Some Law

Personally I think the original Marshal Law ongoing series is an effort to find its footing and while it does have a lot of great bits

The real comedy and meanness of Marshal Law comes out when it gets very specific after the original mini ends.

Come Along friends

Let Pat Mills and Keven O'Neill tell the crudest, easiest, meanest, simplest but because of the subject matter the best jokes on the subject.

Let's Read some Marshal Law

How was your weekend?





The Cap panel on this page slays me
















Nah, fuck this hack and his childish temper tantrum.




This page is so good

You seem to have some issues user, why not laugh with us?





>the one with issues
I'm not the one who made a bunch of comics shitting on superheroes because I'm soooo over them and the drooling retards who like them.



You are the one who is taking parody and humor to the level of 'shitting' on user

Maybe you do actually just need to lighten up and laugh at these ridiculous things a bit, is that really so hard?













I've read the interviews. This is hardly an affectionate parody. Ennis and Mills are nothing but crybabies, the kind of idiots who would shitpost in Sup Forums against anyone who dared to like what they don't.


Ennis has no part of this comic what are you talking about?






I'm talking about the kind of idiots who rail against capeshit again and again in general.








I guess then I am confused at your negativity towards their railing, unless you are a die hard fan who doesn't want his extremely fragile fictional characters honors to be besmirched that is
































This is probably my favorite moment in all of Law. It's only like two steps from some of Chuck Dixion's Batman stuff regarding young Dick Grayson




