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>stray mortar
it was probably a cruzmissile

bad meme


Happens every month.

The Government-K*rd conflict is more interesting, Russia and USA are both making threats to each other.

what the fuck?
did they shoah the website?

We warned you goys.

I'm getting the same too

(((IDF))) is tweeting about it.


Nah its just RT, so basically fear porn

for some reason archiving worked
maybe my ISP put me on the (((radar)))?

server not found on RT

The Jews have been bombing and absorbing land from random sandpeople for decades without criticism.

Where do you think Palestine went?


yes it is you idiot

Israel shells Syria literally once a month.

They do it to provide artillery strikes to aid Israel's ally, the Islamic State of Syria and Levantine, when they're doing ground pushes against Assad.

Israel is ISIS' greatest ally!

nothing is going to happen

Greater Israel when? The entire refugee thing among EU leaders is just to depopulate Syria so Israel can take the land almost uncontested.




>retards shelling each other in the middle east

what else is new?

>Israel is ISIS' greatest ally!
It's sad but true. Rothschild zionism will enslave this world.


Nope the website and just this one is not working for me


Time for stage 2 to begin.

How about the fact the us is allies with the aggressor...


literally clicked the link in OP, worked for me
also RT.com works for me. Your Internet is shitty.




it shall be done

This happens every few weeks. not news.

>Israel is ISIS' greatest ally!
This guy gets it.

They do this a lot, Assad doesn't respond to it. Israel is basically.

>"We gon attak u lololol trolololol we wuz isralites n SHIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEET"
>"but u attak us bak we call usa and remove u LOLOLOLOLOLOL"

Israel is a scum state basically.

Most likely. They are extremely powerful.


isn't it ironic that only yanks call it forced?


Israel and Isis have fundamental differences in belief that would make them enemies in any situation. Isis' rise to power does not help Israel; It creates a powerful and unstable ally, if your explanation is to be given any merit at all.

Hezbollah BTFO once again
I hope the Syrian War never ends desu, we can be sneaky kikes all we want in the meantime

The USA and KSA have fundamental differences, it doesn't stop them being a protectorate of yours.


Webpage not available

F. A. K. E.




They don't have to force it. Just happens to them.

>one stray bomb hits your borders
>unleash the fucking armageddon on your neighborn
I don't know who is being the worse influence on whom between America and Israel.

Too bad it all backfired in your face and the world supports Assad because your dumb ISIS cannon fodder of KSA are too ackbary to contain their shit and basically reveal everything to the world.

Checkmate Jewish nationalist.

The link dosnt work for me. Is it just me or also everyone else?

Funny, isn't it?

timesofisrael.com/israel-strikes-syrian-army-after-mortar-hits-golan-heights/ working link

Yeah thought in the last Assad interview he was criticizing the Israeli/ISIS attacks. This seems like a common occurrence.


Israel has bombed Syria like 50 times since the war started this is nothing.
Now if they invaded that would be different.


Nothing new, jews do it very often.


>Israel occupying territory it's always held onto

Nothing new, not a happening, fag.

How much of a retarded nazi do you have to be to see that Israel is infinitely more based than any European or sandnigger nation and that we should celebrate every Muslim they kill from the malnourished African ewoks to the sandpeople of Syria and pakiland

Works for me

>All finns and other free people can open the page
>People under ZOG cannot

the syrian army is war hardened after 5 years of civil war

That was confusing.

Isis' rise to power does not help Israel; It creates a powerful and unstable enemy for them that's bent on their destruction. That means that the tiny country of Israel will have helped the people with the most to gain from their destruction to gain access to more land, weaponry and human resources. That's silly.

Not news worthy, not even here.

yeah its silly but yet its probably true

Have you gotten any of the latest in american hottest fashion statements?

wtf i hate war now

this picture makes me very sad

such a qt..left alone..broken...can´t imagine what it must be like for the eventual new guy coming into her life having to pick up the pieces

Wtf they do this every time the syrians get too close. It's a show of strength. If mexico was having a civil war and some of its mortars landed in Texas we would glass the firing sites.

The second we come into conflict with them, your country and all her NATO friends will mysteriously suddenly really care about ISIS, and invade Syria for us.


> syrians get too close
the shell landed on syrian ground occupied by israel

A proxy war with proxy soldiers, you have to support them anyway you can.

Derpa derp derp.

Is that why the rebels were able to break the Allepo siege in a matter of hours?

Also Israel does this on a fairly regular basis

Israel has a strong interest in destabilizing the Middle East. The threat to Israel does not come from Jihadist madmen, it comes from stable, relatively secular modern states.

the syrian army has regained huge territories back since last year

The Syrian army is dead after 5 years of civil war.

Yawn probably nothing serious

Fuck Israelie.

why do europeans shit their pants?



nah they are kicking stronger than ever with russias support. They make your army look like children, who even had a hard time against hezbollah

>Syrian army fighting two armies at once
>they want to start a war with Israel now
sounds believable
nice provocation kike

>implying shes not already fukn chad


Our fundamental difference with the Arabs is not remotely what Isis has with Israel. Isis would like to see every Jewish man, woman and child slaughtered and their heads pierced on pikes. They don't even want to convert them, except to then slaughter them and put their heads on pikes. Israel is an abomination of the highest order to Isis.

>a single mortar shell leaks from the fighting between kebabs in syria, lands in some open field up north in Israel
>Israel sends a single airplane to shoot a single rocket at a truck mortar launcher so it can tick the V on "we retaliated"

never change, Sup Forums, never change.

>Israel believes that the mortar, which landed next to a minefield, was not aimed at its land, but nonetheless dispatched aircraft to neutralize the source of the firing. In accordance with its policy, Israel holds Damascus responsible for any overspill from its internal conflict, and considers any rockets that breach the border a direct attack. IDF planes have made dozens of such sorties since the outbreak of the Syrian conflict in 2011.

>mortar? how dare you use rockets, why did you nuke us, omg it's another shoah!!


Syria has never even gotten close to beating us, and they always had Soviet/Russian support.


Its not 1970 anymore. They are true heroes and probably the most war experience army in the middle east right now.

>Isis would like to see every Jewish man, woman and child slaughtered and their heads pierced on pikes. They don't even want to convert them, except to then slaughter them and put their heads on pikes. Israel is an abomination of the highest order to Isis.
This is true about any Muslim state, they onlt tolerate us because they have to.


then why have they tolerated you since 2000 years before 1945?

You're a big kike


Times have changed, the Muslims hate us now more than ever because of Israel.
for you

mudslimes hate everyone now, its not just you.
They hate the west more than ever.

the vril race is coming and nothing you goys can do.

Oy vey it's been shut down.