My 15 year old is really into politics and law...

My 15 year old is really into politics and law. He keeps going on about how minors are second class citizens and discriminated against on a regular basis. What do I tell him to convince him he isn't?

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Basically means your boy wants to smoke, drink, and go to strip clubs and is butthurt he can't, OP.
Nice parenting

>Walther P38

He's right. Teens want to be treated like adults.
And when you treat them like children, that's why they end up rebelling and getting daddy issues.

Listen to him, take his opinion seriously, and stop being a horrible parent.

If your son is questioning your authority you have failed as a father.Enjoy the future nu-male son.

just give him his sex change operation already

Your child is a SJW faggot, kill him, then kill yourself. You failed as an American parent.

They are, as they should be.

They're not functional adults due to an extreme level of hormones they're not used to and social pressure which causes them to act moronically.

Tell him to take it as a blessing, because when responsibility hits you when you hit 18, it's fucking sucks.

Tell them that the government has decided to put down his dissent. Then begin mild oppression of sending him to his room.

He told me something like it's not fair how he can work and have a job and be taxed, but have no choice in how those taxes are spent. He also complained about how he has no say in decisions regarding his education and he can't vote about things regarding school even though it effects him directly. But old people who aren't in school, and don't have kids in school get to vote on it.

Tell him if he wants to be treated like an "adult" he needs to pack his fucking bags and get out within 24 hours. A child under 18 is literal property deserving of no rights or treatment afforded to adults.

He just has to get older and realize he's retarded.

Oh in that case nevermind. He sounds like an edgelord.

You have a future neckbeard fedora third-party-voting reddit poster on your hands. Im sorry op.

Next thing out of his mouth will be "why do we even have borders? They're just imaginary lines."

You're only hope at this point is that he grows out of this.

I think he would actually like that for some reason. He's asked to be emancipated before for the sole reason of being able to invest his paychecks into the stock market

>What do I tell him to convince him he isn't?
There's no need, he's just a shitty kid.

His biggest point is why does the government tax me and not give me a vote. But the government gives welfare leeches money, and a vote.

That's a typical 15 year olds worldview, just let him work things out for himself. Ignore the faggots telling you to ram shit down his throat because that's how you create a SJW, someone who spends their life rebelling against daddy.

Have open discussions with him, play the devils advocate whilst steering him constantly towards factual evidence so he can work things out for himself so he doesn't end up enmeshing his political views with an emotional wound resulting from his Fathers rejection, turning into an utter lefty faggot.

Switch schools.

Spank his ass you weak old fuck. Otherwise he'll develop into a Bull prepping cuck from the way it sounds

Just tell him that when he turns 18, he'll stop getting fucked over and experience new and exciting ways of getting fucked over.

Why are you not telling him this is reality and he needs to deal with it?
The only thing you can do is tell him to suck it up and encourage a career in politics if he cares so much.

Couldn't have said it better. I fucking hate being an adult.

Give him 6 years and he'll make a 180° turn with his 'opinion'

>you need to make him submissive and not confident or he'll be submissive and not confident

swedish logic

Does he go to a public high school?

Tell him that if he had a vote, all the obnoxious blacks and whites trying to be niggers would get a vote too.

Tell him that it sucks that the government taxes you even when you're underage and working.

But tell him that the guy looking to lower taxes is Trump. Might get your kid into some fights though.

but hes not from sweden

tell him 15 yo is best age to have sex and fuck underage girls easily

If you call the ability to commit felonies with a wrist slap then hire a lawyer to seal your record driscrimanatory, then I want in.

>Thinking that raising kids with no form of discipline will make him confident

We certainly see how well that's going for your working class youth, Achmed.

>He believes in discipline so he's not Swedish

I'm blond and blue eyed, I was born working class and I had parents who could put limits. I think that's the main reason why I'm not cucked... I mean sure my parents are commies themselves but I'm slipping them more and more red pills on a daily basis.

Child actors are also technically earning money and paying taxes. Somebody give that baby in the sun from teletubbies a ballot.

I don't think he's gonna be that big of an SJW. He's also made a comment that murderers, rapists, child molesters and abusers, and animal abusers should all be sent up to a camp in northern Alaska where they spend the rest of their life slaving away in brutal conditions until the die of malnutrition.

I'd just let him hash it out by himself desu. I was a complete commie faggot at that age and if anything it made me better at discussing politics as I understand the leftist mindset a bit better. Morality man was a Marxist in Uni so I wouldn't lose too much hope. At least he isn't a hedonistic little degenerate.

He also believes that "the age of majority should be 13 for boys and 12 for girls"

>What do I tell him to convince him he isn't?

