Where were you when Sup Forums was proven right once again?
Where were you when Sup Forums was proven right once again?
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More reason for the backslap
>26. Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as "normal, natural, healthy."
They're right though
which is exactly why a society's men NEED to control their women and make them monogamous, because when left to their own devices they'll suck any good dick that passes by
Other way around; men are meant sow sow the seed, women are meant to cling to the man when she is with child, because for the life of her she cant provide for her and the child.
reproduction through machines can't come soon enough. fucking useless gender.
Dr (((David Buss)))
This is why men are genetically programmed to beat them
It's true I got cucked by a girl that goes to the University of Texas. My fault though, she was always a little bit out of my league.
Do you know what "affairs" means?
Doesn't have anything to do with the cuck taking care of children without knowing they are not his.
so are men. this study has not found anything new. this is been known for decades.
What is this from? I want to know
Just like men are programmed to fuck as many women as possible. How about we just stick with what works and try to give our kids a good life instead of this obsession with sex? I can't believe how people can fuck over their kids and families with no concern at all.
told you guys.
I'm 31 and have nearly been married a few times, but I always wait years into a relationship to make the leap. I've been with the "good" girls and the "bad".
At the end of the race it's always the same shit. Old people ask me why I don't have kids or why I'm not married yet. They look astounded when I say i'm just gonna knock one up with good genetics and accept the child support payments.
That's why religion and tradition are necessary to keep society working.
Muslims have it right.
No, what we need is strong laws against it. Men is genetically programmed to kill yet we don't run around killing people. At least us whites.
Why the fuck do you tripcode you lanky dyel-tier meme?
>us whites
because it warrants accountability.
I can't just shitpost, hop on a proxy, and shill. unlike you and your stupid ass arguments. BTW I am glad my manly accomplishments trigger you this much.
Have fun with the tendies. I gotta go to work and make America great again.
Thanks much
Congratulation, you look like you've been working out for 2 months.
Monogamy is just a low class way of life and servant status.
Polygamy is what God chose for his and only people.
Fuck off retard
Shut up, satan
I think men are more promiscuous. Usually each town has a small number of sluts and a large number of men who can't help fucking them and giving them attention. I'm one of the latter.
OP sounds like a bitter permavirgin.
>cuck scientists from a cuck country proved that being cucked is perfectly normal
Surprise surprise!
>we are animals
>social norms are against our instincts
Wow, more news at 12
>we should act according to instincts not social norms
Who assumes that after reading such articles?
Or men could actually play the game better and keep women on their toes
Men should be allowed to have many wives, if they can afford it.
it isn't the body type that should trigger you. The image in the image is from 10 years ago.
I don't even work out now, but thanks for the compliment on my natural genetics.
Time for me to go to work, children.
Just put them in breeding farms already. It won't be that long until we have artificial wombs so that we can discard the failed human called woman.
Never trust those liberal jews.
A&M or go home.
impossible. They can always sling more pussy than you can sling dick.
It will hurt you more as well. now, off to work.
Oh wow, a smart person? Are you sure you're on the right website?
Jew name?
Oh wow a cucked russian? Are you sure you're on the right country?
> texas
Stopped as soon as I saw that. Of course conservatives are going to cheat. Its what God put them here to do.
>I'm just gonna knock one up with good genetics and accept the child support payments.
You know you can buy Ovum right? Then you can rent out a uterus.
A lot cheaper than knocking a bitch up.
>another shit article with a clickbait title
>humans will look for new relationships if they perceive their current relationship sucks
op is huge faggot
This "study" only encourages women to fool around and think that it's their "genetics" at fault for it. It promotes indecisiveness and irresponsibility.
"YES, good goy. Sleep around until you find the right one. Surely the market won't drop once you hit 30!!"
Great men are genetically programmed to spread their seed to as many fertile women as they can.
Women are programmed to desire seed of great men and bear their children
Women are not programmed to be whores just for the sake of being whores
Humans and other great apes are a cucked species, almost as bad as birds are.
Most mammals can tell their children are theirs by scent, since like genes will carry similiar scent glands they can recognize.
Humans long since lost that ability, same with chimps.
Now humans and chimps diverged pretty early on, so our sexual methods are not quite the same, but in chimps the female will fuck every male in the vicinity. Chimp Males are aggressive and hate chimp children that aren't theirs, often killing them.
A chimp male will think the kids are his if he's fucked the female prior, so female chimps are huge sluts that trade sex for attention, food and other shit while also competing with other females by beating them out if they take male attention. They always fuck the most attractive, alpha male first and the alpha male typically becomes alpha by ripping the balls off those who challenge him (hence why chimps always aim for the nuts).
Sound familiar?
We've probably evolved well passed that exact method. Even Bonobos have more monogamy-like standards than the common chimp (and we're closer to them), but traces of that shit probably still exist in our genetic history. For example, female chimps do not make vocal orgasms yet humans do and every male who listens in instantly gets turned on, meaning ancient ancestral species likely had gang bangs and orgies as some sort of advanced version of chimp fuck fests.
