Would a Kryptonian Vampire become super strong under a yellow sun or would it die from being exposed to sun light...

Would a Kryptonian Vampire become super strong under a yellow sun or would it die from being exposed to sun light? This is important

Such a being would become super strong, yet be subject to excruciating pain.

so it would constantly be burning up but re-healing itself?

fascinating .

now..would it drink Human Blood or just other Kryptonian Blood?

Maybe it would feed on both, but Kryptonian blood would make it stronger?

It really depends of the definition of the vampire here.

Probably more of a "sci-fi" version than the "supernatural" version

Depends on how you want to write it.

Probably a Sub-Race of kryptonians that mimic many of the Earth Legends of Vampires but lack the overt supernatural aspect. One gets caught and tossed into phantom zone before Destruction of Krypton.
A bunch of crazy goth kids release it on halloween its up to Werewolf Jimmy Olsen to stop it.

I love how this also happens to Apollo in the I,vampire crossover.

It would still die under the yellow sun, but would become amazingly powerful it's it's able to feed on blood that has drunk in and processed yellow sun radiation. After it's filtered through the blood it the harmful effects that sunlight has on Vamps would be rendered inert.

You know how a Gorilla is roughly 6 to 15 times stronger than a human?

Could a Supersilverbackgorilla be able to take on Superman?

Is that a Murder She Wrote comic?

Supes has an advantage of smarts.

I loved that one so much i bought the book.

it becomes super strong under moonlight which is just reflected sunlight anyway

are you implying that Jessica Fletcher is a Kryptonian Vampire?

What are the rules for a kryptonian vampire? There are lots of kinds of vampires, not all of them are killed by sunlight. The Bram Stoker version of Dracula wasn't harmed by sunlight, he just didn't have most of his vampire powers during the day.

Did Superman turn into a vampire because of this?

It's pretty well accepted that when you say "vampire" without qualifications then you're talking about a blood sucking immortal being that dies when exposed to sunlight or is stabbed through the heart with wood.

See The harmful effects wouldn't be filtered through the blood, they'd be present in it according to DC''s rules.

It's like how if Wolverine drowned, it would be an excruciating, endless cycle of cell atrophy and healing.

vampires never have any trouble going out in moonlight, even though the light is actually coming from the sun and just bouncing off the moon.

so a kryptonian vampire gets stronger the more light is being reflected off the moon (i.e: is strongest on the night of a full moon) but must seek shelter and rest during the day

This reminds me of an idea I had about a new Superman villain. He's the Kryptonite Lich, the Last Mystic of Krypton.

Vampire curse wins out because magic. So the sun kills him.

He would be a normal vamp, because the sun would kill him. If he gets under a yellow sun he will die because whatever invulnerability that is gained by the radiation will be negated by the disintegration from the Vampire curse.

Batman with Superman's powers decided to always stick to the night and slowly but surely he was losing the powers since moonlight alone couldn't sustain them.

Didn't Apollo flash Superman and Superman got even more charged? That light is magic and it just worked like normal sunlight. Magic did nothing.

That's retarded. Even Bruce would realize to just fucking sunbathe during the day even if he's only patrolling at night.

Can Superman charge off UV rays? Is the wavelength of the light all that's important or is it something quasimystical about our Sun?

Well, if it matters, his suit stores sunjuice (which is why wears it instead of flying around mostly naked for more sun exposure). So it's probably not particular to the sun itself.

Bruce wasn't in his right mind.

But the magic says that he is the sun. So the light he emits will have that effect. Magic did it's job.

It's the wavelength.

In a place with more than one sun like that, he is supercharged.

Are they half kryptonian/half vampire or full on kryptonian turned into a vampire

This seems really dumb to me, does that imply that plants that grow in sunlight are also extremely toxic to vampires?

Holy shit, why wasn't this done back in the Silver Age?

He would become super powered by the light of the moon, due to it being reflected sunlight.
He'd be more powerful during a full moon.


so he'd be a krytponian vampire thats like a werewolf?

hes superman hes invincible

you cant have kyrptonian vampires cause a vampire cant break a kryptonians skins, without kryptonite, and the kyrptonite would kill the kryptonian anyway

But aren't Kryptonians vulnerable to magic as well? So if the vampire was magical in nature it might be able to break a Kryptonians skin and begin feeding that way.

