Took this while pulling in a few mimutes ago. It's still there. What do?
Took this while pulling in a few mimutes ago. It's still there. What do?
Other urls found in this thread:
Write "get a Toyota faggot"in perminate maker
move on in life
Did you find this with 10 Mexicans outside a Home Depot?
You're not supposed to post on pink boards if you're under 18, child.
DESU senpai the niggers are worse than the Mexicans. But you have the idea.
Rotate camera
why post plate?
Write a note saying "why would you support a criminal?" and put it under the wiper
crash your car into it at high speed
take your seat belt off first
Nothing because only faggots deface other peoples private proprety.
What are you?
Continue on your way and don't stoop to their level.
Jesus Christ.
To allow for d0xxing, silly.
Use a sharpie to draw prison bars on the bumper stickers.
Walk away like an adult. Don't be degenerate.
>Glued to your fucking phone
What are you OP, a 13 year old girl?
CTR pls
Place a flyer listing why supporting Hillary is a terrible idea under one of their wiper blades being sure to not cause any damage to their vehicle. Don't be a nigger.
whenever they come out look at the stickers then at them and say "well, bless your heart." and just keep going.
>what do?
Take Pics of owner and post them.
shit in the window and smear it
Respect their private property. You don't have to agree with someone in order to defend their right to an opinion.
t. Trump Supporter
Leave it alone.
We really can't be like the liberals. Respect property op, it's an important part of society.
I was driving behind a car earlier today that had a Hillary sticker over an old Bernie sticker.
It was the most cucked thing I've ever seen.
op is clearly a troll, I don't see a UAW PROUD or UNION YES sticker on that vehicle
Prob not a good idea to leave that license plate unblurred man
Not having a supply of Trump stickers to put over them so that the tolerant left does the vandalism for you.
you can't do anything with it anway, atleast I couldn't, all the sites require you pay for the vehicle info, you can still get the vin and make etc. but no personal info
is the green man supposed to be the bad guy
Yes you idiot.
I dont see it
>Buy a paint solvent.
>Make holes in the bottom of the bottle. >Put it on the car's roof.
Seen this the other day. Looks like he had a custom made vinyl sticker made. People need to start doing these.
Well known 'hack' is to call lube job places and give them the license plate, since that's how they track jobs. From there, it's a matter of social engineering to find out information.
>delete post
American Education
please senpai you're making us look bad
Nothing because you're a rational person that doesn't freak at the first hint of a different opinion.
I'm 80% sure that vehicle has ontario plates, but maybe Slov plates look similar?
Write on a piece of paper "I just wanted to let you know that someone vandalized your car and put a Hillary sticker on it. Wouldn't want you going around looking like a cuck."
Hey now, Southerners aren't actually Americans.
They were traitors to the Union, confederates at heart and grammatically/mentally challenged trash that haven't figured out that they live in the armpit of America.
breddy good leaf
yankee trash
>que Ghostbusters theme
American education.
>American education.
Paki rape gangs.
>tfw Texan who lives next to YUUGE mexican family who are Bernie supporters. Sorry, "were" Bernie supporters.
>they get triggered by my family's Trump stickers and signs.
Still, our state is being flooded by liberal Californians, it's almost like an invasion to ruin the election.
walk away and let someone voice on who they want to be president, how old are you?
British """language"""
write "bernie or bust" with your keys
The language of champions.
Americans choose to spell the words with less letters to reflect it more phonetically.
Anyway, fuck off pingpong.
this, fucking around with the car will make you look bad.
Although you can always park your own car in such a way that it's hard to get out.
don't touch it or do anything. don't give them any credence to feeling victimized or attacked by le ebil trump supporters
based china
Actually, light reflected from the bumper sticker into OP's personal space, violating the NAP.
>Americans choose to spell the words with less letters to reflect it more phonetically.
That is literally a good thing. Fuck those unnecessary faggy French vowels.
Go on with whatever you were doing. They want you fuck up the car do they can get a Huffpo sob story out of it.
Where did this shart meme come from?
Just try to not shit yourself james
its some compilation of photoshop images of fat americans having shat themselves in walmart.
lowest common denominator stuff - not sue why its funny. like all means just the repetition.
Pile of wank meme for 14yr olds tbqh senpai. hopefuly it will die
Idiocracy:the post
leave it alone.
Only faggots fuck with other people's cars.
Its here to stay
freedom of speech leave him the fuck alone. don't prove them right
It's a twist on the Poo In Loo meme.
You guys did it to yourself, no choice now but to roll with it.
CTR shills trying to distract everybody from the fact we now have proof Hillary perjured herself during the FBI investigations
It's a CTR made meme. It's so unoriginal they have to rip off the poo in loo maymay. They're desperately trying to distract and divide with it.
>being this mad after being memed to death by wall posts
>Americans choose to spell the words with less letters to reflect it more phonetically.
There's nothing wrong with that.
Tell me how "thorough" and "through" have sensible spellings?
Yeah, they don't.
Shittary clinton?
Well she is american after all
>Tell me how "thorough" and "through" have sensible spellings?
Those are actually two completely different words, famalam.
It wouldn't surprise me if (((they))) are starting to use counter meme warfare against us to divide and conquer this board. Your country does make up a large amount of Pol's userbase so having a poo in the loo tier meme to silence Ameribros would make sense I guess. I really hope Trump saves you country m8, Hillary will be a fucking disaster if she wins.
You're fucked
Tfw some asshat put a hillary sticker on a ford ranger
erm......back to ESL course for you pasta bro.
Yeah he knows.
There is nothing bad about dropping a few letters here and there like 'colour' and 'color' for instance.
In which case you would speaking American English.
>There is nothing bad about dropping a few letters here and there like 'colour' and 'color' for instance.
You guys should do it. You hate the Frenchies, right?
I get a feeling you live in the Midwest in the middle of nowhere, and to rationalize your shitty living and boring surroundings, you criticize a part of America you think is "worse" than your shithole. Amiright?
The French are our best enemies. We only 'hate' them for banter - that and they are weird, smell a bit and ruining mainland Europa with their dirka love.
I would hope that Britannia never dumbs down the dictionary spellings.
It's not really that uncommon to have Russian cars in Canada. The beefier ones can cross the ice bridge in the winter without much problem.
How dare you call a Jap a shill? You should be hanged.
This one is pretty good!!
Write this on the back window.
Remember Crecy you cunt.
Nothing. Defacing private property and silencing free speech is progressive leftist shit.
Drain the oil and dump cat litter into the gas tank.
Slash his tires and smash off his mirrors. They are getting violent with us, time to show them that its going to cost them financially to do so.
Kill yourself immediately.
The wall just got 10 feet taller.
Build a wall around it.
Ha ha ha ! thanks.
The English did massacre them and take Calais for a number of years following Crecy. Vastly superior weapons and tactics m80
Is that a series? I'd like to read that. Souce please?