Are Romanians part of the nordic master race? Geneticists believe so. And what about Greece?
Also, nordic master race feels thread.
Are Romanians part of the nordic master race? Geneticists believe so. And what about Greece?
Also, nordic master race feels thread.
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>Master race
Sorry but finns are better
Romanians are gypsy mongrels.
Finns are Mongolic mongrels.
And yet we're not as cucky as the nordic fagboys
>Are Romanians part of the nordic master race? Geneticists believe so.
What the fuck are you talking about? They belong in India.
ok real question. are there any signs or evidence of the nordic gods ever found in romania?
or which gods did they believe in bevor the gypsys came there?
Finns are obviously nordic master race, they're not in the pic because I think they were edited out for the romanian pic. Couldn't find the one with greece in it.
No they arent, it was just some gypsy thinking he was funny saying Romanians are nordic, and it ultimately became a meme, if gyppos are nordic, everyone is nordic as well
>We further separated Europeans into individuals of Finnish and non-Finnish ancestry given the enrichment of this bottlenecked population; the term European hereafter refers to non-Finnish European individuals.
''nordic'' finns
check out the nature recent post about how finns arent european or neither asian but their own "people" as you would put it, proud to be pure finn, no arab/negroid blood here bro i wish i could say same the same about you mixbreed.
and we all know the modern europeans are just arabs that are white washed and latinos. top tier finland is best land.
xD Best post. Proxy Romani on a stealthmission to gain admisson XD
I will never Forgett this. You and me on same lvl my shitposting boardbrother XD
You always my brother.
Is that dude wearing some sort of leather fetish boots or something?
Not true, we also have red sea mixture btw.
From varusteleka perhaps
I vote Aye! for Romanians to be accepted among the Nordic masterraces.
No an No.
Yes, a good part of romanians are nordic.
Most famous anthropological book, The Races of Europe - Charles Coon
>In view of the complex ethnic history of Rumania, the living Rumanians may be expected to show evidence of a multiplicity of racial origin. To native Dacian elements, which must have included a blend of indigenous Neolithic peoples with Satem-speaking Nordics, have been added whatever population the Romans brought and which did not run away, and a multitude of early Slavs whom the Vlachs absorbed. Other elements, Ugric, Tatar, and Gothic, were probably of lesser importance.
>he is here on a monday night
Romanians barely qualify as human beings.
hello brethren
Now Now Chaps.
Lets not let yourselves delude yourselves like the Germans.
The only master race is the Anglo.
>be Romania
>be 31st
The percentage would more than double if we excluded south Romania and ex ottoman dobruja and banat...
Keep telling yourself that darling
why you guys shit on the country that BTFO Ottomans?
Finnish rap scene looking good
no but seriously there are legit similarities between zamolxism and nordic paganism
Yeah sorry about that, it's clearly fake
I wish the memes were real