College woes

>First day of College
>Go to intro to philosophy class
>Instructor is a female with a mowak
>Gauged ears
>Problem glasses (She's pretty damn sexy though not going to lie fa.m)
>She goes on to say how "The class will unfortunately only go over things dead white guy's have said"
>Says that females go first for everything in her class
>Mfw I am a blue eyed blonde haired white male and she will probably fail me because she caught me staring at her nice ass in the first 5 mins of class
>Mfw im spending money on this shit


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Drop it and take a different elective.

Why should I be forced to drop what would have been an easy A class for not doing anything wrong?

And there are others worse, or just as bad as her at this university so it's still a gamble even if I drop

You shouldn't have to, but you need to pick your battles.

What should I take instead? I need a social science

See if the Philosophy department has logic classes. Maybe try a political science class, or health sciences?

I don't know, I'm an engineering major so I don't have to take bullshit classes if I don't want to.

Fuck, forgot to sage that.

>going to college
>current year

You'll be richer then 90% of your class mates if you drop out now and work at Wendy's for the next 4 years


Well, logically, you would be considering you would be earning money while they gain debt. You would be far richer while still actually being poor.

>I don't know, I'm an engineering major so I don't have to take bullshit classes if I don't want to.
What shit tier university do you go to that doesn't require a 30 credit liberal arts block? Devry?

and he will continue to work at Wendy's after those four years have elapsed.

-t. college graduate with a real job.

Not exactly like that, but if you're smart and have SOCIAL intelligence, you'll be more successful than any college person.

>>She goes on to say how "The class will unfortunately only go over things dead white guy's have said"
>>Says that females go first for everything in her class
pretty unbelievable

I will not miss an opportunity to remind you that as americans, you fought for this brave new world and now youre getting a good whiff of it


>engineering major
>doesn't have to take general education perquisites

how's your senior year of high school going, Brian?

There are some high paying jobs in the trades. 100k per year with a 2 year low cost trade school. Plus you get to miss all that degenerate university level brainwashing.

>staring the ass of a teacher
>She caught me and she will fail me in class

If you really done that you asked for it.

Post her Facebook.

you need to start aggressively hitting on her until she agrees to meet you for coffe

>>Mfw I am a blue eyed blonde haired white male and she will probably fail me because she caught me staring at her nice ass in the first 5 mins of class

bull shit. professors love that crap. I flirted with my cutie writing studio professor every day.

At least you dident waste a year and got 15,000 in debt to go into a shitty culinary school OP
I was a stupid kid,

>philosophy class

Im a mathematics major you fuckwit, you need 3 social science credits at any decent university

Took a lot of fluff easy A classes the honors college offers, courses in logic, plus AP credits.

I didn't fight for this shit nigga

Ha, she has a myspace too

What kind of a clown college do you go to where she's a prof?

Those fucking titays tho, GOD DAMN

>females go first for everything

I-i-isnt it descrimination by gender? How is this legal? Can you sue her or the university for all their moneyz? Do it for the lolz please it sounds like a case that would get great media coverage

Fuck! I always miss these. How do I go back to see the picture?

Sue for discrimination and threaten the school.

Why stay in the class if it's easier to switch? Hope you're not trying to prove a point or some queer shit.

I'd post the link, but OP prob regrets posting it. I won't be a dick. You're not missing much though

Would fugg.

>being a newfag

>tfw going to private college for free because dad works there
>tfw also taking philosophy for easy A
>tfw mine is taught by a white guy and only goes over the nature and logic of choices and not social opinion bullshit

I'm sorry user. If it helps they're forcing me to read a book about rape culture.

Guess you're right

Apparently she wasn't always a mohawk-sporting, guage-wearing SJW?

>Magic and Science as Perf

I know you're a faggot, but if you remain in the course, it's your duty to drop red pills. Sup Forums is dead or dying and too many people still haven't seen woken up. You can't just roll over and take social justice warrior bullshit. I won't.

Red pills like what?

Nice teacher

>You can't just roll over and take social justice warrior bullshit. I won't.
And how exactly do you plan to fight and win? You'll be in a loop forever.

>taking chemistry
>the first three chapters are about global warming

Magic and Science as Performing Arts
Basically, easy A class where you show up an get an A. It was sponsored by the Honors college, so they literally just got speakers to come in and talk to us about something every week. My favorite was a talk about alchemy by some actual researchers that try to re-create old alchemical processes, which was neat.
One week we watched The Prestige and had a movie reviewer who was writing a book about it talk to us about it. We even went to see a magic show that was being held by the society of magicians just for the hell of it, completely paid by the Honors college. It was a great class. I'm in Comedy and Politics right now, and in half an hour I'm going to class, which is a talk by a senior writer for The Onion.

>philosophy class
seriously dude what are your aims for life? you can#t earn money with that shit it's a hobby at best but no profession
you better change fast into mechanical engineering or you will have a lot of time philosophing in your mom's basement after college

Report her for gender discrimination

whine and bitch your way out of her class

video tape her as well.

it's better if you can tear up while you report her too, make it look good.


tfw you're not a sjw yet

nice socks

redpill her faggot

I'm taking a class that has the required presentations be watched:

"White talk"
"Black faces, white spaces"
"How to Loiter"

And others that are just as bad. Its literally an anti white male class.

Link if you don't believe it.

File a discrimination complaint you retard.

If it gets ignored you have a clear Title IX lawsuit to move forward with.

>First day of College
>Go to intro to psychology class
>Instructor is swanky, enthusiastic old guy
>Only carries a shit ton of paper and pushes a 90's projector
>Talks about how this isn't psychology 101, "this is life 101".
>Class ends up being very difficult but extremely satisfying
>Learn tons of good stuff and go into philosophy + sociology numerous times
>He's writing a book and we get all the best info
>Mfw I spent money on it

You picked the wrong elective famalam

>University degree


>implying he can afford the lawyer while paying for college