gunfags, how does it feel to know that Hillary Clinton will win and END America's stupidity with guns once and for all?
Gunfags, how does it feel to know that Hillary Clinton will win and END America's stupidity with guns once and for all?
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That's impossible, she can ban a few guns that the average person thinks is scary, but that's about it.
Their would be a march on Washington
It would be like the irish banning alcohol
If the Clintons could do that why didn't they do it during their first 8 years when homicide was twice per capita what it is now? What does gun control do to justify it's costs?
Without guns I have nothing to live for so I'll go out shooting and leave my son a couple of guns to remember me by.
I'm sure the NRA will make sure she won't do anything foolish.
They were correcting their own mistake.
>most democrats
>a black guy
Well done
The next president of the united states is going to be choosing two supreme court justices. These are lifelong positions which do not need to be elected and are in charge of interpreting our laws.
she won't have to ban anything when the twits she chooses declare that the 2nd amendment only refers to muskets.
And then the people tell her they are not obeying.
She either deals with the civil disobedience, or she pushes them until things become a conflict.
A conflict she will lose.
>posting under a proxy
>not understanding the purpose of the 2nd amendment
Look up "American Revolutionary War"
>the gubmint ain't takin' mah guns away
Haha delusional guntard. If the government wanted to they could've already confiscated your guns.
Just surrender. Sooner or later it will happen.
This is a pretty apt way of explaining it, actually.
Thanks potato niggers
>Implying Democrats don't steal guns instead
Shit bait
learn to read.
>most young people avoid guns
pretty sure it's the opposite
Democrats are typically idiots
Young people are not avoiding guns
Women are typically idiots
Plenty of hunters still around
Fuck of with this propaganda nigger
They don't have the resources of take anyone's guns you retarded child.
We will rise up and smite the wicked bitch and the vile government she rules over.
>not worried
i'm waiting for the 25 point swing after the first debate
I don't think they could have gotten the support for it then like they can now.
>What does gun control do to justify it's costs?
I don't think it is or has ever been about what gun control actually accomplishes.
>"Democrat" is black
That's raycis
It doesn't matter if she appointed 100 judges that said guns were scary and bad.
Our citizens have more guns than every single other country in the world combined.
Just wrap your mind around that, and you will realize how ultimately foolish it is.
I know their long term plan is to slowly but surely wind them down over the course of a generation.
But as I said, hundreds of millions of guns.
>like they can now
How so?
The militia system is currently regulated under the Dick Act of 1903. The militia system has been regulated since 1782. Why do anti-gunners keep demanding that we regulate the militia system?
How many feds really want to get shot while going trick or treating fire AR15s. They'll start with a registry then they'll either pick and choose what they don't like and then waste tax payer money with mandatory buy back or do it for everything that isn't a single shot bolt action. They'll get mostly fudd rifles and can it a success post some gussied up stats about the hold outs and then offer a reward for anyone who offers information on unregistered firearms. Then the feds come knocking call the tip probable cause and search your house. With any luck people will resist and they'll decide it's too risky.
>implying there's going to be a revolution and leftist retards will be removed from power permanently
>If the government wanted to they could've already confiscated your guns.
No, they can't.
Otherwise it would've happened.
The body count would be higher than any war America has ever been involved in.
>Implying well regulated means government oversight
No you learn to read
Like they have in New York and Connecticut, right?
Both states have 80% noncompliance on AWB turn/registration. And the state governments have pretty much quietly ingnored th millions of fellons they created as a result, especially since a a large number of county sheriffs have openly defied state government. But it'll be different with the Feds, right?
They still won't have a Democratic House until at least 2022 and there are even more people willing to refuse to comply with new gun regulations among both the populace and law enforcement.
militia means all people over 18 dumbass. theres something called "the militia act" that clearly explains this.
Alaska passed a law stating that the federal government can't infringe on our 2nd amendment rights. Also in the law is that our state troopers will arrest any federal employee who tries. How does that make you feel?
You're either trolling or your understanding of military affairs is disgustingly ignorant.
Based on your following post, , I'm guessing it's the first and that that you should fuck off.
>trying to carry shitty Sup Forums memes over to Sup Forums
>trumpshills literally reinterpreting old laws to suit their gun fetish
You just can't make this shit up.
CT had a mass shooting with 13 people shot on Sunday AM. I guess those new laws are really getting the job done.
>If the government wanted to they could've already confiscated your guns.
They don't have the means or the authority to stop chimp outs in prominently black cities, they sure as fuck aren't gonna fuel a civil war to take legally owned guns from those who own them, especially when the actual gun NUTS could easily just fuck the civilian infrastructure if they had to. It's a nightmare no matter how fast and hard you act as a military force
omg that guy on the right si sooo unreasonable
How does it feel that you want Hillary this start another civil war
>Just surrender
As I said, the law literally doesn't even matter at this point. You can pontificate all you want about the future, but we're still here in reality.
You can go if it doesn't suit you.
just wait until the gun lobbyist pay her a few million dollars. She'll change her mind
tfw no guns in my country
>A state passed a law against the entire country trying to violate the constitution.
I feel like I'm in awe of the stupidity of Alaskan politicians.
Arizona did this as well,
The state governor and sherif joe already said they would not comply/ call on the state malitia (anyone over 18 with arms). To resist a federal gun grab
I don't think euros understand how big a deal this is for the us
If you have no arms and are at the mercy of your governments benevolence are you really free?