Wow it's this thread...... Again. I've seen this same thread in the last four days.
>Time for me to go to work, children.
Good. Please don't ever tripfag here again, fag.
Probably just deja vu. Check the archive.
The article was posted 1 hour before I archived it, today.
Otherwise, it could be a duplicate article that stole the name/description
So are men, but most of us have the self discipline to not slot it in every slut we can get the panties off of when we are in a relationship out of respect for our SO.
Lesbians are perfectly normal you fag
>For our distant ancestors – when disease, poor diet and minimal healthcare meant that few people lived past 30 -
Oh my fucking dog.
>At least us whites
>people not knowing that life long manogomy is counter intuitive to an expanding race
we're all genetically hard wired to just eat and breed.
Everything else is effectively secondary.
Now why is that only the undeveloped minds of negros and females are incapable of defying their baser urges for a morally stable society?
Lesbians are the female equivalent of MGTOW.
of course they are
Oh look, leaf is a fag. No surprise here.
i knew it all the time, damn it!
good im shagging so many other pussy on the side!
Men are 'genetically programmed to fuck almost every girl they see'
Doesn't mean men go around raping women all the time unless they're a muslim in europe.
>implying i'm wrong
Lesbians are either attention whores or misandrists, but women are incapable of being alone, so they become euphoric about the pussy.
At first I thought this was from Teddy K's diary
>clickbait "science" to sell books.
thanks (((david)))
Women are also stupid, genetically.
Ah that's why install a certain bypass called "Islam" on women.
>still willingly entering relationships with women
why do men keep falling for the vaginal jew?
Nice try, Achmed. You don't burn down your barn because your cows aren't producing enough milk.
Pick one, Abdul
PROPAGANDA to sell more degeneracy. No excuse.
they're both right though. Women get antsy, you can't leave a woman by herself. You have to keep her busy, otherwise she will cheat. If she thinks someone can offer her more value, she leaves. Which is why you never give them time to think that.
>(((They))) will only give up when God fianlly returns to the Earth to judge us
wouldn't open my mouth if I was u mr.minority in capitol.
>prehistoric humans probably did this
>so modern humans should probably do it as well, I mean it's not like the introduction of marriage and monogamy is the backbone of every civilization and without it civilization would rapidly deteriorate or anything
Men are genetically hardwired to kill.
Yet you don't see me killing people on the street.
We invented a thing called civilization and it requires us to let go of our most animalistic urges in order for it to function.
She also needs to have a string of beta orbiters who will come take care of Chad's kid if he leaves.
Women are monogamous when they have a high value partner. When they have a low value partner they keep looking for upgrades.
The cuckold is correct
Human beings are programmed to have affairs and be lying cheating murdering pieces of shit.
Yeah but that tequiers diciplin and and a sense of honor.
Things women cant understand. They geneticly imposibel too. Way to infirior.
Now instead of going to war and killing people men have resigned to making minecraft videos for autistic 8 year olds
Or you make her feel inferior. That's a good method cause she will look to you for affirmation and typically not go looking for it from other sources cause she is just insecure about what YOU think of her.
good goy. Let them breed with dindus
Well, then men are "genetically programmed to rape woman"
What now?
Not an argument.
Not quite
We're wired to rape FOREIGN women, not those of our tribe/band
Besides, women can legally get away with whoring. Men can't exactly rape women legally.
Hence patriarchy, they have to be controlled by their fathers or husbands in order to remain civilized.
Enjoy raising your kids alone then bitches
Which globalist puppet posted that shit?
Humans aren't rats that fuck and run every time, it's the shit culture and everything else inclining women to cheat.
They really would turn us into brave new world if they could
Following recall of a conflict involving direct aggression and role-playing a reaction to it, compared with men, women reported their anger would dissipate less quickly and they would take longer to reconcile. Women also exhibited increased heart rate, but little change in cortisol, whereas men exhibited little change in heart rate but increased cortisol production. We interpret the results as indicating that women are less prepared than men to resolve a conflict with a same-sex peer.
Why do we choose the partners we do, and why do we get flak about it from our parents? A professor says it comes down to simple genetics.
The paper cost Professor H. S. Nyborg a long legal battle with his university, which began with his suspension under trumped up charges and ended with a full acquittal on appeal, with the university forced to reinstate him (of course they never stopped going after him and he had to do the whole charade again with another paper in 2011):
The article tested four hypothesis:
Inadequate analysis explains why researchers have been having incosistent results on gender-based differences in intelligence
The adequate method proposed will identify a male lead in general intelligence
The male lead is mostly explained by larger male brain size
Because males have a higher average intelligence and a wider distribution, there are exponentially more males at the top end of the distribution; that translates into a significant numerical superiority of highly intelligent males as opposed to highly intelligent females, explaining male dominance across society
there are a lot of things you can do. For example, it would probably be best to find someone who is close with their friends and family because you want to get on their good side. Unless you start smoking crack or beat the shit out of her, they are much more likely to side with you if she just up and leaves.
