We have the strength to make this happen!
Help Sally Kohn (a lesbian liberal news pundit) to prove that the right-wing "experts" are wrong about Islam by sending her to a country that practices Sharia (without bodyguard). Sign here: change.org
We have the strength to make this happen!
Help Sally Kohn (a lesbian liberal news pundit) to prove that the right-wing "experts" are wrong about Islam by sending her to a country that practices Sharia (without bodyguard). Sign here: change.org
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Shameless bump
1.800 to go. This gon b gud
It's already gone.
Maybe she changed her mind.
It shows for me that is up. Strange
Its still live keep this alive people
Signed and bumping.
What the fuck is wrong with these retards? Homosexuality is a crime in 88% of islamic countries, punishment ranges from 5 years to life, or execution. The islamic countries actually signed counter treaty against UN declaration of lgbt rights in 2011.
This is not for interpretation, this is their standing legislative.
Bumping for interest.
It works for me
I like that kid
Bump and sign
Have another bump
t.Hugh Mungous
you triggered me!!!!!
this gonna be good
Just shows these people are legitimately insane.
> be gay
> tolerated by the west
> hated by Islam
> 'why is the west so bad to us'
Fine, dont like it, why not spend time in the islamic world?
> 'crickets'
Fucking signed
These people would never even go. I doubt they even believe in the religion of peace meme themselves.
Bump to get this witch burned
This type of thing doesn't really advance the debate. Left wingers tend to see Islam as containing some kind of old-fashioned, not-that-sophisticated, and bizarrely modest and innocent sort of bigotry and intolerance. To them, it's not a big deal because it's not quite as complexly malevolent as modern world homophobia. Libs are being extremely condescending to Muslims by treating them like their hate of gays is not very deep or intricate, like it'll just go away as they become more modern through interacting with more decent nations.
aka. they are the most extremely ignorant fucks ever
And then they blame christians but dont realize that orthodox church lets you basically do whatever you want like being gay for example