>a man unfairly beats a bunch of women in the Olympics
>all the SJWs attack the crying white girl
>she was crying cause the race was unfair as shit
>hehe born with balls cant beat my T count
>black women trumps white women in SJW logic
>literally attacking their own side
>mfw South African
>we laughed at Semenya
>now he wins and everyone defends here
A man unfairly beats a bunch of women in the Olympics
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so is it a he or a she?
You tell me.
What's this fag ranting on about?
Women getting a dose of real equality is always a good thing, it's great to see their inferiority laid bare in front of their eyes.
Born with no ovaries.
Balls inside somewhere.
3 times higher Testosterone count than women
Semenya is a women but has 100% the physicality of a man. They lifted the T count ban.
If a women tries to have that level of T put in them they get instant banned for doping. It happened 'naturally' for Semenya so it's a super grey area for everyone.
Media just sees a white girl complaining about a black girl and the rest is history.
Soon transgender dudes will enter the Olympics to compete with women and rail the competition. Nobody can say shit tho cuz transphobic.
>Literally a man keeping women down.
So feminism and SJW are the patriarchy now???
SEMEN victorious over Women.
> you can't make this shit up
> Balls inside somewhere.
> Born with no ovaries.
>>Literally a man keeping women down.
>So feminism and SJW are the patriarchy now???
Its the new normal, you fucking white male.
Caster Semenya is an anagram of 'Yes, a secret man'.
I look forward to trannies enterring and beating women as women are their main supporters.
>>a man unfairly beats a bunch of women in the Olympics
I for one look forward to this happening more. All them mental gymnastics we are going to see when sjws try to argue that women are not inferior at Sports but getting men join is still unfair.
Was there a woman on that podium?
>Was there a woman on that podium?
They're all beatiful women you cis-shit head
This whole patriarchy thing is just getting more and more funny.
No man, these women train literally their entire lives for this one moment, it's not fair to the athletes
SJW'S are suicidal! News at 11.
I want this to happen more often. Seeing women basically get thrashed by shemales and just having to accept it in order to avoid causing offense.
It's funny because in their quest to be anti-men they made a group of "men" higher on the social ladder then them or the men they were against.
The top 3 were all people who'd be banned if the testosterone rules came back.
Hope SJW enjoy a future where you can tell a minutes after birth if someone has any chance of being a women sprinter or not (for 99.9%, the answer will be no).
How could someone live with themselves knowing that they only succeeded because of a major unfair advantage over the rest of the competition?
Just imagine an able-bodied man running against a bunch of paraplegic kids and then celebrating his victory over them after the fact, as if were some kind of accomplishment.
How do you not feel guilty?
>Semenya is a woman
They pay them enough to buy the biggest dung hut in the village and a couple of goats.
I would pee on the competition if I was Semenya.
Oh the irony, it's glorious
You can't beat Semenya without Semen
lbr non-whites aren't very sexually dimorphic
Its a hermaphrodite in the sense that a woman has balls. The testicles produce ntestosterone so it can do sports much better than women, maybe even as well ass a man
Maybe if you westshits kept this degeneracy in your inside competitions.
There are many countries that won't let abominations represent them and so what little sportsmanship is left in Olympics suffers.
Especially Asians
>Canadian athlete Melissa Bishop
>trains for an entire decade for this ONE race
>hehehe sorry, you get to compete against testosterone women with balls :^)
>says the country with State sponsored doping
Russia, you can't talk about anything. Your entire country is a giant, pile of shit.
This is one of the funniest things I have ever read, we need someone to photoshop this into existence hahahah
>be me trolling kikebook for a month
>racist as fuck
>finally get banned by saying the following
I hope the entire US women's team for the winter Olympics is made up of trannies.
At least, they are not cucked like us
The SJW are imploding
There will be two categories soon:
Men's games and tranny games. Women BTFO and they made this happen.
just create the tranny category and put all freaks in there, problem solved
Transhumanist Olympics ftw.
it's an unforgivable injustice, it has been weighing on my mind
Even if we consider the possibility that this rotten ass political doping scandal has some real basis, a doped woman is still weaker than a man.
What about demi-queers and gender benders?
Will Bruce Jenner come back to professional athletism now? I think he may still win a couple of medals in Tokio, even if he is 60.
How many Olympic female athletes are fertile anyway? They should have a no period = no competing rule.
gas chambers
>Even if we consider the possibility that this rotten ass political doping scandal has some real basis
Kek, deflect as much as you want. This whole scandal is just really reflective of Slavic inferiority to the rest of the planet.
you can see her broken will and defeat on her face, fuck Semenya
This is why I lurk Sup Forums
Cis scum
This is true.
How do we exploit the complete lack of definition for gender?
>Caster Semenya
I can't be fucked to verify this on paper but if it's true that's hilarious.
They all look like flava flav
Does this deserve a new thread?
this is as unfair as Usain bolt being 10 cm tallent than anyone elso. Nature finds a way... to fuck you up.
does this mean that the WNBA will finally be good?
