>his country still has the death penalty
Pick one.
>his country still has the death penalty
Pick one.
What does yellow mean?
I would be pro death penalty if the justice system wasn't so fucking slow, criminals in America spend 30 years in jail waiting in the death row, what's the point?
On the books but hasn't "officially" executed anyone in years.
its a color
this. costs shit ton o money too.
hans what the fuck are you doing
dont you have a country to save?
If you need proof murder is wrong then there's a problem. Also a lot of those countries in red have the lowest homicide rates in the world. Here a guy blows up a plane with 350 people on board and gets out after 30 years.
This, just go back to the firing squad, max 3 years for appeals, after that it's game over.
>not civilized
Gas yourself
You are only 62% white, pal.
At least we don't have a nigger problem. Your country is just as fucked as ours.
> Here a guy blows up a plane with 350 people on board and gets out after 30 years.
>we are going to permanently end your ability to murder or harm others and punish you at the same time
>killing murderers, pedophiles and treasoners makes you an uncivilized country
>keeping them alive to rot in jail off of tax money for decades makes you civilized
Europeans will unironically defend this
It's reciprocity. You can't un-kill someone or make up for it. The only answer is to also be killed.
hey mud
If there are no death sentence the punishment will never be enough for some people.
>not supporting the death penalty
>using murder with two different meaning in the same sentence
>expect to be taken seriously
I'm against the death penalty because it is a bloated bureaucratic mess and I don't trust any court with it.
The best argument in favor of death penalty is the self satisfaction of feel good bullshit vomited by people against it.
Except America or Japan only subhuman countries have the death penalty.
America is the greatest country in the world
Inheritors of Rome
>not slaughtering the useless and harmful people
>allowing them to terrorize law abiding citizens just to get locked inside a building to drain said citizens of money
It only takes a bullet and a fire pit.
Russia doesn't have the death penalty?
Death penalty is good.
Death penalty is good.
This sounds like something I say when I'm high
That is literally not an argument.
This is at best an incoherent purely experimental correlation. Actually it's not even that because excluding the US and Japan is a big step.
there is nothing wrong with executing criminals who are guilty of the most serious crimes
Executions should be kept only as a voluntary alternative to a life sentence.
Also I thought Botswana was some happy chill bunch of peace loving niggers but they still have the death penalty too huh? Weird.
We should go back to public hangings within a week of a guilty verdict for murder and horse thieves (cars now and other large thieving).
>We will prove you that kidnaping and inprosining is worng by imprisoning you because you imprisoned someone.
I agree with my countryman. Streamline the process so that justice is served quickly and cheaply. No near-infinite delays and appeals for stay of execution.
that's pretty fuckin' clever user
No except. It's a retarded idea. You don't take a life, you end it. Jimmy has an apple, johnny takes his apple. Johnny now has an apple. In this scenario you take the apple from johnny and give it back, problem solved...
If Jimmy and johnny both have apples, and johnny throws Jimmy's apple away, throwing Johnny's apple away only means nobody has any apples. The logical solution would be to hand over Johnny's apple, right?
But you can't un-kill Jimmy, so you use the remainder of Johnny's life to give something back. Why waste this commodity? Make that nigger work and at least be of some benefit to society instead of being a drain on society for 20+ years and then killing him in the most expensive way possible.
Justice is fucking slow in our countries because of 6 gorillonz regulations and rules instead of the based law of our ancestors. I tis also a lot more bureaucratic than it used to be.
And the budget are typically very low in spite of the gigantic government budget because all your inflation and taxes go to welfare leeches instead of regalia duties like justice.
murdering an innocent is wrong
murdering a murderer is the only right thing to do
>don't kill anyone
>don't be killed
difficult concept for fags like you i know
>some states in the USA have the dealth penalty
>colors entire USA red
Germany, pls, you bunch of cucks to kikes
Especially when coupled with your brilliant justice system amirite?
It's not murder though, it's killing. I know people today like to be edgy retards pretending that le morality doesn't exist but the two acts no matter how identical from a factual point of view (like a bullet in your head) are radically different.
I will never understand why the death penalty is such a touchy subject for liberals (muh feels I guess). There is nothing wrong with killing some shithead lawfully and with due process.
>(muh feels I guess)
Liberal politics in 2 words.
Literally all thinking types are non liberal.
Feeling types are liberal. Focusing on Dem-Rep is probably understating the thing because the thinking Dems are probably not liberal, just Dems.
Breivik is the perfect example of the idiocy of it. Guy blows up a car bomb in Oslo, then kills a youth group (not saying that the Marxists didn't deserve it). So what do they do? Put him up in prison and now he can exploit the ever living crap out of the system.
Do you really want to start m8?
Not to mention a cell that has pretty good standards, allowing him access to video games and television.
The death penalty acts as a deterrent like prison, but its got far too much bureaucracy involved.
If you get sentenced to death you should be given a day then killed and not some bullshit way like a lethal injection, something like hanging.
There is nothing more civilized that putting a worthless piece of shit out of its misery.
In burgerland at least you have to really fuck up to receive the death penalty. Subhuman acts will earn you human compassion by way of putting you down like the nasty, rabid animal you are.
>Wrongfully accused citizens are never executed.
In some of those countries a prison sentence might as well be a death sentence
>China & Burgerstan civilized
Try again zika brain.
>At least we don't have a nigger problem
Condemned to die of old age
>you murdered someone
>so we will let you play video games in your own apartment on the dime of the taxpayer, have sex with female security gaurds and then release you back onto the streets as "rehabilitated"
European """justice"""
Its so laughable, and they wonder why immigrants have no respect for their laws.
Nice straw man. The death penalty should be used for people who can't possibly be rehabilitated--inherent threats to society. If someone goes and kills 50 people while shouting allahu akbar, why should he be allowed to live? What does that do? If he ever gets out of prison, he'll just start killing again.
And a significant number of those condemned criminals are later proven beyond a shadow of a doubt to have been innocent. Isn't it better to still have the option to release them when you find that out?
>The death penalty should be used for people who can't possibly be rehabilitated--inherent threats to society. If someone goes and kills 50 people while shouting allahu akbar, why should he be allowed to live? What does that do? If he ever gets out of prison, he'll just start killing again.
In theory this sounds great. In practice, what if he has a brain tumor? They find it, remove it, he's fine now, shouldn't he get a chance to live?
And what if it turns out the guy you got in the brig there wasn't the guy that did the killing - he's a convenient patsy. He's severely mentally retarded and it takes him 15 years to figure out how to make someone understand what he knows, but when he does the real killer is exposed along with a huge apparatus of organized crime and corruption.
Oh, wait, no, none of that happened. Because you killed the unfortunate retard before it could. Ooops!
I'll be in favor of the death penalty as soon as the state shows it can guarantee absolutely zero false convictions in death penalty cases, and completely unbiased sentencing.
Perhaps, failing that, if they could do it in such a way that it could be reversed. Instead of killing you they could just put you in some sort of suspended animation, where you could still be revived, if it turned out they fucked up and convicted the wrong guy yet again.
how come that one part of canada is red
Death penalty should be applied to anyone that has two strikes. Being a corrupt politician should lead to immediate execution. Death penalty appears to be a dysfunctional solution only because it's deemed over the worst felonies. It should be applied to any criminal that refuse the righteous path.
Death penalty isn't about justice at all. It is about upholding the authority and responsibility of the state
Which crimes do countries with death penalties protect their citizens from?
"We'll teach you raping and murdering white women is wrong by sending you to a country club where the standard of living rivals the upper class in your home country, Achmed."
-t. The Caliphate of Allemania