Why are millennials not interested in marriage?
Why are millennials not interested in marriage?
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>posting a mentally unstable Swiss orphan
I fucking hate this meme
Seeing what Soe has become saddens me but that's probably your intention with this thread
It's a shit deal for men
Where's Steve-O?
Women want the party life until they start their decline.
Men are trying to a avoid a rigged game.
>wanting to give your life to someone who will inevitably leave you for some younger guy with a 6 pack and take all your money
no thanks
33 year old
why do people still Soepost?
Ill take this meme over shart mart.
What's in it for me? Nothing. So fuck it. I'm happy enough on my own.
Because they've never had to grow up. Because they're fucking poorfags. Because feminism.
Narcissism and/or ineptitude disguised as being disgruntled.
>o, like, look at me, I'm like, never gonna get married because it's like a stupid institution and shit, aren't I special for going against the, like, grain?
> men are trying to avoid a rigged game
You summed it up perfectly. If I want to gamble il go to the casino and play hold em. Not risk half of my entire fortune, as well as potential alimony slavery just to have constant access to rapidly declining pussy.
What if a man marries another man?
Why are millennials so cute?
Because men are the ones who get fucked in the end.
Because the female will probably ultimately be disloyal
Oh cool I get to use pic related again
Pixie cuts only work if you're gay. Otherwise it's just misleading.
What's Soe even doing now?
Imagine if Yames didn't break her.
The lease option is a better deal for men (and women too if they are one of the rare ones who actually bring home bacon)
>Tumblr: Not even once
What are you talking about, all millenial women wants to marry... But they want to marry muslim men because those are the only masculine men who is likely to stay and provide for the family around here.
Shills for Blizzard now.
Because everybody is saving their money for loli fembot marriage + artificial wombs + reverse aging treatments.
There is literally not one single benefit to marriage for a man.
You can either continue dating this woman and even have childen and breaking up with her will not occur any penalties.
Or you can get married and the second she is unhappy she can decide to take half your shit, your child and 80 percent of your paycheck for the rest of your life.
Marriage is entirely a ridiculous concept at this point in time.
Honestly, might be a better choice for a wholesome relationship at this point.
Did anyone else read this in archers voice?
who is she why is Sup Forums posting her ?
and post more I like short hair on cute girls :3
what has she become? what happened to her? i only knew her through dotz2
>marry another man
>don't be gay, just get married for financial reasons
>adopt Aryan kids from orphanages and use the combined financial strength of two men to pay for surrogate mothers to pass on your genes
>have a wonderful family and instill in your biological and adopted Aryan kids good virtues so that their generation of women won't become fucking retarded sluts so they can have normal families
It's like the final form of a bromance.
Plys I cannot even afford rent.
>That post was only a year ago.
It really makes you think...
Blame James.
A shame most of them are fucked in the head or cut their hair short as some half-baked life statement.
>You can either continue dating this woman and even have childen and breaking up with her will not occur any penalties.
With the current rules for common-law relationships, this doesn't even matter anymore, the court just pretends like you were married
Same with colored air. Unbelievably cute but you are dumb as nails if you fall for the bait, 99% of short/colored haired girls have mental problems.
>A shame most of them are fucked in the head
As if im not fucked up 2 user, I dont mind they can at least relate to me
muh moloko
so tasty
>short haired qt sitting on my face
>tfw that's my fetish
I had one once, too. ended up being batshit insane. matter of fact, most girls i've dated have been batshit insane... WHY CAN'T THEY JUST BE FUCKING NORMAL!!!
I'm waiting to find anyone until i'm finacially stable. this could take a long time since the state steals like 85-90% of my labor. Fuck the state.
I blame the state.
Yeah, I think I can understand. To some people, a Hitler idolizing man who worships an Egyptian frog god may seem like someone who's fucked in the head.
Why do Millennials who make these threads insist on using pictures that are not of Steve-O?
That's why you can't cohabitate with women in Canada. Our legal system is a fucking joke.
I was born in 1990
Does that make me a millennial?
would you drink all of her moloko user :)
well time for a new fetish m8
pic very related
Ps: my current waifu is both... taller and has short hair
Possible Economical Suicide solely depending mood of the female.
Fiddling bomb without any knowledge is less risky
White 1st world millennials don't feel the need to fill the world with more privileged opressors, and I say good on them! We have plenty of those already, goy.
you missed the dick in the pic or why you posted this ?
