
back-to-back beatdown edition.

Curiously, we don't see Ryan. Does this mean he's slipped away again, like a roofie in a Sprite?

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What is that last panel supposed to mean? Of course she hates her. Who's she trying to kid?

Still no security or police.
If this was a shooting the entire building would be wiped out.

roofie smoke bomb

This is going to be about her dad or herself; you're just expecting it to be better handled

This is childish and stupid. I hope in vain that when security puts down its coffee, they throw everyone here out of the rally.

well the one security guard on point is trying to call for backup but she can't sign loud enough into the radio

No, she hates herself. That's why there's the compartmentalization, the destructive behavior, the whole ball of wax. This fight will end in gravy tears.

>Of course she hates her
She hates herself

I'm having a hard time coming up with reactions anymore beyond bored disappointment. Because every dull obvious, predictable thing that could happen is happening.

Of course they're teaming up. Of course they're having witty banter Of course Amber is an ungrateful cunt.

Only thing I can think of to point out is what the fuck does "Not you. Never you." mean? Of fucking course she hates Sal. It's been a constant source of bullshit for years.

Oh my god, this turned into the third act of a buddy-cop action-comedy film.

Also, note how Ryan is absent from the background. Let's see if Willis uses it to have him escape without any witnesses again.

You say that, but the last time shots were fired, police didn't respond until after the shooter had absconded with his lesbian daughter.

>I'm having a hard time coming up with reactions anymore beyond bored disappointment. Because every dull obvious, predictable thing that could happen is happening.
This, pretty much. At this point, Willis isn't doing anything to surprise the reader.

>how do I read threads

I liked this one and think Willis is doing a good job

What are you talking about?

I too, as a FtM Trans PoC pansexual muslim, also enjoy these comics.

When can we schedule an exorcism for you?

Eh. Its okay, passable.

Sal is pretty cute, that's about the best thing I can think of.

I can see it now

>Wide shot
>Amber booted out on her ass
>Next panel Sal is booted out
>Then the three frat blondes
>Then the whole rest of the rally
>Including Robin

You say that, but you're not in this thread because you hate Willis
You're in this thread because you like reading his comic
There's literally no reason for threads like these to exist and continue if people dislike his comic
Honestly, it doesn't make sense to say "we hate his comic and that's why we talk about it" or "it's so bad and that makes it fun to tear down"
There's no way the threads could have lasted this long unless you enjoyed them, there are only so many negative things you can say about Willis

And his comic isn't even terrible
It's not good, but it's not the worst thing to exist on the internet

This would've made more sense if the Amber persona was the one trying to goad Sal into fighting her. Amazi-Girl can't have the perspective to know she's doing it because Amber hates herself while she's going around fucking with Sal. That doesn't make sense.

Or rather it only makes sense if you buy that she's totally good! See how Amazi-Girl accosted them in a parking lot, but made them throw the first punch? She's so just and fair! See how she wouldn't let herself associate with the racist mob, what an upstanding hero! If you actually read it in the sense that AG was just waiting for Sal to slip up so she kick the shit out of her, it definitely seems a lot like hate.

At the very least, it's a package deal of self-loathing and projection, but you can't pretend that projection isn't a real emotion that's happening.

Panel 4 is bad. Looks more like her body is moving backwards than an actual punch. Oh and the profile view of Sal in panel 3 is bad like most profile views in this comic.

I come here cause shitting on it is fun and there isn't much else to do at midnight.

We're running out of things to say because the last few comics have been dull as shit and incredibly predictable. There's nothing to work with. And that's saying something because this is supposed to be a huge, climatic moment.

Dumbing of Age IS that bad, and these strips aren't a good enough example of how terrible it can get. At its absolute worst it has reached levels of fuckery that are comparable to the Loss storyline of CAD. Just look at how this realistic, grounded, slice of life college webcomic suddenly has a physics defying car chase between a superhero and a gun toting uber-fundamentalist who talks like he's from the 17th century.

Isn't DoA suppose to be more grounded in our reality? Because this seems more like a terrible cartoon.

