I'm English and I view the USA as our strong, well-fed son who looks after Dad in his old age. However on the continent I have noticed people are more anti-American, especially France. Why is this? Is it jealousy of the Anglosphere? Is it butthurt over wars? Is it just socialist continentals being socialist? Why the hatred?
Why do so many Europeans hate the USA?
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There is nothing wrong with hating amerishits.everyone with common sense hate americans
h8 us cause they ain't us desu
They are getting tired of cupping the balls.
They don't have any fight left in them, like us Anglos.
Total fags.
Opinion Discarded
I don't think it's fair to say that so many Europeans hate the USA. Like with socialism, only the loud minority are into it, but the sheer volume of their annoying screeches creates the impression that there are more of them than there are.
In short most europeans are edgy faggots that can't get over the fact they're no longer relevant beyond being a hotel to poor poor syrian refugee's.
I personally hate Americans because:
>they are uneducated about the rest of the world
>they economically blackmailed britain and france after ww2 into giving up their colonial empires
>they are the root cause of globalisation
I always say if someone doesn't hate you you haven't stood for something.
Anglos of the world unite!
Why do eastern Europeans hate Russia?
Turns out being occupied and having your way of life attacked by said occupier makes one dislike the occupying force.
Protip: the whole anti-racist bullshit was exported to Europe from the USA, as is the case with many other things plaguing modern European society.
I defend America whenever I can. But my roachspray is close to empty.
Americans do what needs to be done, even if it has shitty side effects. Illegals are bringing drugs, shit culture, and ruining our economic structure? Build a fucking wall. Shitskinned Mohammad blow up the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and potentially the White House? War. Imagine if that were to happen in a country like France. The French would apologize to the terrorist and kneel down to them. Americans do what needs to be done and no one likes them for it.
I wouldn't say globalisation is a bad thing in itself. The world is more connected and easier because of it. Globalism is the problem.
Because EU is litterally US puppet?
I mean why do you think we embargo Russia?
Why are we "copycatting" American immigration policy.
And no I'm not fucking socialist I'm fucking nationalist.
Americans are uneducated, ungrateful fucks that cause tension everywhere and now we have to pay for their fucking military adventures into middle east through migrants.
I mean we ARE KEKED because of them.
I don't particularly like Americans for many reasons, and their foreign policy is disgusting. Having said that, we, in europe would be fucked without America's help after ww2, namely the Marshall Plan. So we owe them for that, and I would consider them an allie
empires are usually hated, especially if they fuck up everything everywhere and ram their crass and obnoxious non-culture down everyones throats
I tend to find it's the EU fanatics that hate America most. They want Europe to 'challenge' the USA (whatever that means).
Personally I'd side with the US over Europe on most things.
Thats fair enough, but most Europeans hate the US because, I assume, were not Lefty enough. Basically they hate us for the exact, polar opposite reasons you stated.
I mean, I could be wrong about that, but I highly doubt it.
No Dutchbro. A lot of the liberal cuckness is because of the EU. The EU elite and its founders hate nationalism because it goes against the idea of a federal Europe. Plus the USA is more right wing than Europe.
That used to be the case last decade until the Muslims spilled over and turned everyone in Europe into racist hypocrites.
Look at the founders of the EU and their ambitions. The US alone can't be blamed for the shit we're in.
I'm Portuguese i don't hate America. Although I must admit that America became highly degenerate after the end of the Cold War. Trannies feminists liberals… thanks for your contributions to the world.
Improvements in air travel counts as globalisation. Improvements in digital communication counts as globalisation. These are good things. Globalism however is the idea that global elites should bypass national sovereignty, like the EU does (and I'm sure the UN would love to).
I'd agree. There's a very snobbish attitude towards the US here when it comes to guns. Europeans laugh at Americans being able to own firearms while their daughters get bombed and raped by invading Muslims. It does my head in. It gave me such a big grin when you kicked Piers Morgan out. I hope John Oliver follows.
Because it's easier to blame someone than to accept responsibility for your problems
i hate fat people
What white nationalist doesn't hate u.s.a?
It is literally the bastion of liberalism and individualism which needs to be stamped out in order to bring back ethnic authoritarian nationalism.
SHarting smeellls too much
Well its more about your countries gave to pay attention to ours and no one else matters to us.
>exported anti-racist bs
Dutchbro who is more of a fag, he who gives the dick or he who takes the dick up the ass?
As for hating America, most of us don't. North America is my second favorite continent
American kikes like Soros are destroying our home countries and culture for shekels.
You and me both!
pasta pasta pasta
the same reason niggers hate whites and everyone hates jews. JEALOUSY.
That degenerate culture has been building up for decades before that and it came from Europe. Frankfurt school, cultural marxism, etc.
Soros is Hungarian
Hes Hungarian,idiot.
Because there crumpet-eating uero-peon faggpts
That's funny, because Europeans have been calling Americans racist for their perceived treatment of blacks as long as there has been a United States
What are you even trying to say?
Are you serious?
>calling anti-racism "bullshit"
>whining about occupation/imperialism/the law of the jungle
pick one
yes,30 people represent over 300 million.
Sometimes seeing outside perspectives is fun
>implying americans support our foreign policies
The media has a ton of people brainwashed to not even pay attention to the rest of the world. Anyone that isn't brainwashed knows our foreign policy is fucking stupid. Don't blame Americans, blame the mainstream media and the jews.
>tower hamlets
You realize this is the equivalent of going to Detroit, filming it and titling it 'A Walk in America'
I was under the impression he lives in the US.
But I forgot. In America being born in a stable makes you a horse.
they hate us cuz they aint us
yes,its the truth.