It's a pointless, archaic institution that isn't required for me to live my life with my partner. Why bother with such an outdated thing?
because every girl that's still single in 2016 is either 400 lbs, has purple hair/full sleeve tattoos, or is a crazy ass feminist
the above is not mutually exclusive
because the bourgeoisie are squeezing the middle class as much as possible. it is near impossible to buy a house, pay off education debt, and raise children. you right wing idiots are responsible for this. keep sucking billionaire dick maybe he will trickle down some semen that you could slurp
Because we're selectively breeding mental problems, which don't appear to manifest until "they are ready" AKA they learn about something someone else has and convince themselves they have it, and wear this mask so long it becomes their real face
You can't maintain a relationship with someone with mental issues. It just doesn't work. You can try and plan ahead, but they'll just be irrational and fucked, see things that aren't there and fuck everything up.
The only combination that ever ALMOST worked for me was finding a qt sociophobe who needed coaxing out of her shell, which I did, "showed her the world" and then she decided she was a lesbian with her new found scummy fucking punk friend she met at aerobics or some shit.
Millennials are fucked beyond reason, but I'm more worried about the next generation.
Because getting "married papers" is basically getting a lot of risks for a man and I don't want children, I fucking hate all of them.
Yeah also I get really tired of a girl in 1 month, usually then I break up.
>you right wing idiots are responsible
>imblying lefties aren't responsible for the impending collapse of society
>imblying it isn't largely the doing of pic related
That post is fucking dumb
That guy is clearly just as much about "having a good time" as the girls he criticises are
Marriage requires commitment from BOTH sides. If you don't understand that you are a moron and your marriage WON'T WORK.
its vecause you're conventionally un-atractive
>Gambling half your assets and income on the whims of a woman.
No thanks
a young woman with short hair is mentally ill. no sane young woman would cut off her hair.
Feminism. We can all sit around and pretend like men no longer want to fuck, but everyone knows the problem is women and them abusing their "freedoms" to the point where nobody sane wants them as a wife.
Most women make bad choices when given the chance.
>be straight
>get gay privileges, bonus if lefties finds out and get triggered
>get family
>get rich
DAMN SON I'll screencap this and seriously consider it
USSR were lefties and had NONE of those problems. they had growing population and not LGBTQFHITELQJKWD retards.
the problem is right wing twats who worship billionaires and are responsible for the fact that a man has to enslave himself just to buy a shitty apartment.
Not crusadin?
It's awkward to me having a gf taller than me. I'm king of manlets 5'11'. I don't want a chick 6'+. I banged a chick that was a bit taller than me and it was just weird.... Not the sex, just the hanging out the next day. Idk, i think too much i guess.
Stop projecting faggot. I see the opposite about what you fags say about millennials first hand get out your basements and stop making this board the shitpot it is.
I think your cuck fetish is fucking with your reading comprehension, cuck. There's nothing wrong with wanting to get into a long term relation when you're young.
Someone always catches feelings, user. Always.
Wish was only yours
Here in Brasil if a girl visits your house for 12 months she can already demand welfare so that's the time out have to find out if you gonna give a go
women have been brainwashed to want a career instead of kids and men dont want to get alimony JUSTed
>USSR wasn't shit tier
>imblying LGBTQFUCKYOU isn't descended from communist ideology
>inb4 "marx was against cultural marxism"
>inb4 not a Jew
makes sense.
Because they think they will be forever young, as the song says.
Because it requires devotion to someone besides themselves or their youtube hit count
All the boomers I've worked for are divorced or on their 3rd marriage
It doesn't work, even if you're religious
We'd have to completely uproot society and fundamentally change
Good goy, don't breed you filthy white racist! Praise Israel!
You don't have to get married to have kids
No, but any half-decent self-respecting man worth his salt would
He said he doesn't want children regardless
>I'm more worried about the next generation.
I'm a little less worried about them than you.
The ones I've met are quite redpilled. They are burnt out from seeing all of the crazy bullshit, and are more capable of critical thinking than the millenials.
Communism is fully opposed to the family unit.
>Constant access
That tap is gradually twisted off the second you're hitched fampai
You exist to be beta bux
Marriage is a means to convince betas to participate in society
the doublethink is real with this one