This Hashtag is a absolute Goldmine

This Hashtag is a absolute Goldmine

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holy shit. You are right


Sort of like a bunch of Zimbabweans showing off their wheelbarrows of trillion dollar bills.


Kek! Jamie foxx really has done it all hasn't he?

lol her "art"


bachelors of ((((((science)))))))


Not even good pop art



Why don't I get recognition for being an alcoholic

This is totally what the Psychology Field needs

I can't wait for the tumblr whales to get jealous of black women getting most of the college degrees lmao.



>Public Health Education
>isn't mentally or physically healthy


Just like those wheelbarrows would be impressive if they were of almost any other currency, so would the degrees be if they weren't in non-sciences

One of the better tracing art hacks I've seen. That nose looks really horrible though.

Theres even a Coalburning Degree now

"Chained" looks good though

Bachelors of Science who haven't taken algebra II


to your dick maybe




The blurring on the chain is good but other then that it is all shallow trash.

>All these future Starbucks employees.


who are ((((they)))?

My university's college of wildlife and animal husbandry had plenty of women. I never once considered it a "male" degree. How fucking far do these people have to reach to feel like victims?

You're Australian. Comes with the territory.

>animal behaviour
>wildlife science

We have a Biology degree for those things, what kind of meme degrees are those?

>they don't want you to get a degree


How many scholarships did she get pol?

Who the fuck, in western civilisation, still thinks women can't get degrees?

> 81,000 dollars with interest
can anyone calculate how many years working at starbux is?

(((( ))))

can we start a #menwithdegrees

true. I think my family has a generational tolerance as it takes 15 drinks to get me pissed,

>Working on my masters in biochemistry
>dont have a benis
>Fat land whale unironically offers for me to give a speech about muhsoginy in STEM

This happened about two weeks ago. I've thought about accepting and walking in with my MAGA hat, but I'm scared of getting reprimanded by the thought police at this liberal hellhole.

These art hacks trace all their work from photos though. It really makes me reconsider if I should respect the original photorealists.

I don't want to sound aspie or something but she doesn't even include the right Batman logo used in that movie

Man I hope Democrats make degrees like this free. They are so beneficial to society.

people who want to go into something like the forestry service. knew a japanese girl who was getting the degree to work at a park in Okinawa

>Ph.D in queer musicology
Academia is a joke these days


>Queer Musicology.

That looks so fucking repulsive, why can't people just be normal fucking gay's and instead become some weird abomination. The changes that you really have this "in the wrong body" mental illness is so fucking small and yet they keep popping up like cancer.

>feminist biology

Can someone please explain this to me? As a bio major I have no idea how this could even work, I mean, I can imagine its all about period blood research or something but there has to be something more.

I think kek wants you to do it.

I'll graduate with $200k in debt, but at least I'll be a D.O. and not some liberal arts faggot. I know, it's still a disgusting amount of debt, but the American education system leaves me no choice.

>the line work on the card

jesus christ

Having an endowment to study how 'oppressed' you are is beyond NEETdom. Suprised more around here dont join 'em.


deviantart tier

It happens. I'd rather be an alchy than a goddamned tranny, any day of the week.

This. You're pretty much compelled to now.

>BS in feminist biology
>PhD in queer musicology

>Almost all ideology-centered boring nignog wymyn shit
>Majority is just some redrawings that anyone with some idea about how to draw could copy
I wonder how would her architectural or landscape works turn out




>Can someone please explain this to me?

Basically, blood comes out of their vaginas once a month.

>B.S. in feminist biology

This checks out.

still doing better than most niggers.

Around 5 years if she doesn't spend money on anything else, realistically speaking something closer to 15 years if she pays like 30% of her salary, because she has to buy food, rent, etc...


Holy fuck.

I though I was despairing with 28000 worth of debt in my fourth year. Granted this is a state school, but I could give a shit less about the prestige of going to some private school where I get assraped for 40 years by debt, I think I can pay mine off in 10 years in reasonable increments.

no offense dude but if you couldn't get into a M.D. program are you really in the right field? of course if you're Asian then you sadly need to take what you can get since things are stacked against you.

quite a bit if chiropractors are also people who should be doing something else

considering she's the only black girl doing that
black girls do not rock


>>Public Health Education

I've seen Public Health officers in some hentais....

nigger you could have bought a house for that
I've only got $5k in debt or so and I'll have it paid off in a few years

foxx actually makes a more convincing women Tbh

This is alright by me. At least she got a worthwhile degree.

Id bang her too.

Would smash tbqh

It's not even a private school. I'm going to state schools the whole time.


>another coalburning degree with "Cum Laude"

inb4 yes i know the real meaning

I'll read up on my school's speech policies. See what I can get away with if thr offer still stands.

Right? She's just begging to get curbstomped

can she not wear something more formal, she looks like a fucking slut lol MBA my ass

What in the fuck.

How? I literally chose the cheapest state school I could get my hands on here in California, but even the most expensive state school is only like 16000 a year. What the fuck happened?

Leftists are always switching between college's vocational value (earn more with a degree!) and the "rich cultural value of a liberal education."

So which is it?

I swear college would have died out if not for attention whore social media basically banishing you if you don't go.

>public health education

this can´t be true.

60.000$ for dentist degree in Germany
80.000$ for medicine degree in Hungary

I´m paying 15.000 for ba in finance in private university.

whats going on over there?

>public health education

>I was the only slut banging all teachers
She honestly gives me that vibe

How can people like that even get through university? Proof that our education system is broken.

It's fucking fake. Look at the twitter account

he said D.O. its medical school-ish

I pay roughly 10k at my state school, not a bad deal

>dresses a monkey up folk get triggered

No offense faggot but who the fuck are you?

Maybe you should stfu because you sound like a college sophomore who are the most annoying fucks on the planet. You don't know shit.

Guess what? I'm probably in the weing field too. Suck my dick.

hahah I love you Ivans, Oy Moroz Moroz!!!

That thing is vile