ITT post dystopian books/movies that are actually coming true
ITT post dystopian books/movies that are actually coming true
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Less of a warning and more of a , this is happening but there's nothing you can do type deal.
Hunger games
George Orwell was a democratic socialist cuck faggot.
He literally took up arms and joined the socialists to fight the fascists in Spain.
Orwell was bluepilled as fuck.
nah, agriculture is essentially infinite as long as you continue to fertilize the land.
Perhaps extreme over population will do it.
let me heat up those brain cells
>That picture
Considering that nothing remotely relevant happened afterwards, he basically threw his whole life in the garbage for naught.
Yeah but his book is still coming true
I think he figured out what was really going on in the last years of his life. It always seemed suspicious that he died very soon after 1984 came out. Either he was dying anyway and had nothing to lose or (((they))) killed him
brave new world - aldous huxley
I like Casper van Dien. Starship troopers movie was great. Book is good too.
kek. This is what they really want, I'm sure about it.
Brave New World is far truer than 1984
you and your memers need to fucking stop
both are happening, not one or the other.
Pic related is the fucking problem
At least he did something. What have you done besides shitposting on turkish rug weaving forum ?
Your heart is blue and your brain is bleeding.
Modern day China is literally Insoc.
>Environment is horrible
>Not allowed to criticize the government
>Government censors everything to prevent independent thinking
>People working themselves to death in factories
>Imagination is discouraged
I have you plebs beat
There's some guy on wattpad named MostlyHetero who posts short stories, every one of them he's posted has come true so far in some way. There used to be like 30 stories on there but now there's only 3. I smell a conspiracy.
That's his watt if you care to snoop a bit.
Predicted the cuck pope would be from South America
Came in to post that.
The Turner Diaries
And that sandnigs would fuck with our bathing
Nice "what have YOU done?" meme.
I never pretended I did anything or had the intention to, but at least I've got to keep my career and family intact and the final result is exactly the same anyway.
Feel free to follow his footstep and waste your life away though, don't let me stop you.
If you have one mouse in your house there are probably many more.
that's a good movie
>my country is Mr. Bones Wild Ride, and it's too late to get off
Should we just accept everything that happens ? Just follow along while nodding ?
In reality, user, you are just too much of a pussy to do anything because you are afraid. You are an observer and like all observers you only bitch and moan how something is wrong but would never sacrificing anything in attempt to change that something.
I am no different, unless there is a full on uprising I wouldn't do shit.
>muh comfort zone
Snowman tried to do something. He is paying the price but he sure as hell deserves respect for what he did.
No need to reply, I won't.
everything we get to see/hear, is just for show.
this masterpiece
love that movie
and that one
Sounds like a good pope if he would sell all the churches belongings to help the poor. The current church is openly evil.
>coming true
It's already here
>divide between rich and poor grows everyday
>world becomes completely divided
>someday AI will be created that whipes out everyone
84 and new world were both very accurate.
ive read somewhere a very observant remark and agreed, that in fact they painted for us a british and american version of a dystopia
That's fucking brilliant. All of it. Fuck
In 1984 people know they are slaves
Especially relevant in the Mid East, since the jews over there literally use porn as a weapon.
and the same times they think they are the masters...
I'd vote for Camacho any day.
People are becoming illiterate and repressing information so the government/organizations don't even have to.
>both are happening, not one or the other.
This. I tend to think of it as the carrot and the stick approach...
Brave New World is the carrot, 1984 is the stick, and both are being applied simultaneously to double the effectiveness of either approach alone.
Surprised nobody said Idiocracy. It's already the state of affairs in Africa, Russia and all of Latin America, and partially true in developed nations.
Poor brown people from the third world dont count and shouldnt be helped, remember? Take your Sup Forums propaganda properly.
>coming true
Fuck off
Huxley got it right
>The only way to help people is to let them into your state and give them free shit while bending over backwards for them in the inevitable cultural clash
lel. Well, maybe, seeing as foreign aid doesn't actually help most of the time.
They're both right, different governments use different means of population control. That's all these books are , just the modern autocrats means of keeping the population satiated for normies and the different strategies they might employ.