>the right of "the people" to keep and bear arms
there were guns back then that shot 20 rounds in 5 seconds and cannons were also protected under the 2nd. the founding fathers had both and specifically talked about how much they loved the 'belton flintlock' and helped sell it to the public and commissioned some to be made specifically for the militia... so youre dumb.
Federal law trumps one hick state's laws.
Can you explain how this is an incorrect reading of the Militia Act of 1903?
And the will of the people trumps federal law.
Or have you forgotten who you're truly supposed to be serving?
you think officer joe & pete, who probably own guns themselves, would be eager to carry out the order, expecting a rifle barrel behind every house, engaging in fire fights with american citizens? there would be no one to carry the order out, ... also logistically it's retarded, you'd need a swat team to visit every house in the US.
kek I see that
Laws only work when people follow them or when you can enforce them.
The government making a stupid declaration that most people disagree with does not magically make everyone suddenly comply.
See prohibition of alcohol in the US.
and one nigger sniper killed 5 cops, with a shitty 5.45 ak
i was referring to the militia act of 1792
I can legally buy weed in my state. The ATF and the DEA need logistical support from local governments to operate effectively without which they are just occasionally arresting people at random.
Okay. When you get robbed and beaten up by 800 niggers, don't come crying to us.
sort of, the only enforcement method they have it to pull federal funding
Can you explain this?
From the minute you're born you relied on govt. services to live. The truth is YOU ARE the problem. You're leeches that don't know any better.
Globalism is here and government will keep expanding because population keeps growing. GET THE FUCK OVER IT. There will be no there will be no trump presidency, there will be no guntard uprising, and there will be no return to the past.
Assumed bait as no one could be this dumb.
>sharp decline
Isn't gun ownership at an all time high in the United States?
>because population keeps growing
except it's not
You don't know my past, or who I am.
The fact you're trying to equate the citizens right to bare arms with gibmedats shows how woefully unprepared you came.
You're going to need a script with a LOT more depth than that.
>Can you explain this?
In 1903 the Federal government passed a law making it legal for the Federal government to conscript able bodied men between 17 and 49 and women already in the National Guard to serve in the National Guard in cases of extreme emergency. This is the current version of the state militia system in the US which is in fact well regulated.
We also legalized marijuana which is federally illegal. They didn't do shit while we gave them a big fuck you and we are a red state.
*slow claps*
*steps out of the shadows*
Heh... not bad, kid. Not bad at all. Your meme, I mean. It's not bad. A good first attempt. It's plenty dank... I can tell it's got some thought behind it... lots of quotable material...
But memeing isn't all sunshine and rainbows, kid. You're skilled... that much I can tell. But do you have what it takes to be a Memester? To join those esteemed meme ranks? To call yourself a member of the Ruseman's Corps? Memeing takes talent, that much is true. But more than that it takes heart. The world-class Memesters - I mean the big guys, like Johnny Hammersticks and Billy Kuahana - they're out there day and night, burning the midnight meme-oil, working tirelessly to craft that next big meme.
And you know what, kid? 99 times out of a hundred, that new meme fails. Someone dismisses it as bait, or says it's "tryhard," or ignores it as they copy/paste the latest shitpost copypasta dreamt up by those sorry excuses for cut-rate memers over at reddit. The Meme Game is rough, kid, and I don't just mean the one you just lost :^). It's a rough business, and for every artisan meme you craft in your meme bakery, some cocksucker at 9gag has a picture of a duck or some shit that a million different Johnny No-Names will attach a milion different captions to. Chin up, kid. Don't get all mopey on me. You've got skill. You've got talent. You just need to show your drive.
See you on the boards...
nigger detected
Yes, and the national crime rate is dropping like a stone thanks to all the guns.
Yes, you were. Now leave in disgrace and tell your boss that she's going to get schlonged in November.
The US losing 2A has nothing to do with Hillary, and everything to do with the majority of the voter base being female.
The emotional argument for the control of firearms will always trump the logical and historical one because a majority of the US population, women, specifically women with children, don't understand or care for the history of 2A. Guns have no place in society as they understand it.
If you outright ban anything that isn't a musket right away there would be massive outrage. The only way they will disarm people is slowly like they have been.
Alaska seems like the only first world state in the USA tbqh
Hey if the 2nd amendment didnt want people to have repeating arms then why did 2 of the founding fathers own puckel guns and all of them own belton flintlocks??
How do we accomplish that? gunfags are buying guns like hotcakes especially after every mass shooting.
Post yfw Kek spares no (((globalist))).
In terms of raw numbers yes, however the rate of gun owners has not increased at the same rate as population.
>pay taxes my whole life
>use the public services
How am I a leech faggot?
Nice projection
>caring more about muh guns relic history than women and children
anytime you see "____ fags" you know its from a real faggot
We accomplish that by you hanging from a rope on the tallest tree for betraying your country and everything it stands for.
I hate how people like you share this country with me.
>have no gun
Women and children are helpless in the face of rapists and murders
>have guns
Any woman, size or age, is able to protect herself and children.
Supporting the 2a is protecting women and children
If you cared about woman and children why dont you want them tp be able to protect themselves when someone wants to do them harm?
You literally do not care about the safety of woman and children you MONSTER
Pretty much impossible, plus the black market will take over if legal means of aquiring guns is restricted. I mean look at drugs, they have been illegal since the 1900's, yet you can find them every where.
I'd love watching her try
>caring more about being a spineless cuck than protecting women and children with guns
We just need to make sure that hose particular lifetimes are very short. Hillary's two. This is the government the founders created the second amendment to arm us against.
That pic is the most gansta thing I've seen this year