You are adopted. That will catch his attention. Then when he turns 18 you can tell him it was all a prank.

Your child is actually redpilled. All of his arguments are highly logical. It's also a fair point to say 18 is an arbitrary starting point for voting, considering the brain isn't finished developing until 25 (i.e. raising the age), but most of the development is done by the time the child is 16.

If you can't think of an argument against it, you should consider re-evaluating your own position.

By not taking his argument honestly and looking for a way out, you are proving his point that you don't take the opinions of a 15 year old to be equal of that of an adult.

Go with the arguements from biology. Childrens brains haven't matured fully and they have not yet learned the basics of life and education. I know this is likely to be refuted with "a lot of rednecks other morons and so and so does not have fully evovled brains as well." Yes but we do not yet have the systematic remedies to meassure stupidty (iq-test is far from effecient enough). Also the hormonal structure of children have not yet fully evolved, so they have little chance of emotional control, which is why is typical for youth parties to be of a more extreme and radical nature and which also is likely to be the reason why liberals acts like frantic apes.
And last to be added to this fine kettle of mine is: minors have contributed with 0% to our society. They leech which we expect of them since we also expect them to adhere to our social contract.

And if non of the above bullshit works, then have him read Starship Troopers and he'll be fine.

>it's not fair how he can work and have a job and be taxed, but have no choice in how those taxes are spent.
But does he have a job? Because if he doesn't there is no point in his argument really.

> He also complained about how he has no say in decisions regarding his education and he can't vote about things regarding school even though it effects him directly. But old people who aren't in school, and don't have kids in school get to vote on it.
Maybe that would be a good time to invite him to read on ancient democracy and how "the ability to vote" came with big responsibilities that could only be fulfilled by real men.

Also this would be an excellent time for him to bring those questions to the people with the power to change them (not you), and see what they have to say. That would be a life lesson on itself, for your kid and for the bureaucrats.

Kek reminds me of those crazy ancap memes which always talk about annexing your kids crib and nuking them.

My kid works at a pizza place in town.

Good, then I suggest you apply the same solution as in the next point I outlined. Let him approach people with real power and see what they have to say.

How? My kid just can't walk up and meet trump.

Hah! Nice, classic 15 year old theoretical thinking. Our 15 year olds in Denmark says the exact same thing just with Bornholm (small danish island which Germans always visits on vacations) instead of Alaska.

Hitler said you shouldn't be able to vote before 26 and military service. I fully agree with that.

>Our 15 year olds in Denmark
>from Greece

Nice dubs.

He'll have to figure it out, maybe he can start asking something at a county/city/school level, or write directly to whoever made those laws and demand an explanation.

It could be an excellent rhetoric exercise for him, plus he gets to know that you have to talk to the right person to get something done (even if this "something" is just an answer) .

You can't really answer him because you are not responsible for what he is asking, you are his mom, you can explain him why you decided to do this or that, but he is in another level.

Learning how to ask for an explanation in a rational nice way and knowing who to address I think is quite a useful skill in life.

tell him he's he's got only 3 more years to live like a kid and not to rush it, to enjoy every moment of it, that once he's past 18 there's no turning back for the rest of his life.
tell him to prepare himself for that long segment of his life instead of acting like he's in it.

Assure him of his superiority to his peers. Remind him that expanding his rights will also expand the rights of his inferior peers. Support his interests and only establish your opinions indirectly via devil's advocate. Don't allow him to vilify you or your opinions. Find the areas of his interest that he is very weak on, and encourage him to understand his interests on a deeper level.

18 is when you usually leave home, it doesn't have a lot to do with the brain.

>By not taking his argument honestly and looking for a way out, you are proving his point that you don't take the opinions of a 15 year old to be equal of that of an adult.

No, you're proving that the opinions of a 15 year old aren't equal to those of an adult.

Because they aren't.

OP, think about it this way. No matter how old he is, you will have 30+ years of life experience more than him. Until he has enough experience to live by himself (I.e 18), he doesn't have enough knowledge to make his own decisions. That's why he's called a minor. That's why you claim him as a dependent on your tax returns. He depends on your income. He doesn't own his own house, car, or really anything. Try that argument on for size.

1. Taxed but no choice on how it's spent
Besides the tax deduction you get from having him, does he have a job? If he doesn't, it's a moot point. If he does, ask him how he knows more about how the nation should be run than people twice his age. Your 15 year old probably doesn't even know how to pay his own taxes.

2. No say in education decisions
Does he not want to go to school? If kids could decide, we'd be back in the 1800s. Nobody would pick school over video games.

As for old people who aren't in school and don't have kids in school, they get to vote because their property taxes pay for the school. Your kid should really be concerned about why people who don't go to school/have kids in school have to pay for him to get an education.

