UK:35 yr old Muslim attacks hugging 16 yr olds because one is his GF
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He acted correctly.
I have used all of my outrage for this month
come back at me next month when I've had time to get my anger back, because right now I'm just wiped out
>passing schoolteacher Boutho Siwela
our wogs are the best wogs
I want to choke out teenager lovebirds on the streets, too. But unfortunately i am not confident enough because i am not muslim. I think i should convert, too.
Swedes are masochists.
>But unfortunately i am not confident enough because i am not muslim.
no, the reason you are not confident enough is because you are a limp wristed millennial raised by post-war guilt ridden german parents
They were literally young school kids bf and gf, all innocent and shit. And we have like burly 35 year old Muslims attacking the young boys because they want a piece of the young school girls.
'Hey young Brit, you want a first gf in secondary school? Do you fancy that girl in your science class? Well too bad, 35 year old Achmed over here wants her too, so better move aside or he will knock you out all bloody and shit."
Sweden. Enough said.
Why is it that only brown & black people "convert" to this "religion"
It was probably two white kids hugging, which is illegal now as white girls are only allowed to show affection towards minorities in Europe.
He was making a citizens arrest.
>Tfw you have no qt 3.14 to cuddle with right before some mudslide declares Jihad on you and calls her a whore
>german parents
>implying again
Alpha as fuck.
i was right though wasn't i
Could have shot him in a good country
>cuddling on the pavement
I guess this is a British thing
Your ancestors want to know why you haven't done anything about the pakinigger existing on their island.
Breaking news there, OP
>>cuddling on the pavement
>I guess this is a British thing
I think it was by the school desu (As a teacher intervened, probably on Lunch break.
Older Muslims patrol our school gates for young school girls.
I am sure Muslim men attack a lot of the school boys for being their competition.
Normies BTFO
Man that Brexit sure fixed everything! Brits are totally taking back their nation!
Try To Land A Plane In Mecca
Inshallah the normies will be crushed.
>€0.02 deposited
so peaceful and tolerant, truly a hero of his faith.
that's the hardest part to believe of the entire story
Well? Were the kids muslims?
Serves those fucking normies right. Get a room!
What we should do is, let more of these people into our countries
where is this girl's fucking father, he should kill both of them
Mate give us a break, we are trying are. This shit won't be solved for a while but we are taking the necessary steps.. Which is the opposite to most other European countries.
Muslims will intergrate they said
>Try To Land A Plane In Mecca
I agree with sweden though, the muslim guy did exactly what he should have done.
Fuck sake. Deport.
>Capitol elected a anti white Muslim Major whos setting up a Internet Taskforce to find people like us posting facts
>Rotherham Rape Gangs still going and bigger than ever before
>Brexit being dragged out and will probably ignored
This is not shilling i am simply stating facts. Maybe you faggots should pretend that the shitskins are germans because you certainly never had any problem with killing us but chicken out when it comes to shitskins
At least my nation has the 70+ years brainwashing excuse for being broken down cucks whats yours?
I am just proposing we all bend over and open our ass cheeks to them, is that so much to ask?
emo cunts btfo
C'mon guys. Are you telling me you wouldn't be pissed if you saw some kid hugging your girlfriend?
Is this a real article? This sickens me
Muslims are conservative. I might have to convert to Islam.
They were secondary school young gf and bf, and a 35 year old Muslim beating up the school boy for the girl. I don't even know how to express my feelings about this.
It's real.
He's actually trying to claim self defense
This retard is gonna do some time.
nigger muslims, especially this half breed(?), are not true muslims. Nigger muslims are about as muslim as south American Christians are christian aka blasphemous as fuck and using witch-craft, potions and other third world shit all the time. Primitives cannot grasp faith
Islam is the cure to degeneracy.
Allahu Ackbar
Lower average IQ?
It's brown people joining together in solidarity against the white man....... Whilst taking the whites man young daughters/teenage gf's apparently.
Maybe he overreacted. But really a 35 year old Muslim dating a 16 year old is nothing new.
What the fuck, you god damn Island apes. I am so sick of that fucking meme. They are muslims, pakis if you will, but not fucking Asians.
What the ever loving fuck do you call actual Asians then? Don't tell me they are called Asians too.
Muhammed fucked a 9 year old
wtf is that Kirk Hammett from metallica?
Slenty Eye's were called Orientals
I know dude, and our establishment would rather cover all of this up instead of tackling the root of the issue. Every bit of information you find out about this stuff, our establishment feels like they have had a goal scored against them. They want you to wallow in ignorance whilst doing nothing. Imagine what they have kept back from us.
on what basis you fucking-
The 16 year old girl should be going with the 16 year old boy, this is the natural order of things. And now we have Muslim adults going in there attacking the boys and taking the young girls who are the counter parts of the boys.
