If she doesn't want to give birth, you CAN'T force her. She decided to get impregnated, she can decide to abort.
You sentimental faggots should grow a pair of balls. HER BODY - HER CHOICE!
If she doesn't want to give birth, you CAN'T force her. She decided to get impregnated, she can decide to abort.
You sentimental faggots should grow a pair of balls. HER BODY - HER CHOICE!
You can easily argue that a baby is being deprived of their human right to being alive from an abortion.
I'm not saying abortion isn't socially destructive in many ways, but we really don't want most of the kids that are aborted to be born. That sounds evil, but it is the truth.
>Its a human right to kill babies
Fucking hell kek
Margaret Sanger founded Planned Parenthood to get black children killed before they're born.
Gee, I wonder who could be interested in having the same happen to white children...
>She decided to get impregnated
thats not how it works ahmed
While it's stupid to get pregnant if you don't want a baby, it's an accident and there should be a fallback plan to spare the child from having a very bad life with a parent or parents who weren't ready to raise a child.
It's still a part of her body, idiot.
Can it survive without the body of the mother? No. Can the mother survive without this body? Yes. Then it is a part of the mother's body by definition.
This is the truth. Liberals are too evil to understand this. Doesn't matter if it wouldn't survive without the mother. Half the faggots on this board wouldn't survive if they were kicked out of their mother's basement.
It's still murder.
Can you survive without your parents when you are 3? No. Can they survive without you? Yes.
You should have seriously been aborted Ahmed.
Can your head survive without your body ?
Can you survive without your head ?
Go to bed, Achmed.
I'm pro choice because niggers get abortions more than any other race in America.
Abortion=minority population control
Pro-life= cucks who want us to have a non white majority sooner
>"her body"
>image demonstrates the absurdity of it's own claim
This doesn't even make sense. Why should a muslim be pro-abortion?
Children are disgusting
yeah sure but if I'm paying for it I get a say hans
Why should doctors waster their time on irresponsibly low IQ niggers?
taqiyya to make the conquest of europe easier due to low birthrates among natives
Call it murder if you want, but it's a necessary procedure, and it'll never be banned in the US
Because we don't want more of them you fucking idiot.
If you don't want kids then don't have sex as its sole purpose is reproduction. Problem solved.
>implying women who abort babies will have a husband on their side who wants babies
You won't find cases where man wants children and woman wants to abort it, simply because men talk about this and plan it and surely they talk to waifu then.
>I will ignore the helpless baby because it's weak and mute
aborter = supremacist despot
If woman has right to decide abortion then man also has right to refuse parenthood and all obligations. It works both ways or not at all
The mother shouldn't have the right to have a baby without the father's approval.
The father shouldn't have the right to have a child without the mother's consent.
I agree. If a women desperately wants a baby and a man doesn't he shouldn't be required to support it
Then shoot them both, you pussy.
This seems fair which is why women will never accept it.
Do you concede that abortion is murder?
I agree. If the mother could have had an abortion and didnt, the father should not be forced to pay. If the mother was not able to have an abortion for whatever reason or he is proven to have raped her then yes, he should have to.
Why shouldn't men AND women get the choice to abort their child? If either decides to abort it has to be aborted. That sound equal.
Anybody know if there is link between women who do abortion and psychopathy?
Mfw reincarnation
>abortion is ok because they'll be back eventually
>Islam is cancerous should be removed
It really is the "middle way", huh
because the fetus is not grown inside the mans body. If it was, it would be his choice.
Maybe, but there is a link between children orphaned by their parents giving them up and mental illness. Abortion is the humane choice
Bhuddist, even
Men should also have the option to abort by disavowing any responsibility for the child if the mother intends to keep it.
Muslims don't believe the soul enters the body until a while after birth. That's why they don't do terrorist attacks against abortion clinics.
let's kill more white germans, abdul here is right
His sperm though
its all womens resposibliry to be on birth control, she must know what she does.
Yes, this is true.
Nope, that would not be fair. Men should also have the choice to abort the pregnancy
If he cared about his sperm he wouldnt ever masturbate and kill millions of innocent sperm with ejaculation.
Once the sperm fertilizes the egg it is a new organism and does not belong to him. The fetus however is growing inside the woman body and thats why its her choice
Except abortion is the genocide of niggers.
I don't understand why those stupid cunts keep killing babies instead of taking pills or using condoms, is it's not that fucking hard.
Should've kept her legs closed.
I mean its his sperm that fertilized her egg which led to the fucking fetus. They made it together so they should decide its fate together. I have no idea what you're talking about with killing sperm or masturbating and how you got that out of my comment.
The guy should have kept his charisma closed.