>Questioning authority is bad

He does want to go to school. But he wants the choice in deciding things like adopting common core or not

Or remind your son that his voting power is proportional to how much of the household mortgage he pays.

He's probably using a VPN.

Why would you want to pretend to be Greek?

> pic related

>gives us no examples
>expects up to help


You should be teaching him good money habits like saving and investing, and if he's already interested in the stock market, open a mutual fund for him. He will probably fuck it up buying individual stocks on his own, and since his money is your money, you decide what's best for it.

Why don't you actually be a fucking parent? He thinks minors are second class citizens. Ok then, you ungrateful bastard. See how he likes it when he's pushed out the door at his age. He doesn't like how he's living? There's the door. You can leave any time. That's what my parents did and it made me realize that the life I lived at that age was actually good and sheltered. The reality of life is more difficult and multi-faceted than what a stupid 15 year old mind can fathom, mine included when I was young.

Call him a nigger.

He already has a job and makes good money. He makes probably $300-$400 a month, but he doesn't really buy anything with it other than the occasional soda at Walgreens or something. He just hoards all his money

I would suggest telling him that with age comes wisdom, if one chooses to educate one's self. An age limit to things like voting and drinking are there for not only their own protection but to protect the rest of us from their potentially poor decisions. Personally I think a system that would be more fair would be for people to pass IQ tests in order to vote drive ect.

hah! fuck me I'd be pissed over this, I would gotten out of him where he had got this piss from, and I would have visited the teacher in question.

The thing is, I'm just an uncle my self yet, so I still remember very well how it was to be a little shit. At 15 he will revolt and oppose to absolutely everything you say, hard age.

I've been thinking so much about this. We too were brainwashed at junior and somewhat highschool from utrla leftist teachers of the 68-er generation. Half baked intelectuals that didn't ammount to anything because they were just smoking hash and protesting and wanting a commie revolution..... anyways a lot of them ended up as teachers. The technical schools are spared of this shit. The military tech school is a safe haven from all bullshit, frankly I regret not going there now as planned.

I shared math teachers with them, best I've ever had.

Anyways I don't stand for my children being subverted to shit like this. what do. we don't got mil school for kids, only alternative is hippie or pope school.... fuuuvk!

Prior to 1994 when we joined the EEC, our schools were top notch, after this it has gone down the drain steady. Pure coincidence? I think not. Globalists are involved... fucking jews

Here ya go, OP; show them this, you won't see a single one of these stories in any media beyond local news.

Turn off the television too, your child shouldn't be getting news from jews.

Also actually pushing political views on someone here on the workplace or school is actually illegal, so you can confront the teacher and school with this here. DO NOT INDOCTRINATE MY CHILD WITH YOUR DEGENERATE POLITICAL VIEWS.

This is actually valid as anything regarding election and party belonging here is regarded as highly private, and it's even really rude to ask people what they vote for, unless they say it them selves. We don't really discuss it so much other than we all hate all of them. It's not a meme. That god damn fucking.. AP poiltcians.. next subject That god damn fucking FRP pol rival kek.. we hate them all and they shall all gass them selves

I'm on my honeymoon in Grease.

Tell him that like most of us, he will cringe whenever he thinks about the things he's 'passionate' about now, in even just a couple years.

Also point out to him how much less intelligent than he, his peers are.

>on honeymoon
>on Sup Forums

Just get a divorce now, give her all your worldly goods and be done with it bro.

man we had our trump in the 80-90ies, Carl Ivar Hagen... Fuck me we need him teleported right now, as he is too old.

Like trump back then even at elementary one of our teacher would get mad about us claiming to want him as PM in some sort of political shit. such rayyysis.... that shit was highly illegal when I think of it now, it was like this all through that crap. AP AP AP AP....

Fuck man, you were so a head of your tymu.
#CarlIHagenWasRight kek has similarities to trump, high energy, gives null flying fucks did well against all media and shitstorms. He's even from fucking oslo west I think, I speaks this fart fine anyways, other than that he was fucking based.

Come back hagen

They are.

But it's part of human society (the respect of elders) everyone has to go through that phase.


I post while on the can though, most of the time I'm only on Sup Forums while shitting. I shit a lot though, perhaps it's strong coffee, I don't know.

We we had this... but he was never elected... first now FRP is in power and doing a shitty job, fucking women....

This was our trump

I'm 22 and regularly want to go back a couple of years and kick my own ass. 15 year old me was a conspiracy loony. And every adult will say something similar.

