Why does a free market with 0 regulations always gravitate towards drugs, prostitution, slavery and child labor?
Why does a free market with 0 regulations always gravitate towards drugs, prostitution, slavery and child labor?
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Because humans are animals
Free market still the best
Basic human pleasures I guess, sex, drugs, money... I don't know about child labor tho, that probably has more to do more with financial situation than how regulated the market is.
Why does planned economy with extreme regulation always gravitate toward mass death?
All society gravitates towards those things. The threat of execution or life imprisonment puts a damper on people's desire for them though.
I don't know, I think there are much more prostitution, murder and degeneracy in countries like Venezuela with high economic control. And higher of that we get, the more of that we will receive.
Because capitalism cannot work without government intervention.
Why do people think "granny pants" are sexy?
Must be why people are actually considering wasting votes on Hillary.
Retard. Kek has died.
I have no idea why you bring kek into this. Fuck you.
because you're allowed to hear about it when there's a free press.
Citation needed.
You can't give on of course, there isn't one. That's a mix of oversimplification and plain bullshit.
The free market is about giving the people what they want. Lots of people want to get high, apparently.
Again, giving the people what they want. Lots of men value sex more than money. Lots of women value money more than sex. And lots of people of both sexes don't see anything wrong with exchanging one for the other - or at least nothing as wrong as their other alternatives anyway.
Want those things to change? Change human nature, easier said than done. Think abolishing a free market would get rid of those things? Not at all, it's been tried over and over again, e.g. the war on drugs, no drugs in the US anymore right? You just make them more expensive, which means fewer people can work to support their habit and more will steal or rob.
Now that's bullshit. If you have slavery you don't have a free market, QED.
>child labor
Free markets or state run, both will include people that disagree profoundly on how young is too young for labor, so that's just a red herring.
Consult this handy graphic for answers to questions you haven't even asked yet.
>If you have slavery you don't have a free market, QED.
Ohaiyo Gozaimas le Mises Institute!
because they're fun
A free market is a system, slaves is a commodity that can be used or not, depending on the law.
asians are disgusting.
Because the free market is an enemy of social conservatism. It attacks all the foundations of it.
You are disgusting.
Sistar is old news, sven. Its all about Lisa and friends in Blackpink
No, as simple as that.
A free market is a market in which all the participants are free.
What part of that sentence are you having difficulty understanding?
Are you trying to say these things did not exist in the Soviet Union?
Because people tend to like instant gratification, and exploitation of others when it benefits them.
Shorts are so hot.
No shartmart, free pertains to the market deciding the price of a product, supply and demand.
no, a Free Market is 2 or more people able to voluntarily exchange goods/services with no middle man.
A side effect of this is that the 'market' (the whole of all people exchanging goods) will reach the optimum price for any good or service.
No wonder your country is run by immigrants. You "natives" are dumb as a rock.
citation needed yuropoor
No my little idiot, thats just a market. A free market, or compared to communist "plan" market is a different beast.
I suggest schooling
because money is above all.
japan and Switzerland are the only countries where wages are distributed more evenly because a smart set of laws that allow that
It refers, more specifically and fully, to the prices being set by negotiation between free parties, without compulsion to trade at any particular price, or to trade at all.
Slaves, by definition, are not free parties, and are under compulsion to trade their labor at a very specific price - 0.
Q. E. to the motherfucking D, get it now?
I've never heard of this happening except maybe in Africa where you're from
I'm actually gonna stop replying because I'm getting tired.
what part of no middle man did you miss?
You do know that we have IDs here right?
lol your stupidity is showing. keep it up :D
When Europe is in the flames of WW3 and Austria is burning down around you, I will remember your posts and tell people you earned that cultural enrichment.
Ok 60%
kek lives in death
>plastic koreans
How does anyone find this fucking attractive? I like Asians because they look Asian.
You don't understand what a free market is.
NO Countries on earth currently have a free market.
Because when you drop the pretense, that's what we actually want.
Unlike you we over here still have all our guns, we could be at 5% and eliminate the other 95%. You will watch as your family is raped to death and then they will nail you to a wall to die amid the remains of the people you cared for.
My only regrets will no being there to see it, before I get back to removing kebab.
Not Russia! You have your problems, but generally you are doing good.
>a free market with 0 regulations
Oxymoron. The market is a creation of the state. Money, property rights, contract enforcement and securing people's safety are all needed for a market to function.
