>Racism = power + prejudice
How do you argue against this?
Racism = power + prejudice
i dont
The dictionary
>Man who hated Jews.
>Man who loves Jews.
Jews have the most power.
I think the definition makes a lot of sense. Why would you argue against it?
>includes "power" to suggest that irrationally hating other races doesn't apply to the failure races even though they are the ones most largely consumed with racist hatred.
lel whatever nigger
Just say racism is eggs + flour + sugar + heat
If they disagree and try to say that it's not what the dictionary says, agree to use the dictionary definition of the word.
That definition shifts the goal posts from discrimination based on race, which is the original definition, to incorporate a non-qualifiable metric 'power', but that is easily countered by asking how one defines power, and there is no simple way to define power, making this definition useless, or, a tool with which to bludgeon others over the head while protecting those who are disadvantaged.
I could see this definition working for institutional racism though
"definitions change, often faster than dictionaries"
Is the most probable response I'd get.
Nice arbitrary definition. Let me try.
minority rights + cultural marxism = Degeneracy
Just say that being racist without punishment or consequences is a form of power in itself
Oops, the definition just changed. Racism is eggs + flour + sugar + heat
At what point do you man up and just sucker punch their teeth in?
Serious question.
Black people can't be racist because that would imply you can hold them up to the same standards as white people
"Racism is just a social construct."
"No it's not, dumb fuck"
The trick is not to argue with these idiots. The only thing you can say is "You can cry, you can scream, you can pump your fists, but at the end of the day you're still wrong and everyone is laughing at you"
Post pictures of racism
It's called kafkatrapping.
It's still bogus because it is completely unworkable in real life. Is the homeless 6'2 dindu screaming that he is going to kill you with his bare hands racist? Well, given that you're a white male with a job, on your way to your vehicle, this definition would say no.
Or what about a 6'0 dindu? Or a 5'10 dindu? Or any other size/weight dindu?
So does the definition of words change whenever a select group of liberals in academia decide they should change or does each individual decide what a word means on the spot?
Is the implication that liberal college professors decide for the rest of us what words mean?
define power
This picture proves that racists can be black
>So does the definition of words change whenever a select group of liberals in academia decide they should change or does each individual decide what a word means on the spot?
Welcome to linguistics. A fascinating field that tries to define the components they use to define things in the first place.
The answer is nobody knows, communication is impossible anyway.
You don't their ain't no brakes on the Sup Forums train.
Best defense is to reveal yourself as a racist, then use violent recourse to strike down the subverters and traitors.
Before any pussy responds to this. Violence is the system upon which every law is predicated.
If you do not make these people fear you, their ideas will grow like a cancer and you will be destroyed.
>trump is literally hitler meme
Prove it.
"What determines the definition of a word?"
they can't use the obvious definition of "common usage" so they'll have to talk in circles. Then you just say "I'd say it's determined by common usage and your definition isn't common, and it isn't in the dictionary - you made it up"
fairly simple
I understand that words change, but they dont change on the spot whenever liberals feel like it.
They basically try to pretend that their liberal academic hugbox is representative for all of society, as if they speak for everyone. Then when someone challenges them they just say "well you're uneducated or you'd agree with me".
>Racism = a racial biological and anthropological (social darwinist) theory of a social, political and economic hierarchy that naturally exists within and around a specific population.
^note how it is not cultural. Whites and/or blacks are a race. Not a culture.
>racism = prejudice on the basis of race
Ask them how power is a requirement to categorize interpersonal racism.
Ask them what they think about the BLM riots attacking white people.
Ask them why you, a self respecting white person, should support a group that openly marginalizes and perpetuates overt racism against yourself. Mention that you would never suggest a black person support a white group that openly marginalizes them, why are there different standards for white people?
>How do you argue against this?
Only people with power get to decide what is and isn't racist.