There are countless other ways, the main problem is that men have to realize that a relationship between a man and a woman is not egalitarian. You're very likely not going to meet someone who can match you, instead you're meeting what is like wet clay.
a gorrillion other studies prove men cheat more than women though. This clickbait """"study"""" sounds like jewish tricks to me. but of course neo-r9k is gonna eat this shit up
Study shows that women are attracted to selfish guys that are full of themselves, yet guys are not attracted to those qualities in women.
UCLA research compiles women's dualistic mating strategy across all cultures
Dominance has been suggested to honestly reflect male genetic quality.
Some researchers have suggested that the high mating value of dominant men is a result of their tendency to reaching higher socio-economical status and, therefore, gaining the resources that they may invest in their mate and offspring
There is also evidence that males of high genetic quality have a tendency for lower parental investment (Waynforth 1998). In response, a mixed mating strategy may have evolved in females: they prefer genetically superior males as short-term or extra-pair sexual partners while, at the same time, they seek males who are more willing to invest in their offspring as long-term or social partners
Here, we develop and explore the hypothesis that the norms and institutions that compose the modern package of monogamous marriage have been favoured by cultural evolution because of their group-beneficial effects—promoting success in inter-group competition. In suppressing intrasexual competition and reducing the size of the pool of unmarried men, normative monogamy reduces crime rates, including rape, murder, assault, robbery and fraud, as well as decreasing personal abuses.
By shifting male efforts from seeking wives to paternal investment, normative monogamy increases savings, child investment and economic productivity. By increasing the relatedness within households, normative monogamy reduces intra-household conflict, leading to lower rates of child neglect, abuse, accidental death and homicide. These predictions are tested using converging lines of evidence from across the human sciences.
A study which trained female freshman college students to avoid rape SUBSTANTIALLY lowered their odds of being sexually assaulted
The study of 170 college-age women revealed that unattractive men earned a “negative double bias” upon violating a social norm.
However, handsome men did not earn a negative bias if they broke a social norm or did something wrong.
>Still dating human women
Women engage in indirect aggression and slut-shaming, even in clinical research studies. Why?
"In a series of studies, more than 1,000 adult participants rated the sexual attractiveness of hundreds of images of the opposite sex engaged in universal displays of happiness (broad smiles), pride (raised heads, puffed-up chests) and shame (lowered heads, averted eyes).
The study found that women were least attracted to smiling, happy men, preferring those who looked proud and powerful or moody and ashamed. In contrast, male participants were most sexually attracted to women who looked happy, and least attracted to women who appeared proud and confident." by Prof. Jessica Tracy of UBC’s Dept. of Psychology
The two groups of people who live the longest are those who stay married and those who stay single.
A woman would rather be TERRIFIED than disgusted by a man
Study shows that once a women 'bonds' or knows she has fully secured her mates commitment she will lose interest in sex.
But women, he said, have evolved to have a high sex drive when they are initially in a relationship in order to form a "pair bond" with their partner.
But, once this bond is sealed a woman's sexual appetite declines, he added.
The rationale for why a woman's sex drive declines may be down to supply and demand. If something is in infinite supply, the perceived value would drop
i actually think the whole whorification of women is men's fault. men, especially when they're young and stupid, want to fuck girls. Girls naturally want male attention. So to get it, the weak-willed ones slut around.
desu i think there are more good women out there than good men
>dating sub-humans
A new study has shown a correlation between birth control and decreased thickness in the brain regions responsible for "responding to rewards and evaluating internal states/incoming stimuli".
Self-awareness - Evaluating internal states
Self-control - Responding to rewards
Solipsism - Inability to process incoming stimuli
Not only does the pill have an effect on the mindset of women by changing the way we reproduce (and thereby how the genders interact), but now we know it also has a physical impact on the brain.
Women prefer taken men with attractive partners especially during the low-fertility phase of their cycle
...the hormone Prolactin makes people not want sex. Its essential, otherwise humans would only want sex and not even take time to eat. It spikes after sex... and it rises after relationships get older. At 1 year, then at 3 years it rises again. (Sounds like the typical stages of a relationship doesn't it?) It also rises more in women than in men, and although they cant put humans in cages, they found that monkeys they tested only had high prolactin levels after sex or... when they were brought in and put into cages, and they realized they were trapped. To me it explains why so many women have low libidos and then when getting out of a marriage, suddenly turn into fireballs of sexual desire: they aren't trapped. Prolactin is apparently what pushes us to want new partners.
So, I should go fucking a bunch of wives, cucking the betas to raise my seedlings?
Study of 3,000+ finds men and women process emotions differently and this affects what they remember
Women rate emotional images as more stimulating and are more likely to remember them than men, a new study finds.
While strong emotions tend to boost memory for both men and women, this neuroimaging study may help explain why women often outperform men on memory tests.
The results come from a very large study of 3,398 people who took part in four different trials.
Both men and women were asked to look at a series of pictures, some of which were emotionally arousing and others which were neutral.
They were also tested on their memory for the pictures.
The results, published in the Journal of Neuroscience, showed that women found the emotional pictures — and especially the negative pictures — more stimulating than the men (Spalek et al., 2015).