>lebron james retires from the nba
>joins the wnba
>wins 5 more rings
Boo hoo, divorce rates are at a sky high and male suicide rates too. This is the price of feminism and equality.
I used to think that. I think it's mostly diet. My hometown is a small southern college town. One year, there was an influx of Japanese students. They were all androgynous. Telling you the guys from the girls wasn't easy. But only for the first year. Most didn't go back to Japan for the summer and lived in the dorms for the summer, eating an American diet. The changes in the Sophomores, especially when compared the the freshman, was striking. The high protein, high fat diet they were eating had results. The guys all filled out and got more masculine looking and all the girls developed curves.. What's even funnier is that the second wave of Japanese Freshmen were apparently convinced the the Japanese Sophomores who had been in the U.S. for over a year by this point were Americans.
He is a woman!
You bloody white agent!
Several "women" with her defect got banned and disqualified from the Olympics. One main difference though, they were white.
holy mother of gawd..... it checks out
I'm a #putinpatriot now
>that's racist!
>hee is a womun!
>t-ban lifted because "it cannot be proven with modern science that it provides enough of a performance enhancment to change the outcome of sporting events"
Perhaps you should get this message to the WADA so they can un-ban anabolic steroids and testosterone injections.
This whole discussion ins't about the fact that it is a man, but the fact that it is black.
So it is again white vs black vice versa.
pc btfo.
>women cry for diversity and Trans gay shit
>get it, still unhappy
When will these whores finally shut up. This is the new world you created for yourself now live in it.
>No waist
>Man legs
>Broad shoulders
My mind is fucking blown
HOLY SHIT, good work user
>Can Confirm, Pic Related
I thought that blacks thought that things like homosexuality and transsexualism was an invention of the white devil and was unnatural.
Are you defending this he-she just because white people are saying its a he?
Ah juju you ridiculous cunt, no man makes me laugh as much as this fucking guy, I don't know if he is really smart or unbelievably stupid.
All female athletes with a Y-chromosome were expelled from competition from 1966 until 2011. At the end of the century, renowned institutions worldwide protested against the viewpoint of the International Olympic Committee, causing the mandatory gender test based on the Y chromosome to be abandoned. In case of doubt an athlete with a Hyperandrogenic Syndromes can still be tested, by a multidisciplinary medical team, during a large tournament like The Olympic Games. The IAAF and the IOC test on testosterone levels since May 2011. An athlete with hyperandrogenism not having CAIS will not be allowed to compete without a suitable medical treatment.
Nobody cares about you, Belgium.
Also (Caster) Semen ya
This one looks less manly than the second and third place ones. One has a widows peak and dreads and looks like Sam Jackson in drag.
ikr, you cannot make this shit up anymore
Semenya has an XY chromosome, undescended testes, and testosterone levels in the male threshold. There is no room for debate that Semenya is a biological male with the physical advantage it carries. Even if someone is unaware that they are a biological Male, if all examinations confirms it then they are not Intersex.
was thinking the same , testosterons makes stronger and more competitive individuals , whats next all the womans start hormon treatment to increase their levels to keep up with the "transgender" who are genetically male but indetify as female...
Yes, I went to my Sepedi elders and they assured me their is no such thing as those things in our culture so he is a woman.
>How do you not feel guilty?
>feeling guilty
She has what we used to call Testicular Feminization Syndrome, now called Complete Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome. Her genetics are that of a man (XY) but because her body lacks androgen receptors, she developed as a female with a “blind womb” (vagina, no uterus) and “intra abdominal testes”.
So genetically speaking she is a male and thus should not be competing as a woman.
Oh.. and certain worms are hermaphrodites… people never are. In order to be hermaphrodidic, you need to be able to reproduce as either “male” or “female”. She can do neither. It’s just an insult to use that term on a human.
sad, isnt it?
GJ Feminism, you just destroyed/improved your own sporting events.
At least now they will be interesting to watch.
It's unfair but until women start suffering from the effects of their permissive ideologies how do you intend them to understand?
Look who is talking.
>SA ladyboy ballsmongler reks subhuman good-for-nothing slags
This is good on multiple levels.
First, it shows than men (or male-ish nigger-things) are superior to cunts.
Second, the dillema of libtards defending trannies and women will led to an mental implosion of the movement. I'm just waiting for the shitshow at Tokyo 2020, when some 6'3 200lb dude puts a wig and starts to complain about gender discrimination to the olympic committee.
Third, it ousts libs as retarded to the general populace, leading to a decline in popular support for orwellian legislations.
>learning from their own mistakes on a societal level
They should have never been allowed to make those mistakes in the first place.
Can't be complete AIS otherwise Semenya wouldn't be so masculine, but you're right AIS would make Semenya Intersex. The athlete's actual medical condition seems to be buried though.
>implying every other country isnt doping like mental and the only difference is Russia was shit at hiding it
It is a genetical male that didnt form a dick.
Thank you, Dave.