Why are Eastern Europeans so backward?

Why are Eastern Europeans so backward?


I'd rather be backward than be cucked

You're backward, from a certain point of view.

i think you mean based

Fucking based.

tfw your country is accepting and may eventually be taken over Muzzie shitskins with infinitely worse ideas and attitudes towards gays than Eastern Europeans will ever have.
Seems right senpai

>Swede calling others backward

That's not the question you should be asking. The real question is how did you bastards manage to corrupt czechia so much.

You could learn from Poland Swedecuck

>they're not sucking dicks
>holy shit they are so backwards!

>Swede cuck
>Supporting disorder
By the way you've got that map wrong.

You forgot the KILL THEM ALL in parts of sweden and turkey :D

Because we don't want to be cucked as Europe is


Homosexuality was illegal in France until something like the 70's

So if you don't fuck a man in the ass, then you aren't true Swedish?

FUCK OFF I'm Russian we are not backwards.

you're disgusting

pls have cancer

learn more idiot

Isnt this map showing the percentage of the immigrants in the population?

they were pretty isolated from civilization hotspots.


this. Slavs will never throw gays from the roofs

This must be one of those Polish tricks. You were a part of Soviet bloc too.

you will never be right wing

Not the USSR though

>Slavs hate gays
>they associate homosexuality with AIDS
>Eastern Europe has much higher rate of AIDS than Western Europe

So the natural cure is to import nigers and arabs and let them fuck you in the ass?

>they associate homosexuality with AIDS
Who told you that? They not that heroin junkies are pretty much doomed to get AIDS. I doubt that there is any significant portion of AIDS transmission trough sex outside the junkie communities

Eesti is quite gay friendly

>they don't agree with me
>they're so backward
What... did you get offended or something, Swede?

Why don't the parents of this malformed Muppet do the right thing and have it put to sleep?



A fucking leaf at its finest

Croatia is gay friendlier than Norway and Sweden, and equally gay friendly like Finnland, according to this.