Tell them they're fuckwits because the definition has no bearing on the ethics of the situation. Their prejudice is bad because it is not a rational concept. If you call cigars "gumdrops" that won't stop you from getting cancer.
As a moderate left I implore you to mop the floor with their retarded bullshit, for everyone's sake.
redefining words is retarded. If you redefine racism to not be dependent on not someone's beliefs, but what position of power they have, then by definition the Nazi's weren't racist until they came into power, no matter what they believed in. That's retarded. You're retarded.
Well if we're going to just start making up new definitions for words, then sidewalk egg rabbit twelve haircut preamble insurance, yellow goldfish saw Friday station new is labia beatbox up grain xylophone.
Black power + all crackas racist. Nothig to argue against.
Based leaf with the good answers
>I understand that words change, but they dont change on the spot whenever liberals feel like it.
My point was you can't prove what any word means. Words only have meaning in relation to other words used at a very particular time and location.
Any word only means what everyone thinks it means. That's why communication is impossible, because literally everyone has their own definition of words, different from everyone else. Dictionaries are an attempt BY ELITES to standardize things and they don't work all that well.
>what even is knowledge? I mean really
A group of creatures who share similar characteristics
An ideology
Racism is the belief in race itself, I am a racist, but I am not hateful.
Rape = power + sex
if black men don't have any power in society then they, by definition, cannot rape a white woman.
>labia beatbox
How dare you, australia has gone to far this time, world war now
>communication is impossible, because literally everyone has their own definition of words
we're communicating right now though and I think we understand each other perfectly.
>My point was you can't prove what any word means. Words only have meaning in relation to other words used at a very particular time and location.
that is correct and incorrect at the same time
So since I have no power nothing I say will be racist?
Just a meme to excuse bad behavior.
"Power" was never part of the definition until "sociologists" tried to add that to the term "racism". They chose that term instead of making a new one because it's already established and has a very negative tone to it.
If somebody would try to use that argument and argue they are allowed to discriminate against me because of some arbitrary reason, I would tell them to define what "power" is and how I will do the same to them. No reason to treat someone like a human being if they wont treat you well either. This whole anti-discrimination thing started out of pure altruism, nobody, except for maybe laws, forces you to treat these people well. They shouldn't play with fire.
That's institutionalized racism, racism on its own doesn't require any power.
Because racism = prejudice you tucking retards, there are no other caveats.
>says communication is impossible
>gets defensive when someone doesn't understand
The funny thing about words is that they can use a completely different definition of the word, but the word still carries the same meaning and the same weight.
If I say that someone is racist, as in they hate people of other races, they are going to deny it and do anything to not seem racist. It's one of those words everyone is scared of.
A liberal can change the definition of the word to ''someone who I don't like'' and they can call everyone racist. The thing is, people still act as if you said that they hate people of other races, they are still going to grovel and start panicking, trying to do anything they can to not seem racist.
In an ideal word this type of stuff would be snuffed out.
If someone said that a nigger can't be racist because he doesn't have power that would be laughed at, because who cares how much power someone has, if they are being an asshole they're an asshole.
If the word has completely changed it's meaning you should just stop using it.
If the word ''human'' is changed to mean ''a vehicle with three wheels'' I am not going to call myself a human. I'll just call myself a man, or homo sapiens.
Just don't use the word ''racist''. Instead of using the word just replace it with ''someone who hates people of other races''. Don't say that Trump isn't racist. Say that Trump doesn't hate other races.
>racism is prejucice
>Any word only means what everyone thinks it means.
nobody really thinks power is necessary for someone to be racist. The slogan "racism = power + prejudice" is just a reminder, that is easy to memorize, that prejudice in the hands of power is a problem.
>>Racism = power + prejudice
This is the new definition of racism. What's so hard to understand about it?
Prejudice: preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or actual experience.
therefore if you hate niggers because of IQ, crime and employment statistics or even personal experience then it's not racist.
>In an ideal word this type of stuff would be snuffed out.
