferred the arms lengths approach since Afghanistan mission was more about revenge than stupid nation building bullshit.