Why is it always the womans fault?
Need to know the race of the parents before I can say whether I'm pro-choice or pro-life.
only in the us
Moloch gives thanks for your shilling
>I don't understand why these stupid jerks lead on innocent women and then disappear. It's not that fucking hard.
Sure you can, you can just lock her in the basement for 9 months.
>have no idea what you're talking about with killing sperm or masturbating
So you are admitting you have no idea what you are talking about then. He cannot claim to care about his sperm if he masturbates because every time he does millions of sperm die.
Its also no longer his sperm once it fertilizes and egg by any biological definition because its a completely separate organism. How fucking retarded are you?
Not after 3 months or so.
Notice how whenever the guy wants to have a child, but she doesn't, it's "Her Body, Her choice. SHE DECIDED to get impregnated, she can decide to abort.", but when a guy doesn't want a kid, it's suddenly "She didn't become pregnant alone, he had an equal part, he can pay his fair share"?
>implying she can't punch herself in the stomach
Whites deserve to chose. Blacks deserve to be aborted.
Man wants to keep baby, woman wants to kill it. =>Dead fetus
Woman wants to keep baby, man wants to kill it. => Baby is born and man pays for the rest of his life.
>From Cuckmany
Giving women rights was a mistake.
Fully grown adults that behave like children (women) have no right making choices for themselves. Muslims have one thing right.
Not if she's in a coma
Did she tell me she intended to become pregnant then abort? If not I want my sperm back. I didn't give it to you to get prenant. That was your choice not mine. I want it back, or I will sue.
We will go to court, where as you can see, I can talk just as much bollocks as you can.
I love abortions
There is, it's called adoption.
A child is not a parasite.
A fetus is a parasite and has the same rights as one.
most orphans do not get adopted. Most of those kids grow up going from foster home to foster home before they become gang bangers or prostitutes. You are better off aborting them, i say that as someone whos sister was adopted.
A fetus has the right a host that is not drinking alcohol. We have laws that enforce that right.
You heartless murderer, women do not have the right to abortion. Fucking slut should owe up
Because only your kind aborts, native Europeans barely do it, only in exceptional cases.
Sick fuck
>Be a baby
>Have a body
>my body my choice
>can't make a choice because stupid bitch mom is too scared of the pain of child birth and kills me
Just give the shit up for adoption
I think he's like the culling aspect of it
Fucking degenerate leaf piece of shit, how about I abort you?
Violates the 5th Amendment and contradicts the Declaration of Independence. Abortion is Tyranny.
Pic related is OP's level of intellect.
If you break those laws it means that you should have a forced abortion because you don't care about the child's well being.
The human woman produces around 400 mature ovum over the course of her lifespan. Every wasted ovulation is murder of a potential human being. Imagine all the next Einsteins and Hitlers that could have been born if women actually lived up to their biological limit in child production? Not capitalizing on this is white genocide.
>ignores facts
>fucking degenerate, muh feelings, kill yourself
You're sounding like a leftist
Can you survive without Ahmed's cock in your ass? Better hope he doesn't abort you.
OP is a liberal piece of shit, women who have abortions belong in jail along with the doctor.
If I don't want to pay for her abortion, she CAN'T force me. She decided to get pregnant, she can pay for her own fucking abortion.
You sentimental faggots should grow a pair of balls. HER BODY - HER BILL
Mainly millennials get abortions to and their excuses are "I am still young and I want to live my life how I want!" or "It's to expensive!" but there are rich old couples who didn't have that chance that would pay an arm and a leg for an adoption but these fucks would rather kill their child instead of giving it to a home that would love their child and they would be getting good money for it.
>"b-b-but then I still have to give birth, name it, and put it up for adoption; that's too much work, please shove a clothing hanger up my cunt"
In NY bartenders are no longer allowed to refuse to serve pregnant women because its discrimination.
>Muh facts
There were no facts other than you're the leftist faggot, abortion is always wrong. It's a sick practice for godless degenerates like you.
Guys don't get pregnant. If a girl rapes a guy she still gets pregnant. But then again you're probably in full-blown denial of women intentionally trapping men financially by having a child, but then again women don't even do that anymore. "Modern" women just trick men into marriage and then divorce them as soon as those alimony checks are ready.
If she doesn't want a baby in her she has to keep her legs closed.
Laws side with women because women are cultured to be weak and stupid, so 9/10 a rape case will end in the woman's favor.
How fucking hard is to use condoms?
Even if they can pop, then you have to do this in a right time of a cycle
Woman is fertile for less than a week in a month
So many people try for months or years to get pregnant and those pink haired gross feminists make those abortion for fun, just to make people angry
This, goddamn whores need to pay the price.