Why does this country produce so many whores?

Why does this country produce so many whores?

Very liberal.

The Jews.

I don't know, but dog bless them for their porn industry.

I don't know Muhammad. Why does Pakistan produce so many shitskins?

amen to that.

its too early in the thread to get butthurt ahmed.

Atheism and liberal socialism

doesn't they have a far-right government?

This. The Czech Republic is one of the most godless countries in the world

Its cause Filipinas are sluts

Moving there in two weeks. Wanna check out all those rumours about mysterious Czech streets. The problem is that I don't have much money for that sort of excursions :DDDDDD

I really enjoyed your capital city, and cheap beer!!

For what I've research in politics, Czechia, Slovenia, Croatia and Romania are the most liberal of eastern europe

No, atm we have a leftist authoritarian government. Right-wing is currently dead here

good luck, Russians aren't really popular unless you have the cash

poor jap looks so cnfused

>eastern europe
Your researches are fucked if you don't get that they are part of Central Europe, not Eastern.

A law granting non-citizens a right to vote is going to be discussed this week...

It's just a porn cliche.

really? oh shit.



>I voted in Scottish elections as a Czech citizen

This sort of thing goes in waves. In like the 80s there was a ton of Swedish porn, for example.

Also a lot of them are actually Slovak but you can't tell.

Also, Czechia has a strong far left party

Thanks, bro. I've heard a lot about difficulties in Czechia for foreigners like it's really hard to make Czech friends, because you're not a type of people who prefer often go somewhere outside. Is that true? I don't want to talk only with Russians.

Fun fact, Sweden is the country with most cuckold porn in the world

Ever seen Czechmates? Best gay porn I've ever seen.

Look up www.nornik.net

spent 3 weeks in prague last summer, 1 week the year before that and 2 weeks two years ago

not hard to make friends in pubs

also the hippies smoke a lot of weed and the weed is potent as fuck, a german i smoked with got so high he literally wanted to kill himself had to calm him for 2-3 hours

>like it's really hard to make Czech friends

I mean, as long as you speak Czech it should not be a problem. If you don't, I don't know but we definitely hang outside.

you can talk to me but im not czech

I don't know if Czechs produce more whores per capita than Poles but if that's the case then it's probably because religion is dead in Czech rep, theyre among the most atheist countries in Europe. Thanks, Habsburgs


Looking to go on holiday in Europe should I go to Amsterdam or Prague?

but that's how you increase tourism

Not for long. الله أكبر

Aspiring tourist here should I go to Prague or Amsterdam

There's also plenty of Romanians in port bruh.

Same reason Pakistan produces so many suicide bombers.

Since you're from Eastern Europe, people will expect you to shit post more about your neighbors.
While Pakistan is in the far poo land, and its question about a small country like Czech Republic is considered serious

>go to Prague
>some music festival is going on
>look at sign
>can't read that shit
>look at sponsors
>literally at least 3 departments of the Dutch government


poverty, an economy with few jobs and lots of advertising "ipohne, tvs" causing people to desire to live beyond their means any way they can (see: pussy power). The only difference is western woman call themselve "girlfriends" and "wifes" /thread

We can return anytime you want Thomas

>pic related

I'm learning čeština and going to be fluent. So, I hope it will help.

Are you Slovakian?

Are majority of Czech people in Prague speaking fluently in English?

>tfw no czech whore gf


i am a burger

czech brunets are waaay better looking then blonds. czech blonds just look weird.

The Dutch invest in German factories where the Czechs work

Going to Czechia in Saturday.Will be staying for 5 days,mostly in Prague,what should I expect?

I'd rather ask why your country has no pretty women. Like zero.

Not really. KSČM is rather tame and although they're still getting a consistent chunk of the votes, their voters base is (hopefully) dying off.

Good, religion a shit.

Maybe you should skip the "muh Christianity" shilling next time.

Crowded touristic attractions, filth and insufferable heat.

She's well above average for those Czech casting videos.

>Idiot can't see when hair is dyed

Fucking hell Abdul stop fucking all those little boys and pay attention to women.

If ANO wins and fails, it won't be new hip right wing party people will flock to, it will be Communists.



personal fav.

Because here they start fucking in 12 with 40 year old "bois" and Police for some reason think it's fucking Okay.
Families don't give a crap as well.

Diensbier, sobotka and schwarzenberg are fucking faggots.

Also, if you re not voting this based jap next year you should hang yourself

He isn't going to win anyways tho
That's pretty much decided already

Ofc hes not gonna win, as long as old 70 years faggots will vote for kscm and cssd, but at least he speaks without political correctness, which cannot be said about eurocucks such as babis or sobotka.

majority will understand and speak some basic English but don't expect fluent English speaker, even if you pick younger people the chance is like 50% tops

Why does my country produces so many whores?

These are haram, my friend.

Because whoring pays better than any EU jobs, mostly because of stupidly high taxation on legitimate work.

>unusually attractive females
>shitty economy
>history of slave culture
>financial return and weak will

Another thing to note is that Czech women age very badly

Pic related: Donald's ex

That's how it all starts. You better watch yourselves


i would gladly kill you for her(), if she asked.

it doesn't. 90% of Prague whores are Russians

>90% of Prague whores are Russians
That's Carlsbad.

I think in this case it's more about all the plastic surgeries and botox treatments. Look at her fucking lips, no way god made that shit.

>Prague as an example
For fucks sake come to Ostrava.
You'll get some fine underage pussy without worrying about police.

That's how you get election frauds

it's the tanning retarded white women should learn from their Asian colleagues and stay the fuck out of the sun

I would rather kill you on sight you filthy shitskin trash.

To be fair she's almost 70.

Are STD infection rates high? I'd like to go to Czechia but I don't wanna return home from with an infection

ahmed vs autistic billy.
who would win?

i dont think thats true at all
maybe if youre old or dont speak english it could be harder but if youre not, only a shitty personality could drag you down
(but then theres plenty ppl with shitty personalities so i guess even that is not such a problem)

Only good one. Saved.

no stop you dirty neckbeard. leave my pretty paki alone.

what's the easiest European country to get pussy in for an American male?

180 cm, blonde hair, blue eyes

pls respond

they are mixed with Germans

>tfw lived as foreigner in Czech like 5 years and never once tried hookers here
I like Czech people in general though, state might not be very liberal but I feel people are, or at least they have a "you mind your own business, I mind mine" state of mind.

her name is "syra yousuf" and she is married to a paki chad.
pic of paki chad.

It's all good user.
At least we have colony in Balkans


I already jerked off to her, how do you deal with that?

what about white ones?

that means no hungary, bosnia, albania, estonia, or finland

No, that would be Moldova
>80% living under poverty line
>70% of women of 15-25 age had sex for money

that's ok poland. considering what your women look like, I'll make an exception for you.

Faggots. Prague is a containment city. Looks nice though.

it's full of hobos and gypsies, I wouldn't say we're that liberal though.

>Weak will

Burger, we outlasted every little empire that popped up in past, and we will outlast you after you succumbs to socialism and racemixing.


If you dont want to waste your time travel outside of prague.

I fucking wish.

why are these countries not considered white?