Sal makes for a sexy Tifa and this makes my penis happy.

Go away, Willis. Also Becky sucks.

As far as actual literary criticism goes these strips are better than Becky's Dad. The whole car chase is problem of form, it's painfully out of place and over-the-top but narratively only has a few parts that don't make sense, this arc is a problem of function, as it doesn't jive with prior characterization, removes emotional connections to the plot, and is a narrative mess. As shown by the edits the Toedad arc can be fixed by removing some panels and altering dialogue; this arc would need a full rewrite to work.

Willis's comic is like a car accident. You can't help but look.

Yeah, this arc is terribly written and "directed", for lack of a better term. Probably some of the worst this comic has ever seen.

But it's not ridiculously bad like the car chase was. It's just boring and stupid. And again, it shouldn't BE boring and stupid. This is supposed to be a big climatic moment, but it's so poorly put together that it just feels like a mess.

Sal has always been the closest thing the comic has to an even-handed character (when her backstory isn't being played for absurd drama) although her accent as absurd. She "sounds" like fucking Applejack. I moved to deep southwestern Texas like 3 months ago and even the most shitkicker of hick motherfuckers around here don't sound like that. It's a twangy kinda affectation at best.

I wish someone else other than Willis had her.

I wish someone other than Willis had any of these goddamn characters. Then maybe I'd be able to give a shit about them.

>has made serious mistakes in the past, actually lives with the consequences and tries to do something about it
>her "complicated relationship" with her parents actually is more complex than anyone else's, since there's more going on than "parents love god more than her"

The comic would absolutely be better with her as the central character. But no doubt willis would fuck that up.

>slice of life college webcomic suddenly has a physics defying car chase between a superhero and a gun toting uber-fundamentalist who talks like he's from the 17th century
What's wrong with this?

He already came dangerously close to ruining her with the Leland backstory and his awful BULLYING == RAPE analogy.

I do like the sorta inverse Marty McFly 2015 jacket Sal has.


A superhero car chase is neither of those things.

Don't forget the "you came out whiter" crap.

>A superhero car chase is neither of those things.

>this realistic and grounded comic isn't realistic or grounded!

Then I guess it's not a realistic and grounded comic

It doesn't know what it wants to be at any given moment, which is one of the many reasons why it sucks.

It flies totally in the face of the tone Willis had set up before.

That's the point I'm trying to make

The comic was fairly grounded in reality for most of its run. And that is what Willis was going for, something more down to earth and realistic.
Then suddenly Fundie Dad comes in with a shotgun and everything devolves into obnoxious cartoon antics. Now we have Rube Goldberg machines and people fucking while hanging off bungee cords.

If Willis wanted it to be a wacky cartoonish strip, why did he spend years establishing it as a grounded slice of life?

>I hope in vain

Why do people keep saying shit like this? This is ''safe space, the comic!'' nothing bad is going to happen, ever

>As far as actual literary criticism goes these strips are better than Becky's Dad

I disagree, this fight scene alone has a ton of bad writting in it.

And just the fact that something that was written 3 years ago only happened a month ago in universe time, that's just bad, plain bad writting.

This is '' a college comic!'' or something, and is anything but that!

Jesus fuck, I just can't put my finger on how can you post a comic for yeeeeears,almost daily or daily and just a month passed by?

Is going to become a really tired joke when you read '' I went throught my whole career and this comic is just on month 3!''

Don't people find problematic the fact that this comic used to have a black lead that was replaced by a black girl and when they develop two black characters a lot, they look literally white.

They aren't even black. They are a quarter-black.

Yeah, we had about 5 years of general college drama before the stupid car-chase crap. It's only devolved into ridiculousness since then.

Sal is supposed to have picked up her accent in Tennessee which makes her kind of hilarious if you know what an Appalachian accent sounds like.

It'd only work if it was an actual character drama that presents her as flawed, otherwise you run into Willis' main problem writing her, self-righteousness and blame shifting.

Sad thing is that you can make the car chase, even down to the superhero, grounded and realistic easily.