Tell him he is a stupid little kid. I dont't think you should be able to vote till you are 26.

this to daddy op

it will change you know, they through all sorts of weird ass phases.. freaking corny age lol. then comes the partying if he isn't already isn't at it, which he likely is.

We usually start about 14-15 here with drinking, legal age is 18 for beer and 21 for booze. But we gon an enormous blackmarked you wouldn't even believe due to sick taxation from the hypocrites....

Other than sales tax minors under 18 don't pay any income tax.. I think they contribute to CPP and EI. Tell him he doesn't have a vote but he can volunteer with the political parties and he should learn as much as possible about politics and economics and maybe he'll be able to run for office one day and represent youths..

Send him to boards.Sup so he can develop a wholesome understanding of his world!

Nice quads, but where we live he does pay income taxes because he's employed

>convince him he isn't?

Just tell him the truth, that he is a second class citizen until he is an adult. Why are you being such a fucking pussy about it?

Get him a job and make him pay rent and bills.

He already works at a pizza place.

>take his opinion seriously,
bam, found the problem with millennials

parents are supposed to be emotionally detached, they're there for looks of disapproval, brow beating and just once in a while let on that their extremely disappointed with how youre turning out

>questioning authority
>Enjoy the future nu-male son.
You got that backwards m8. Nu-males are all about obeying authority, whether it be the government, or the social trend du jour. Blind obedience is the trademark of the weak-willed cuck.

>No Jim Bean
>No Jack Daniels
That there kid's one of them queermosexuals, I tell ya what.

>calling anyone else Achmed
9/11 b8 m8

I'm with this guy:
The arguments he's using are pretty fucking good. No taxation without representation should be ringing some bells for you...

>No, you're proving that the opinions of a 15 year old aren't equal to those of an adult.
>Because they aren't.

Because...? Complete logical fallacy to ignore the argument because you find who's making it to be inconvenient. It's no different to shooting the messenger and ignoring the message, or trying to use an appeal to authority or ad hominem.

He's making good points, no one in this thread has come up with any serious counter-argument, so I'm inclined to think he's right. Minors are indeed second-class citizens.

Stop lying to him since he's clearly too clever for your shit. He is right.
You should warn him that turning 18 or 21 or whatever won't magically make that discrimination disappear either, it's plausible he's fooling himself about it.

You don't think there is an issue with a 30 year old Down's syndrome retard being able to vote, but not a 17 year old with an interest in politics?

If you drop the voting age to 16, you really won't get more ill-informed voters than there are already. Most teens don't give a fuck about politics, and the only ones who do are going to be at least as informed as your average voter (ie. barely).

I love how Sup Forums perpetuates this fetish so much that they become it.

>no one in this thread has come up with any serious counter-argument

Have you not read the thread, you kangaroo fucking shitposter? Dry not being so drunk all the god damned time and you might be able to read.

Idiot. You want your children to be real humans. Not some faggot who does what he's told just because. What are you a liberal ?

It's Beam, not Bean. Guess you don't drink it either

Give him responsibility. Give him something apparently worth a lot and let him deal with it. When he fails, repeat for so long until he gets it right. After that, lesson's over. It'll take several repetitions until he can get his shit together. Show him his failures and tell him that that is the reason they don't have the rights they want: THEY CAN'T DEAL WITH THE RESPONSIBILITY.

Let him struggle, see him fail, but do so in a safe environment (give him a pet to keep, his own)

Reminder to not take parenting advice from Sup Forums since they had the self-esteem and courage to speak beaten out of them by their parents lol

Like what responsibility. He gets good grades, is an athlete, and has a job. What else can he do?

why havent you taught him that niggers are animals?

If teenager is political, there's something wrong with him. Whether it be narcissism, or a weak mind wanting to latch onto something for identity.

Make him responsible for someone other than him.

The things you named basically translate into
>I'll have a good body
>I'll have good grades
>I'll have my own money

Selfish desires breed the want for more. Get him a dog. Not only will he become responsible for someone else, he'll also love his pet. Until that pet dies of starvation and mistreatment.

Every feeding time/walk time he starts complaining, tell him it's like his child. He has to make sacrifices for the wellbeing of others, just as you did as a father. He needs to start seeing the world in "What do others need from me" instead of "What do I need from others".

>there must be something wrong with a teenager to want to think about things
kek no wonder you're so far behind

Every feeding time/walk time he starts complaining, tell him it's like his child. He has to make sacrifices for the wellbeing of others, just as you did as a father. He needs to start seeing the world in "What do others need from me" instead of "What do I need from others".
good boy we need your money and wimminz

You don't need a brain for politics, and it is seldom intellectual. Every Anarchy and communist kid I met in school turned out to be a bunch of faggots into adulthood.