Le fucking smug liberal strikes again. Fuck this guy. Even if I doubted trump I'd still vote for him to spite this whiny (current year) faggot
Le fucking smug liberal strikes again. Fuck this guy...
Typical euro trash. He should have stayed on his poor socialist island and not tell Americans what to do.
I really hope Trump becames president so current year faggot can just hang himself in a closet already!
>Dear democratically elected candidate many people such as BUT NOT LIMITED TO liberals, democrats and socialists believe you are not fit to run for presidential candidate under the Grand Old Racist Homophobe Party. Please resign because muh democracy. Sincerely [Current Year Man]
Why are all liberal men limp-wristed faggots?
Can't we just meme Right Wing Death Squads into existance?
Me too bro, Me too
when you're ready to be rational and accept the current year, we'll be here.
Because such guys can survive only if liberals will rule the world. They are too weak and cucked to live among normal men
American to Brit Cunt: Get out before I hang you on a lamppost.
He's basically the new Piers Morgan, isn't he? Except with a little self-deprecation sprinkled in to remind us all that he's white and British and therefore a complete piece of shit who deserves to be choked to death by black muslim cocks
Trump disqualified himself by his own immature actions and behavior. He is not fit to be president.
Anybody watched this and remembers what the current year is? Because I forogt.
I want to punch him right in the rat teeth.
Piers Morgan is somehow less annoying than he is. Honestly I'd love to see an honest debate with some autism tier youtuber like Memeneux and John "current year" Oliver.
Don't like it? Then go back to your shitty little island and get fucked by Ahmed and friends.
World to John Oliver: "Drop Down"
Ha ha ha, yes, we should vote for the racist hatemonger just to childishly spite someone.
Seriously, without Trump Oliver would go back to not having an audience. Now he gets free material handed to him every week.
You're right. We should all vote Hilary to spite Sup Forums. It'd be hilarious ha ha ha
>muh polls!
>hillary can't lose!
>right side of history!
>current year!
Why would he need to drop out if everything is OK in the Hillary campaign?
thanks for c-c-correcting the r-r-record
> 5¢ has been deposited into your ass
She be better than the orange freak.
>implying Bujanec isn't real already
>Tell me how it makes America great again
Because maybe people shouldn't be treated like they're sacred cows because they're a bit spazzed
I really hope he an Hero when Trump wins
He's gonna sudoku when Trump wins, isn't he?
Go to music venue in France. Get stabbed in vagina 67 times. John Oliver still asks what the possible downside to immgration could be while my lady parts are look like confetti on the floor.
Does anyone have a clip of him saying "it's 2016" or "I mean come on" or something like that? I may need it one day for reasons.
Yeah I agree that Hilary is better than that orange fellow Glenn Beck. Trump on the other hand is a swell guy
Can't wait for trump to bring back equal time / fairness doctrine for broadcast TV. Guys like Cuck Oliver will be out of a job.
Not sure how John Oliver would handle a debate. If memory serves me right, when Piers was getting stomped by Shoahpiro he resorted to bellowing insults. I can't imagine Calendar Man doing the same thing.
anyone got the video
I'm taking about trump, he's a meme and Sup Forums is retarded for voting for him
>Geert in that image
This was well made.
Kek imagine his ass hurt if he was the reason trump won
That'll just make him a martyr for the left.
>John Oliver, 1977-2017, killed by the evil Drumpf.
You be a fucking retard.
we don't want him. they can keep him, and piers fucking morgan.
Increasingly nervous shills.
If America was great we could afford to treat that reporter's muscular dystrophy.
Also the reporter was in the process of redacting any statements or articles that even indirectly supported Trump even before the incident.
Maybe the reporter should've told Trump about his disorder before assaulting him with logical fallacies.
checkmate, liberals
thank you for correcting the record
Trump is a meme?
Well slap my titties and cut off my cock
Guess I'm a #shillforhill
>You don't like trump you have to be a CTR shill
Epic, simply epic
And? They have fucking Guevara already as a martyr. The standards are abysmally low already.
that's not very nice user. He's going to make your country great again.
Yeah, hopefully his cuck legion is inspired and follows in his footsteps.
I used to like him in community.
What video is this based on?
No need not, he's a cocksucker for the upper 1℅. Bullshit he's an outsider, he's one of them.
That cripple never did once come out in public to defend himself
Rather everyone was being offended on behalf of him
>Maybe the reporter should've told Trump about his disorder before assaulting him with logical fallacies.
ffs you trumpshills are awful. Now you're treating trump as the victim instead of the disabled reporter he mocked?
You're beyond help. Now people have a moral reason to vote against Trump come election day.
Not an argument.
The only cure for liberal zombies is the double-tap.
>It'll never happen guys
>the polls are speaking
>only a racist would vote like that there's no way it'll ever happen
It wouldn't even be so bad if he balanced it with bashing Hillary, but he doesn't.
