Ex Machina Storytime

What if a superhero had been there to stop 9/11?



What if OP, what if?

I guess we'll never know.



Just sit down and enjoy the storytime, wise-ass.







My dad called me up this morning to wish me a Happy 9/11. I live far away from him so it was super sweet, I miss my parents...anyways... Thanks OP I haven't read this one in a long time.


>a Happy 9/11
That's... unique.

Anyway, no problemo, user.



























I guess I should have mentioned my dad and I share a similar sense of humor.



You sound like a fun bunch desu









Love this series, how much of it will you be posting?


Only the first arc tonight, maybe more on the following weeks.






Man, fuck Ex Machina. Vaughn tries to be poetic but it just comes off pretentious and cliched.


I like it except for the ending, which is trash

>I like it except for the ending, which is trash
That is exactly what I'm talking about the ending ruined it.


Yeah, I see what you're talking about. I still enjoy it to a degree but fuck man, that ending.



How bad is the ending?

I never finished this story. Knowing BKV, does a main character get killed off for shock value out of nowhere?


I liked the series but it builds up to something that never comes, and leaves it hanging, as if the character has a greater destiny than the reality, in which he basically settles for being just some VP to Mccain.

its as if it was cut somewhat short.

Honestly, the only way to truly know is to read all the way to the end.


not really, his mom gets killed by the "main" villianess, but it isn't really for shock value.

it ends on a chilling note, that other atlernate versions of Mitch are a basically Borg Collective trying to eat into his dimension and will never stop trying.

then it just sort of ends with him being the Vice President to Mccain and him reminiscing about his little life and all the bad choices he ended up making.


I love you, OP. One of my favorite books ever.

That's my main problem with the ending, what bad choices did he make? He seemed to have it all pretty well figured out before the final arc. The only "bad" choices are forced stuff like Bradbury suddenly being gay for Mitchell or Mitch killing Kremlin out of fucking nowhere.

So how did people react to this when it first came out?

Do you think it's worth picking up again? How many issues is it? I remember reading the first collected volume like over 5 years ago.

No problem, man. Despite my grievances with the ending I enjoyed the rest a lot too.

It's 50 issues long plus I think two or three specials, I forget. Honestly, other than the ending it's a quality read, and you may even like it anyway, it's not unheard of.

Of course, if you want to read BKV at his best and not risk a lot of time/money, I'd rec Pride of Baghdad. Some people hated the ending for that one too, but it's based on a true story, so it really couldn't be helped.

Looks like Dubbs... rolled singles.



he threw everything away to be president and then he failed to ever make it, he just ended up being Vice President.

and thats that, his entire life, Kremlin was ultimately right because if he was actively trying to be a hero, he could be working towards stoping Alternate Mitch's from invading his world.

but now that everyone knows, he's on lock, his political career was a huge waste of time, in the very least, in the long term for humanity.


Fair enough, I still don't like how forced a lot of the bad shit that happened to him was.









