You can't deny it
You can't deny it
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Charlie sheen
You forgot the most disappointing one.
How many medals did you get this Olympics?
We're not a famous celebrity
hey professou wat falkland islands you talkin 'bout
This isn't a thread about children with their disappointing parents kike-chan.
Without the both those your nation would not exist.
Daz ri
shut the fucck up and go shart in mart
Abel Xavier is 0.35% of our population?
good bait. you're probably a spic.
Actually, even worse
>A fucking leaf
he's an alien.
I really don't think you have any right to talk. What's the unemployment rate over there, like a bazillion?
Mate, Brazil is only delinquent because his father is a drunk.
shut up test tube baby
you will rue the day you mocked sharting in the mart.
Like 10%.
According to your hero trump, the real number in america is around 20. Is he a liar?
Not nearly that bad. We have jobs, they just pay like shit. Spain is the unemployed one.
Portuguese have the balls to go abroad if they don't find work, they don't sulk in place for too long.
>wiru sumisu
How adorable you must think you are reposting a meme someone else ripped off from.
You're the most clever boy on this thread aren't you? You should go have a cookie for being a good little cuck.
Reminds me of how Poutine is made. Thank god I left that hellhole Canuckistan for glorious America.
what does the current unemployment rate have to do with former colonies?
I might be wrong. I use kilometres afterall...
:D #neverspain
go shart on top of some french fries and call it 'poutine', you fucking faggot
Sheen was a big crack manwhore but he was the most successful actor the Sheens ever had, better that Martin himself.
My mistake. I guess I kinda assumed you guys would have similar statistics to Spain (lol Spain.)
when are you going to build a wall to keep out juan?
That's not a Canadian flag
that's pretty mean.
if you kill the poutine you get to eat it.
preto do caralho detetado
I loved him in Wall Street though
How can his eye be real if is career isn't real?
Out athletes aren't fueled by coke nor are they used to running from bullets. Give them a break.
> tfw you're Western European and your son is a 3rd world country
and he had a cool small role in ferris buehler, where he made out with jeanie in the police station
When we leave EU and Make Portugal Great Again!
Dat burn, bro
Charlie Sheen had been a major star for like 3 decades, he made enough money to buy as much cocaine and hookers as his body could take. charlie sheen's career is only dead because he pissed off the wrong jew.
meanwhile Will Smith's son is shit-awful and most entertaining thing he's done are goofy twitter messages, and I can't even remember the black guy's name (he's "that black guy i recognize. not samuel l. jackson. the...uh, other guy) but I didn't even KNOW he tried to get his kid into showbiz.
>When canada thinks he's as good at shit posting as a straya
I didn't know this was a cringe thread.
We thought this year we'd invest in the Euro instead and humiliate France. Can't afford both, mang.
#Departugal when. Britain + Portugal together against Europe just like old times.
Fuck you, dad.
1 - Our country doesn't invest big in our athletes.
2 - We're 11 million. Do you really expect us due to reason 1 also to win any medals? Please.
3 - Medals obviously fix your country's problems and show that they're developed as fuck. Look at kenya and ethiopia I mean.
That's samuel fisher from the matrix movies. His daughter does porn.
You don't need to burn Canada anymore, Trudeau is already doing that
PLOP IN SHOP you filthy subhuman
How fucking incorrect is that map lol
>charlie sheen is a disappointment
nigga did you see platoon
Precto detectado*.
Oh shit, the Iraqis are talking live on SIC.
Fucking cunts should be beaten to death.
>burger """bantz"""
Even Johnny Depp did a better job in Platoon than Charlie Sheen
Can someone explain me the SHART meme?
I was away the whole weekend.
for real why do canacucks hate cheese that melts, you know, just what the ENTIRE goddamn planet enjoys.
Just like old times, sending sandniggers home.
tentaste lucas da silva
You're alright, jew
>Cuckadian thinks he's actually worth giving banter to
Kek, only funny thing you've said entire thread.
"hurr we were attacked by 6 like it can happen so often in Portugal so we beat him to near death, even though our faces are still unbeaten"
"hurr we didn't run them over"
They are still in the country, fyi.
We are the only non shit colony of Spain, asides from half the USA
>Can someone explain me the SHART meme?
there are lots of pics of white americans in walmart who seem to have shit their pants but keep on shopping.
shart = fart + shit.
pls try to keep up, amigo.
Well you sent to many niggers over irmao
Now will you do whats right and rescue a brother?
>non shit
kek next you will say you are white
they look perfectly fine and good talkers to me. I'm surprised.
It could be the portuguese boy's fault. There are fucking pricks everywhere and you know it.
>only non shit colony of Spain
>"non shit"
Hello my white friend. How about them islands huh?
this has been a thing for years, just it has been repackaged with more venom, plus the mods keep deleting the threads when they appear.
Well if you're just not going to put any effort into your terrible shit posting anymore then fuck you i'm going to watch tv.
You've lost your entertainment factor.
I seriously doubt that they had their ass kicked like they claim, they looked perfectly fine.
They also denied running him over despite witnesses claiming otherwise.
I seriously doubt they aren't bullshitting, even if they didn't start it.
I know what. shart is, just didn't know why the sudden use.
Is not even something new, i saw those pics in old Sup Forums
Thanks amigo.
i always wonder, if I were a kid and knew that family, would I like axyl rose and hate the dweebs, or the other way around.
it's a tough choice.
portugal confirmed for being based. nearly reaching sardegna levels.
Whats this bants all about portubro, local habbenings?
Guess which town we put the few rapefugees we got in :^)
Guess where they are now.
Jesus christ what do we have to do to stop you from being mad 30 years after? pay for the couple destroyers that got damaged? they were absolutely failures you are lucky we exposed them and not the soviets.
2 Iraqi twins (sons of a diplomat) beat a 15 year old to a coma and ran him over with a car.
They have diplomatic immunity, so the police can't track them or do anything.
The Iraqi embassador's sons beat up a 15 yo kid in Portugal. The kid almost died and he's in coma.
Son of iraqi ambassador+ friend or cousin or something like that ran over a 15 years old portuguese fellow
Then beat him up pretty bad and got away with it because of Geneva convention (diplomatic immunity etc)
>Being mad
We won lad, we ain't mad. Stay fucked, silver medal.
I would shit myself laughing
>diplomatic immunity,
that is so bizarre. if you are a diplomat, you are not held to the laws of that country. Can they fucking kill at will?
in a way it's like the coolest powerup ever.