I wish Christopher Hitchens was still alive, he fucking loathed Hillary.
None, it's just a straw man like basically everything else on Sup Forums. His show is actually pretty good.
Not a shill, just here for the memes.
John oliver is one of the biggest faggots on the planet
That's the only role he's ever played that was actually entertaining and it was only because he was using someone else's writing.
He's the new Piers Morgan
>Not an argument
Not an argument
Oliver never actually said "It's 2016".
Last year he said "It's 2015, come on!" maybe once and Sup Forums made that his whole identity.
Like how Louis C.K. made one joke about blacks being well-endowed. (What comedian hasn't? It's the easiest joke in the world.) And Sup Forums suddenly turned him into the greatest cuck alive.
How do you feel knowing that guns will soon confiscated and the 2A will be overturned when Hillary wins in a MASSIVE landslide?
Americans getting their info from brits. I would V2 you too you fucking kikes.
Current Year operates and works only in a very particular setting, a chosen audience, teleprompter, twisted facts and half truths and a picture next to him for the kiddies when they get bored.
Take him outside and he is a fucking idiot. Molimeme or Shapiro would absolutely destroy him in a debate. So he doesn't debate. He stays where it is nice and cozy and passes judgement while running from opportunities for the opposition to counter attack.
He is just another hasbeen artifact of the television age, pay him no mind.
> let's elect someone who has already done everything we could possibly accuse trump of doing so we can make it even shittier for the brown people we claim to like so they need us even more and then we can virtue signal on social media about how progressive we are.
Progressivism. Not even once.
Oy vey drumpf pls drop out Mr. Shekelstein will have my wife's son's head if you win
>maybe once
Nah, he did say it a lot. It used to be at least once every episode.
Do they come this stupid?
>implying the fat white guy is a danger to anyone
Holy shit, the left is fucking delusional. They should have used a black guy.
i actually think this is hilarious
You can find a better way to compensate for your tiny dick, you don't need a gun.
How do you feel knowing you still haven't provided an argument?
Louis ck has made a lot more than one comment about blacks dick moron. He has made many anti white comments over the years. Not just in stand up but on tv shows he's a guest on too. Fucking cuck
just gonna leave this here..
>He's disabled so everything he does should be ignored because he has disability which makes him inferior to us non-disabled
As a cripple I say this, maybe that reporter shouldn't have been fucking retarded.
>people are just going to hand over their guns because the gun grabber wins
John Oliver would be a decent comedian IF he made fun of BOTH parties...
Just ONCE let the spineless oaf skewer the Democrat Clinton and POOF... He would be off the air and forgotten sooner than the air can clear from a bad smelling fart
He is nothing more then a Democratic Shill.
How do you feel knowing this is a lie that faggots like you are using to scare the country into making sure Hillary is never elected. You niggers, kikes, and faggots just can stop killing your own movements.
>Not a shill
Then just ignorant. There are plenty of segments where John Oliver lies or hides information to push for some liberal point. The post-Brexit segment and the refugee one were specially egregious. He is motivated first and foremost by ideology, and only second to reason.
I'll give you that about a half of the non-political segments are pretty decent. But the other half is mediocre. And the political commentary (like the one in the OP) is utterly terrible, he just parrots liberal talking points without attempting to justify them.
I love how leftist still roll with this "fat redneck" boogeyman while simultaneously protecting niggers which cause the most gun crimes in the US.
I've got my gun-grabber welcoming package waiting for them. Blood in the streets before I give them up, even if it's my blood.
I honestly don't get why Americans would want to watch this guy. He can't have that big of a mass appeal.
Guns are how I compensate for not having a boot on my throat.
As a former trump supporter I'm disgusted with Trump's latest comments, it's deplorable and reprehensible the things he's said about the disabled, about POW veterans, and about women.
judging people based on the color of their skin....doing it in a faggot way but you're on the right track
That whole controversy was a confirmed manufactured fraud. Trump wasn't making fun of his handicap.
They fall for the wanker with a pommy accent.
He's not important
Very true. It makes for an extremely dull program as well. And as he's said himself, his writers have an entire week to compile a 20-minute (?) show. 1 or 2 hours of real debate or even discussion would run him absolutely dry.
What would pol do if John Oliver suddenly jumped on the Trump train when he wins? How would his audience react?
He should have made fun of the subhuman.
Fuck off subhuman.
Fuck me for replying to this
It would make no sense, I can't even imagine it because the shill that is John Oliver can't have any sort of character growth.
He drops random pop culture references into his segments to keep the ADHD crowd. Last year he was doing a bit and out of nowhere he shoved in an old Bill Cosby coke commercial. I think the punchline was supposed to be that coke shouldn't just be associated with Cosby. But he can't go two minutes without riffing on celebrities.