>Maybe you faggots should pretend that the shitskins are germans because you certainly never had any problem with killing us
cry more
>"Sorry we are not currently accepting comments on this article."
For what purpose
Look at the flag before posting.
>What the fuck, you god damn Island apes. I am so sick of that fucking meme. They are muslims, pakis if you will, but not fucking Asians.
>What the ever loving fuck do you call actual Asians then? Don't tell me they are called Asians too.
Those god dam Chinese people be groomin our children n' shiett.
Fuck off Abdul
>35 years old
>assaults a 16 year old
>called a "bully"
what the fuck, a bully would be another 16 year old, not a fully grown man who should be deported to syria
years old
>>assaults a 16 year old
>>called a "bully"
>what the fuck, a bully would be another 16 year old, not a fully grown man who should be deported to syria
I thought this as well, what the fuck! Some burly 35 yr old half negro Muslim attacked a 16 year old boy, throttled him by the neck until he passed out (and later woke up covered in blood) in order to take a 16 year old school girl from him.
>Maybe you faggots should pretend that the shitskins are germans
Sorry senpai the days of pretending are over
There are a lot of immigrants in Norway as well. Not Swedish levels to be sure, but if you really want white you'll have to go to Iceland.
He confronted degeneracy
He's right. Don't be a nigger.
what a coincidence
it's the same as the number of world trade centers still standing
Got your ten days supply of cabbage and sausage for when Merkel lets the wogs she invited in do what they want yet Hans?
Found the theist.
Non white, cuck idiot or troll.
>I am so sick of that fucking meme. They are muslims, pakis if you will, but not fucking Asians.
Pakistan is in Asia you idiot, have you never looked at a map? It borders China for fucks sake. How can a European be this ignorant about geography jesus
You do realize that Brexit isn't going to mean less muslims right? It'll probably mean a lot less Polish people because many of them are still Polish nationals who travel back and forth. Not so with ME immigrants, they came to stay. And they will.
I'm surprised they arrested him.
>it's the same as the number of world trade centers still standing
But we only started with 2.
Regardless, they aren't Asian as the normal connotation of the word is slanted eyed.
Fuck up, it's the fact they call them Asians when they are a very specific ethnic group (Muslim country filth trash people) that vary differently from the most prominent Asians i.e Chinese etc.
Makes a civil war that much more likely
It's a sad day for Christendom if it takes a Saracene to defend a maiden's honour and chastity
It's not about Geography, it's about race. It's like calling a Moroccan an African. Just because the country is on the damn continent doesn't make them black as tar niggers, they are sandniggers. Same region, different race.
every fucking thread with this shit
learn some fucking geography
>You do realize that Brexit isn't going to mean less muslims right? It'll probably mean a lot less Polish people because many of them are still Polish nationals who travel back and forth. Not so with ME immigrants, they came to stay. And they will.
Not necessarily.
Also, we are cutting the flow from Europe as it is being flooded with Muslims and non whites. We need to block off the contagion. It is true we need to fucking smash our government and stop it from importing so many people though. Either way, it is better off for all of us if we break away from one another and close our borders, that way we can stop the virus from spreading. Now with the EU they want to spread the inflow of filth in every member state.
Turks live in Asia Minor, they're Asian too?
It's not about that faggot. We don't need non white trash dictating our society ok pal? Degeneracy is better than Muslim rule. Also, what the fuck do you think the Muslim filth's intentions were? Have you seen what they do to young British girls?!
moroccans are africans you stupid tool
get over it
Nothing will change till the jew lovers are exterminated
no they don't you noodle, they live in germany
I'm confused, the title makes it out that the 16 year old girl was the muslim's gf.
Is that not the case?
What did you guys do with all the raped girls? Throw them off the white cliffs? Feed them to livestock? Surely you don't expect molested children to grow up and be productive members of society, I'm just curious what method of disposal you all decided on...
>every fucking thread with this shit
>learn some fucking geography
Or, you could you could go watch an Adam Wallace video and play the skin flute.
>Coe allegedly demanded to know if the teenagers were Muslim and when they lied and said that they were not, he replied: 'Why am I wasting my time with you if you're not Muslim?'
>when they lied
He wasn't attacking white kids on the street.
>Young Europeans experience romance
>ITT sand niggers and their virgin supporters uphold this act because "muh degeneracy"
I think all the goyim need to die at this point desu. Israel is the only white country left on Earth.
North Africans.
If you want to insist on calling mudshits Asian, at least call them West Asian.
When you think of the term African American for example, I am sure the image of a Morrocan pops into your mind.