wtf I hate schools now
Wtf I hate schools now
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Very edgy, somewhat right, but homeschooling them doesn't mean you can fill up your kids brain with nonsense like "the earth is flat and 6 thousand years old".
Ive got a little girl on the way and this terrifies me.
Time for home schooling i suppose.
How are you supposed to function in society if you aren't well educated?
How are you supposed to be an upstanding citizen when you haven't learned of the horrors of the Holocaust, and all the lessons that come with this tragedy?
because being able to read, write and do mathematics is just the blue-pill talking.
you are right to hate public schools.
I went to a private school and i got a comfy redpill from childhood onwards
by going private education, where the state cant intervene and your qualifications have a higher prestige than state students
That is true, what will become of our nation if we simply forget the 6 billion trillion gorrillion?
People might actually start to feel love their Nation, that would be bad.
*for their
>be me
>left school
>start my own business
>making 10 times the minimum wage of my country 4 years after
Yeah i'm not saying you should. But if you have nothing to lose, Why not?
>not connections
Pleb detected
Former teacher here. Bullshit pictures like this are made by people who don't work in education. The same people who make teaching impossible (lawyers, politicians, organizations, etc.) are the same ones who criticize how ineffective schools are. These same people bitch about "indoctrination" when literally 90% of what we do is teach critical thinking skills (Social Studies and Language Arts), reasoning (Math and Science), and electives like music and foreign language. Yep. Indoctrinate. That's what we do for our whopping 35,000 dollars a year. Our fucking dream. Unless they're prepared to get in the trenches with us they need to shut their dirty hippy scum mouths.
I'm going to go lash out at something now.
Instead, you should fill up your kids' brain with nonsense like ''there was nothing and nothing happened to nothing and then nothing magically exploded for no reason, creating everything and then a bunch of everything magically rearranged itself for no reason what so ever into self-replicating bits which then turned into dinosaurs.''
Yeah, that's why homeschooling is bad, you end up with people like you.
>daddy I want to become an engineer
>well too bad son, that would require you to go to school and that would make you into a drone
Former teacher again. Maladjusted home school kids who had to attend public school because mommy had to get a job always got beaten up and had embarrassing breakdowns. You really do want your kid going to a public school to eat least learn how to socialize and fight.
10* paraguay minimum wage
wikipedia says minimum paraguay wage times ten is 1,824,0550
63,066,033 is average wage according to
at the end of the day, you are still not winning
That nigga just described Communism.
>american """"education""""
>hur X is not perfect so we are better off without it instead of just improving X
If you don't go to school would you die?
That's an ad hominem, you fag.
>social studies and language arts teach critical thinking
holy fucking shit you are delusional
This is only true if you went to a public school which also means you are poor.
If you're a public school teacher you're shit and nobody should listen to you.
Current teacher here.
All education is indoctrination. Full stop.
The difference is that educators should be training students to come up with their own answers and to be able to weigh the things they are told rather than blindly accept them.
I indoctrinate my students daily in the scientific method, the design process, and in critical thinking. They can defend these philosophies. They can also look at new information and attempt to determine its veracity or at least the likelihood of it being provable.
>Learn kids to fight instead of learning them the Trivium.
Thanks for proving my point that public schooling is Marxism, ''former teacher''.
This picture is moslty bullshit. Also do you know you have to be 18 or over to post on the chinz right?
>be american
>do shit in tests
>blame school system
>a-absolutey s-stay in s-school goyim so you will l-learn about the s-six gorillas
This is an appeal to ignorance.
This is not even that bad. Before you can do the left, you need to understand that the right side is the actual process going on.
For too long, schools have related on mindless computation cheats that can be done without knowing the basic principles of what is going on beneath the hood. It is part of the reason that Americans suck at math.
Math in school doesn't teach reasoning. How many theorems do you prove in school?
>be America
>dominate the world
>irrelevant eueocucks so jealous
> most people who believe in evolution are idiots who simply believe it because some grownup told them
> most people who believe in god are idiots who simply believe it because some grownup told them
Buttmad skilless faggot detected. Those that can't do, teach.
The problem with these things is they always assume school is trying to only turn you into a corporate drone eichman, they never consider the leftist ideals pushed too
>>dominate the world
Actually, students at my high school are expected to do that in their upper level math courses now. But those are basically optional now in Texas.
>public school
fuck off, plebe-sitter
> be american
> do shit in tests
> claim to dominate everything
> not realize immigrants easily dominate your country cus of stupid native population
Reminder that common core makes sense and is actually the way people with triple-digit IQ do math.
We live in a world where people fight over the most menial jobs.
Get off your high horse.
>most people who believe in evolution
there's no need to "believe" in evolution - you can entertain the theory and decide if the evidence supports the theory or not
evolution is not an obligate belief system like a religion
the honors classes did it in my school but most students found it hard because they were used to just answering questions they have practiced in homeword
>daddy I just want to live a comfortable life and work in a factory
>sorry my boy, you can't do that anymore. you have to go to school for a competitive degree in a competitive field and come out of school tens of thousands of dollars in debt before even graduating
You can do anything you want, except for you know: anything you want :^)
Not only that, but it is how people do computations in their head. Hell, this was standard procedure before electronic calculators, due to slide rules.
You should go to school only to learn how to read and do math. Everything is state sponsored bullshit
>be American
>38% chance you're talking to a minority
You entertain evolution the same way you entertain Marxism. By indoctrination.
>engineering and science are bullshit
>vocational classes are bullshit
the earth is around 10,000 years old though, perhaps less
> is actually the way people with triple-digit IQ do math
true but attempting to explain reasoning to a stupid person will only confuse him and """blow his mind"""
>when you graduate you will get a job
>be traitor
>be American
>have all the top universities in the world
>dominate on research, publishing, and scientific discoveries
>pass out Nobel Prizes and Fields medals like candy
>Somehow outperform China in research