Well last i checked vampires in dc are an alien race they arive on a planet and stay there until its a dead wasteland then move on.

The very first human fell victim to a vampire.

Only under a yellow sun.

How would a Bizarro Vampire work?

Me am not vampire me will not drink the blood of born babys.


Well I was thinking it be a Bizarro-skinned vampire who chases people demanding they drink his blood.

Also he turns into scalding water, freezes and shatters in shadows and turns invisible when he stands in front of something reflective

A vampire's weakness to sunlight is a magical effect, and Kryptonian powers don't protect from magical effects, so its body would burn up before it ever got a chance to gain any power from the radiation.

They produce too much blood and have to inject it into others from time to time. Also they begin to quickly whither and die whenever they are out of direct sunlight.

It would steal the sun out of people. leaving them withered husks devoid of all vitamin D

Someone should draw this.

So would one of them go around waving a catheter at people or something.

This doesn't have anything to do with that Max Landis Death of Superman video does it? You know, the one where he's all like, "There's something my dad made up, which is, he told me when I was little and I was frustrated about rules uhh... in movies, he said, 'How do you kill a vampire?' and I was like, 'stake through the heart, garlic,... you know... sunlight...' and my dad was all, 'No, you kill a vampire however the fuck you want because vampires DON'T FUCKING EXIST! You can make up rules for any kind of thing you want!'"
'Cause going by that logic, a kryptonian vampire can literally do anything when exposed to sunlight: His vampire and kryptonian sides can cancel each other out, causing the sun to have a net effect of nothing; he can become super powerful, but only if he has a special vampire amulet; he could just instantly die and gain nothing whatsoever; or whatever you want. It depends on what you're saying vampires are and what they are capable of in whatever universe you're placing them in where they coexist with kryotonians.
I mean, you can go through DCs library, figure out what vampire are capable of within the confines of the DC universe, and go from there, but at the end of the day, it's still up to whoever is writing the damn thing to decide, so you're better off just coming up with something you think is cool and going with that.

If it follows the path of Clark. It dies. Clark's powers didn't kick in until his teens.

But lets say we somehow put him in the Earth's environment with some power already. He still dies because kryptonian's don't have super healing. Most fiction depicts vampires blowing up under the sun pretty quickly. Without enhanced healing the sun would just erode to flat out explode him depending on your take.

No, he didn't become a vampire.

Depending on the writer, being bitten by a vampire doesn't cause vampirism. In the original Dracula novel, for example, the vampire first had to drain you of your blood, then replace it with some of his own blood.

Posting Sir Paul McCartney in a vampire thread? Is this irony? I don't know anymore since that song in the 90s.

I'm with this guy.
Unless the Kryptonian Super Vampire is permanently ablaze during day, but survives fine due invincibility.

But that invincibility doesn't do anything against magic.

Murder She Wrote video game

Superman references "Ultra Solar Rays" that is the source of his powers in the 1960s. (maybe something like a neutrino)

Basically being out at night wouldn't train his powers. It mostly works as a switch. His powers get switched on under a yellow sun and remain on until they are switched off by a red sun. (though this has never been consistent)

Kryptonian powers are usual "relative"

so a kryptonian vampire who could break the skin of a kryptonian under a red sun could also do it under a yellow sun.

EX: Supergirl basically has unlimited power...except compared to Superman because a grown man would be stronger than a teen girl on krypton

Wait explain this then. How did earth 43 ultraman turn vamp?

I wrote a Jimmy Olsen fan fiction where his kids from the future come back in time to save his life and they list some of their enemies as being "the Bizarro Vampire League"

In my mind they basically just cover people with blood and turn them into bizarro vampires. (though they never show up in the story)

Alternate universe, alternate rules.

Why is he Ultraman when everyone else is their typical selves? Also the average Ultraman is vulnerable to Sunlight as well so he'd make for a perfect Vampire.

If the magic is "the flame burns brighter" it really does fuck all.
The same with spells like Phantasm Killer, because its a glorified heart attack, and heart attack does fuck all to a roided Kryptonian

"Vampires die in sunlight" is the magic.
Kryptonians are effected by magic so vampire kryptonians die in sunlight.

How was he able to bite him in the first place?

Are his fangs magic?

Maybe that's why they made him ultraman. Interesting loophole

Wouldn't be unreasonable to assume. He is Dracula.

would you call that cgeye?