It's just common sense to hate the local village rapist. America is a mindless, brutal, heartless, degenerate, decadent and violent k-mart sharter.
America is everything that is wrong with this world
fine,fair enough.
The US has always been an inwardly focused country. What's actually going on is the people are no longer represented
>america is the root cause of globalization
Ay yo, hol up...
Remind me of where the Sun never sets again?
Who was it that rules the waves?
Embrace the darks idea, Anglo, you're one of us. You have a Muslim mayor and we have a king dindu al Kenyani.
We are the ones that look down on you fags, lol. I'm glad I'm not American.
So if i move to australia,youll consider me Australian like you and Hitler?
Fucking googlejews.
Doesn't matter, once trump gets elected we will fix relations with Russia, wipe out muslim rebels all over the planet and bring in a new age of nationalism and prosperity.
If Clinton wins you're all going to hate us more as we continue to destabilize 3rd world countries creating more refugees for you to take in.
America is a great nation but bad leadership impacts the whole world and that's why people hate us. Refugee crisis in Europe wouldn't be happening if we weren't arming terrorist groups and over throwing foreign governments. I can't blame you guys for hating us.
t. American
Gee, thanks for the input.
What are you even trying to say?
big government will always forsake the will of its people for the benefit of the government.
We are you prodigal son.
You are the root cause, and the crown's alliance with the Jews.
im glad youre not as well.
the europeans armed them as well as bombed them also. They just hate us cuz they aint us,its that simple. The german barbarians hated the romans for the same fucking reason.
No, you will always be a burger to us. We don't do that "everybody is welcome and gets a free citizenship" bs.
>kill darkies and institute pure capitalism and instate traditional values in our empire
>allied to jews
I went to America once. All that traffic. Everyone was black or latino. Terrible food. Everyone was dumb as a rock. Only good part was girls were eager to jump on my english shaft.
This, to be Austrian you have to pass the BBC sucking test. If you can't make your Sudanese bull cum in under a minute you are no true Austrian.
>UK complaining about bad food
The white people have shit food meme is because of anglos.
>they are uneducated about the rest of the world
This tired bullshit, what exactly are the so uneducated about and why does it even matter?
>they are the root cause of globalisation
No that would be the globalists who are not Americans.
>60%. That is counting Arabs and North Africans as white.
It's supposed to be you get citizenship if you believe in the values of Americanism.
small government with few regulations on peoples actions let them hash it out for themselves
freedom for everyone who doesn't kill another
hatred of communism and all things dealing with that side.
opportunity for success, not freedom from failure
but the government wants to be bigger and force more shit on people
ok, so hes hungarian.So europeans are responsible for Soros. tnx for backing me up.
I bet your mouth is watering thinking about all that BBC.
You're a good chap, Satan Dad. We love you, too.
>this picture
Except there are ads, movies, EVERYTHING lately promoting interracial couples and media telling everyone how migrants are good white males are bad etc.
On the other hand blacks are given huge advantage (minority quotas) and still can't use it.
Voting for King Nigger, twice.
Because we "bloody yanks" don't share in Europe's institutionalized muslim cocksucking. And Europeans have a violent, small-dick-complex about anyone they perceive as wealthier than them - the Freudian proof is that every time I hear a Zeropean muslim whore spewing their hatred of Americans, they also scream & yell about how much they hate capitalism and the concept of wealth. Now if THAT'S not a monetary jealousy, what the fuck is?
>However on the continent I have noticed people are more anti-American, especially France.
There are two brands of anti-American sentiments in France:
Far-left because
>muh capitalism, muh kkk, muh guns and religion nuts, muh neocons, muh Juice.
Far-right because
>muh culture being rekt, muh sovereignty, muh Serbia, muh Poutine, muh Juice.
The first being triggered by Medias (did not happen that much during Obama 8 years) the latter by alternative medias (think Ukraine, Lybia etc.).
And then you've a third brand of anti-American sentiment created by the new "French" because muh Palestine, muh Juice.
I for one get sometimes tired with their blind trust in freedom but I still love the American people.
ok, so why dont "aryans" start their own media corporations? Are you inferior or something?
>this entire post
i'll disown you guys if that fucking woman/lizard/cunt gets in the white house.
- obese
- 60% white, filled with people who have 40% european heritage trying to tell us which country is and isn't white
- really cocky even though they as individuals aren't anything special, they're just getting carried by the supercorporations
- people who haven't served in the army being super cocky about the army
- always disrespecting european countries
- unironically believe in multiculturalism, "melting pot" and mass migration
- civic nationalism
The list of good things is much longer, but this is why they get a bad rep abroad
>totally insignificant
there is one primary reason for me, the english speaking sphere is the primary source and refuge of all leftist cancer on this planet.
they are of course also extremely warlike and expansionist which is the primary reason of most other people on the planet who are not aware of the problem of leftism.
Indeed it is true that pre ww europe is guilty of many of the things americans do these days so in the modern age it is mostly the degree to which this happens that is the difference between europe and US.
Since europe has a 2000 year history and modernity has but 200 to 500 years I still like to believe there exists an essential difference between US and EU and not just one of degree as mentioned above.
>Why do so many Europeans hate the USA?
based doggo
You ever hear of a guy guy called Karl Marx and where hes from?
>the english speaking sphere is the primary source and refuge of all leftist cancer on this planet.
t. the country that gave us Marx and Marcuse
European socialism just needs to die already. It can all be traced back to the eternal kraut (Marx, Frankfurt school, Merkel etc)
have you even read my post
Some like us
some hate us
But nobody likes a roach