>dem asian legs
>believing in altruism
fucking kek m8
If you wouldn't be such an ignorant shartmart, you would know that after Switzerland we have the most guns in Europe per capita. And we have the most liberal gun laws, comparable to the USA.
Those can all be done without a State though.
I personally have 4 rifles. You come try get into my house. I will show you my believes.
>the austrian is pro slavery
not surprising
>not a crime infested shithole where the boss of bosses is friends with the head of state
I didn't say that. I say it wasn't a pretext for free markets
Have you ever been to Russia? You shartmarts are amazing
Short answer? Because human beings are weak of mind and will.
>Doesn't know the difference between a libertarian and an objectivist.
Which examples of "a free market with 0 regulations" are you using to make this claim? Ancap memes on Sup Forums don't count.
You shut your whore mouth!
>objectivists aren't just special snowflake libertarians
I was making joke my former imperial friend.
i accept. german heart doesn't know sarcasm sometimes.
Gee i wonder
Yes, I have. It's a largely energy-based economy, where one of the largest energy companies is owned by the aforementioned boss of bosses. The divide between rich and poor is the second largest in the world. In addition to this, there are massive gangs of russian mobsters that conduct international operations. Russia has been described more than once as a "virtual mafia state."
Nothing like a woman with legs that could wrap around you twice
Well each one to their own. It's still considered free market. Which is what the discussion was about.
Because those are the interesting things. Nobody cares about the rants of some shell shocked german with half a ballsack or the other German looser who couldn't make it as a broker in Liverpool. More to the point, a free market leads to imporvement and innovation in order to indulge in the cool things, which is nice unless you want to live in a mud hut.
They are the most efficient at what they do.
>still considered free market
What kind of retarded definition of free market are you using?
Which kind are you using?
OP's: 0 regulations. Obviously this kind of market is incompatible with the existence of a state, so outside of small tribal societies in history this hasn't been implemented on any major scale.
What kind are you using?
Wtf are you talking?
Are you drunk or just illiterate?
While they have some similarities that are obvious to outsiders they're very different movements and philosophies. Rand was an ideologically rigid person who essentially built a cult up around herself, making trivialities such as musical tastes into diagnostics of existential flaws and literally excommunicating anyone that dared to disagree with her.
Libertarianism has the opposite character, it was always about trying to build big-tent opposition to the collectivism that had taken over both major political parties. No single person ever held sway over it in anything even vaguely resembling the way Rand owned Objectivism. The LP did contain some former Objectivists, but note the qualification. They had been excommunicated. Any Objectivist that 'fraternized' or sympathized with libertarians was, in fact, in danger of excommunication.
So while libertarianism is open enough to accept objectivists (but mostly follows the works of less rigid and more practical writers) Objectivism is explicitly opposed to libertarianism, and will not allow anyone to be both at once.
When a political ideology idolizes a woman as it's symbol of wisdom, you know something is fucking wrong.
I do understand. But from what you seem to say it doesn't scale. So why is that relevant?
Human behavior is economic behavior. The particulars may vary, but competition for limited resources remains a constant.
Because obviously defining a free market as being a binary thing (either free or not free, zero regulation vs at least one regulation), while logical, doesn't really address the fact that no such market currently exists, nor does it help us compare extant markets. The best way is to roughly determine the relative "freeness" of a given market, on a scale from completely controlled to completely free.
The issue is that the definitions are not clear, so one person's "free market" is different from another's. When you say
>Russia is a free market
it is meaningless without further explanation of what you mean.
IR doesn't. This is the ancap memes according to which people would all rush to have loli sex slaves, which isn't even ancap but I don't understand these memes.
>Human behavior is economic behavior.
Economic behavior just means exchange. There are things that are nonexchangeable and thus are non economic.
People that rant against the market are simply against voluntary exchange.
read the talmud and find out goy
Amish have an internal barter economy and they have 0 degeneracy. because they are euro Christians and there are no kikes or mudbloods.
soon faggots will link articles written by kikes to countersignal this.
The days of non-free markets are over. In fact what is a Kolchos these days? You have your Israeli Kibbutz and that's about it.
The rest of the world trades. there is no more difference.
God, the second one is revolting. Awful legs, put them AWAY. Only the fourth even slightly stirs my skin-skink. Oh well, here's rolling....
Those trips though..
Virtually every country uses tariffs. All countries apply taxes on economic activity. All countries regulate the economy in one way or another. These are all characteristics of a "free" market to you?
........... Rolling.
You bastard. Swap you my scrawn for the juicy one?
And who's your enthusiastic little gif-gymnast? Looks familiar.