I mean that if you were writing a lit-crit essay on DoA this story would give you more fodder than Toedad; I worded my statement poorly.

>tfw people shit on your comicfu

>Sad thing is that you can make the car chase, even down to the superhero, grounded and realistic easily.
Explain how

Who, Amber? Sal? God forbid, Becky?

>Sal is supposed to have picked up her accent in Tennessee which makes her kind of hilarious if you know what an Appalachian accent sounds like.

It was a private boarding school so the students would have been from all over the region. It's hard to believe she would have picked up an accent at all, let alone one that makes her sound like Forrest Gump.

>It'd only work if it was an actual character drama that presents her as flawed, otherwise you run into Willis' main problem writing her, self-righteousness and blame shifting.
Fucking this. Sal is just written as this person who's so damn world-wise and street-smart, but there's nothing to SHOW that she's really moved on - she just plays the race card whenever somebody calls her out on her bullshit.

She hate feeling weak. Sal makes her feel week.

1. Amber is only wearing the mask. Having her in full costume implies that when Joyce sent out the text asking for help Amber stopped and changed clothes.

2. Instead of a skateboard, Amber steals a bike or scooter. This allows her to conceivably keep up with the car temporarily while still providing tension as she needs to act quickly or be left behind.

3. Amber leaps onto the car in a last-ditch attempt to stop Ross as they've reached a main road and she'll no longer be able to follow them.

4. With the distraction of someone leaping onto the car and subsequent attempts to get her off the car, Becky grabs the wheel and intentionally crashes the car into a ditch.

5. Due to the low speed nature of the crash, Amber walks away with extensive bruising and some abrasions. Ross is incapacitated by being hit by an airbag in the wrong position.

In this scenario the presence of Joyce after the fountain, and Sal entirely, are unnecessary.

>Just look at how this realistic, grounded, slice of life college webcomic suddenly has a physics defying car chase between a superhero and a gun toting uber-fundamentalist who talks like he's from the 17th century.
Look, this is a webcomic "franchise" that typically features Alien Invaders by this point. In light of that, grounded should be taken as a relative term.

DoA is completely separate from the rest of Willis' comics other than reusing characters.

fucking hell, amber, if youre aware shes not the one who fucked you up then just stop treating her like shit

no, because as has been explained every single time youve said this, this comic never had a black lead

Not that user, but Sarah was originally supposed to be more prominent, IIRC. She was heavily featured back in the early days and then tapered off quickly to feature Dorothy.

She was a great supporting cast member until he transformed her misanthropy into autism. Now she is incapable of interacting with the other cast members (despite liking Danny and Dorothy and wanting to hang out with them before). Now she struggles to hang out with Dina, and only manages it because Dina basically tops her, socially.

You could finish collage in the time it took them to get a semester

stories like this need to be on a real time scale. Doesn't have to be 1:1 but for chrisakes

she has been tsundere for her this entire time. sal and amber are going to start dating.

Wow, this is completely boring and I don't care. Way to power fantasy though, Willis.

It pretty much matches up to one week per year.

I know at least me and someone else not only finished college but also finished grad school in the time it's taken to get here. Even worse, it's now been over a year since I got my Master's. I was a sophomore in college when this comic started.

If that's not excessive in terms of dragging this comic out, I don't know what is.

Congratulation, that's a funnier scene than Willis could ever write.
Though to be fair, that's like winning the 100 meter dash against a paraplegic.

But what do the cigars in my dreams mean Doctor Frued?

The worst thing a piece of entertainment can be is boring.

I cant tell if you mean " gunned down by the shooter" or "hosed down by 50 police trying out their fully automatics and new attack helicopter".

They mean you need to smoke more Winston Brand Cigars.

Right but the whole point of this particular comic is to BE more grounded.

That and serve as a safeplace for SJW trash. Which makes it hilarious when he's forced to utilize deus ex machina, copouts, unrealistic behavior and the rape of physics to achieve it. I take it as an indirect admission that his utopia is an impossible fantasy.

DoA should literally go ahead and feature alien invaders.