No one ever says shit like this because I look like I will knock you the fuck out for it.
Power = the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics, abilities, or qualities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races
Prejudice = prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior.
Can a mexican judge be racist towards a white man?
By that logic a black person saying 'kill all whites' isn't racist. Which to the warped liberal mind it isn't. To any rational human being it is.
It's funny though because it's a projection of the liberal belief that whites are superior to other races. Of course they'd never admit this because that would be racist, but that's what they think. They think whites are superior and thus need to be 'brought down to size' by holding minorities to different standards. Hence diversity quotas and scholarships for 'refugees' and other brainless and illiterate shitskins. Because if everyone were held to the same standards, whites would come out on top.
Facts are racist according to liberals. Even though facts are empirical and unbiased. It's the content of the facts that they don't like, so they like to pretend they don't exist.
The problem IMO isn't that liberals are trying to expand one's thinking of what is racism. The problem is that their justification for it is bullshit and makes no logical sense. The definition of racism being power + prejudice makes perfect sense in terms of institutional racism, discrimination done by an organization, a government, a business, what have you. But it completely fails the sniff test for everyday, person to person discrimination based on race.
If a 5 year old dindu starts screaming at me that whiteys should all die and he is going to rape my sisters dead carcass once he is done ethnically cleansing my neighbourhood, that is racist. Any questions?
They know exactly what they are doing.
Imagine this.
You get called a pedophile. Tomorrow you wake up with media all around you, everyone is calling you a pedophile. Turn on TV and you see your face with the words P E D O P H I L E written all over it.
Does it even matter what the word means? What if I told you some faggots at Harvard changed the meaning of pedophile to ''Canadian shitposter''. It doesn't matter. Your life is fucked.
They may change the meaning of the word, but it still carries the same way. They weaponize words.
Just look at what they did with ''rape''. You can get your life ruined because you said something disrespectful. It doesn't matter what the word even means, if you get called a rapist it's over for you.
>That's why communication is impossible, because literally everyone has their own definition of words, different from everyone else.
I understand your theoretical point but if you actually believed this bullshit you wouldn't have bothered typing it out
racism actually = discrimination against an individual on the basis of said individuals ethnicity
>Tell someone they're racist
>They give the racism = power + prejudice sjw bullshit
>"OK you're a shitty person that hates other people based on the color of their skin. What's the proper term for that? Because "shitty person that hates other people based on the color of their skin" is kind of a mouthful. Do we have a new word for that?
Your example doesn't work though, because as terrible as Canadian shitposting can be, the concept which we find abhorrent is that of being attracted to children. If we lived in an alternate universe where pedophile had always meant Canadian shitposter, there wouldn't be the same sting to it (though it still hurts desu). If literally everyone in the world now understood that pedophile = Canadian shitposter, the original stigma of being a child lover couldn't be applied, see?
The dishonest thing libs are doing is trying to expand the concept of racism, while retaining the narrow, focused moral condemnation which the original word entailed. There's a reason why we have racism and institutional racism as separate, but related concepts.
Same thing with the idea of privilege. I can readily admit that I won the genetic jackpot by being born white in a first world country. Feels damn good. The problem arises when someone says; "Oh, you should feel bad that you were born white in a first world country! Other people are born brown in a third world country!" and I can say "bitch, I know, but I didn't choose to be born any more than Jamal chose to be born. Fuck off"
flumpf + gapf = dorf
you can make any definition to suites your agenda, as such you argue semantics instead of the real issues
thus I have absolutely no interest in wasting my time with your ilk
clap clap
"How is power+prejudice worse than just prejudice?"
"How is the racist group in power if their prejudices aren't correct?"
And the most prejudice.
You just blow them the fuck out user. Start whitesplaining it's in your blood. Political correctness takes will power to overcome and leftist faggots don't want to change.
At this point in time, I think I'd rather be slandered by being called a pedo than a Canadian.