He means they'd get the Miami gay club special.

Sad thing is that he didn't have use all those to get the ending he wanted. It's not like Becky's situation is that great either, she's still homeless and broke.

>Sad thing is that he didn't have use all those to get the ending he wanted.

The sad thing is that he wouldn't consider it written well if he didn't.

So will we get the cops arresting the 2 of them?

She threw the first punch and was the antagonist in the entire situation. Hell, being a masked vigilante alone should draw the police.

Amber/Sal outlaw road trip across America arc when?

more importantly, the police siding with the evil white males attacking them is how the world works after all. the problem is, is either of them lesbian? lesbians getting to kick ass and winning is more important than being victimized by the patriarchy, so it has to be one or the other taking place i would assume.

Both are straight, middle-class white girls. Also, until proven otherwise in a court of law, Amber provoked Ryan by taking his photograph and uploading to social media with an allegation that he's a rapist.

You can always tell when the while Roofie Man is around by his call


Yea but in the court of Social Justice she was in the right because she believed she was.

Yeah, the "has a southern accent 'cause she spent a few years at a boarding school" thing is dumb as hell. It just gets lost in the sea of dumb that is this comic because it's not as egregiously stupid as Warboss Hamfist and shit like that.

I checked on boarding school prices and Sal and Walky's family has to be pretty well off considering boarding schools in the USA average over $30,000 per year. He should have just skipped the boarding school explanation and just given them a grandmother who lived in the South. Shit, you could even use that to explain Sal's obsession with race despite being the same shade as her brother.


Don't bump if you don't have something to add. Unless you're typing out a long post and are afraid the thread will drop off before you finish.

Nah it's not that.
I'm finishing up a comic.

OK! Here's the next comic!


I don't follow your stuff regularly so I'm kinda confused as to why there is a burly leather dom there, but I think I can guess what's going to happen to Tych-Tyler instead of glass to the face.

Oh don't worry, that confusion should be normal, it's his first time appearing here.

You see, in the original DoA comic, that's where Beef appears, so I used this as an opportunity to cameo one of my burley men characters.

Their family is implied to be at least a bit well-off, I think. That's the impression I got.

The whole "accent" thing is just him trying to keep her character from the original universe consistent, and threw in that she learned it at the boarding school just to provide a flimsy justification. It's really just him appealing to his original readers and refusing to really change his characters at all (I mean, most of them are just going through exact same conflicts they've been through in their prior incarnations, from Joyce's religion to Amber's issues and so on).

>So will we get the cops arresting the 2 of them?

Don't be silly user, don't you know all authority figures are incompetent buffoons? The longer the servants of the patriarchy take to show up the happier everyone will be

More than a little well-off if they can shell out $150,000 over the course of five years before putting two kids through college simultaneously.

Sal's parental issues don't line up when you consider that her parents would be paying for her tuition not covered by financial aid, her living expenses, and her motorcycle as well.

>incompetent buffoons

That or racist hitmen who get paid per Black person killed.

Hope you guys are ready for some funny Truth or Dare comics!

Those are some good, exploitable panels there... Good job!

How triggered do you think Willis is when he catches wind of this?


Oh do shut up.

Is this bad on purpose?

>there are only so many negative things you can say about Willis

I'm actually not so sure about this. I'm not really a regular to these threads, but each new thing I learn about him is ultimately a negative thing. I see very little good about this guy, his personal life, his idiotic ideas and this shoddy comic. Not to mention the cringe-inducing pornography. He's just seems like a fucking bad person who got lucky and somehow has a fanbase.

I might even dislike him more than Buckley.

>Hey, I am going to scout out and scrougne out some players for a board game. you go and find one in the bedroom ok?
That's a pretty poor sentence. Feels like an awkward re-write.

What is the purpose of the bottle in a game of Truth or Dare?

Well, usually how I play it is that we do what were told and then spin the bottle for our next victim to choose.

You know, like how they did it in that one episode of Ed Edd and Eddy.

Tylcho's expression in the second panel made me laugh. Good shit.