Sup Forums BTFO
also, how is this possible?
The polls were rigged all along?
Sup Forums BTFO
also, how is this possible?
The polls were rigged all along?
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Trump got a huge RNC bump, Clinton got a smaller DNC bump. Seems pretty obvious.
The polls can't predict turn out. They are inherently flawed
The methodology of the LA times poll is flawed and retarded, that's how.
also its outdated, the gap is 1% now.
Trump is lying to his supporter base by presenting extremely cherrypicked data on purpose
That area of uncertainty junks the entire poll
I call bullshit. RNC was long time ago and between then and now a lot of things happened.
Trump naturally rises in the polls while Clinton naturally falls as long as Trump doesn't say/do anything outrageous.
Just keep reading off of teleprompters and let Hillary cause he own demise.
After the DNC a lot of polls changed their methodology and some polls even started throwing away their own results and saying that since Trump is such a different candidate that their polls showing Trump favorably are surely wrong.
It's a shitfest of intrigue and jewing. Just wait till the debates to get a real idea of who will win.
The methodology of other polls aren't flawed at all, right? Go home CTR.
obvious bait
It becomes magically rigged when Killary is winning
Most polls have a better methodology than this retarded one, yes.
>The polls were rigged all along?
Are you honestly that naive?
80% of the media has been proven to be in her pocket, why would the polls reflect otherwise?
Yeah, but doesn't that area of uncertainty invalidate literally every data point there, regardless of which candidate was in the lead?
>Are you honestly that naive?
Some people say that Americans are idiots due to their poor education.
Because Trump is winning on the fucking "rigged" poll, inbred fuck?
Wow racist much
Oy Vey we need to sample more democrats for multicultural reasons and change the polling strategy.
Republicans need multiculturalism, and more democrats sampled, we need to exclude some age groups and make surr all people who say they support Bernie, get counted for Clinton.
Oy Vey change the polling strategy now goys, these polls are sexist.
To be fair their are more Democrats than Republicans. Maybe that is the reasoning behind over sampling Dems?
This. Same with all polls within the margin of error. /thread
Maybe Drumpf bought the polls with his -€650. Or is the orange muppet just posting the 1 out of 30 polls which shows him leading?
Oy vey, yea there are so much more and it makes perfect sense in percentages and statistics!
Drumph can never recover! We will run this polls and fix them! We will demoralize the goys over and over and show photoshopped rallies for Hillary!
We will count all Bernie people for Hillary, those goys are so stupid they,ll fall in line.
And even with all that we,ll use the names of dead people and get felons to vote 3x !!
We,ll do it all, you goys and your canidate are done! Just give up goys!
>wow this guy REALLY likes Trump, let's make his vote count for more!
That's not how elections work. The poll is worthless.
>The methodology of the LA times poll is flawed and retarded, that's how.
Thanks for correcting the record kike
I will come there illegally and vote in states with no voter ID.
Aren't there more independents than both of them?
Why aren't they sampled more than
Go to bed, Bartek.
Technically, how can they stop people for voting if they know the names of dead/absent peps?
>accounting for the fact that people polled might not even vote is retarded!
fuck off
He's beating polls that over-sample Dems now.
wtf i hate democracy now
trump was always ahead. the polls with him losing all had democrat oversampling.
This, often by outrageous amounts. Some have as many as 50% Democrats, its ridiculous how blatantly these are rigged.
They "justify" it by claiming Democratic turnout will be much higher then Republican turnout, a statement so utterly and completely opposite the obvious reality one wonders how even 6% of the population takes them seriously.
I don't think they can. They don't even require an ID in most states.
Soo..Hillary will win no matter what burgers think.
What's flawed about it? Almost all polls use the "likely voter" shit.
>inb4 it polls the same group of people every day!
So fucking what? That's a great way to track people's changing opinions over time.
This poll says otherwise and it regularly samples 12-15,000 people.
>That's a great way to track people's changing opinions over time.
If they change their opinion more than 2 times, they are confirmed retards.
drumpf can't win.
it doesn't mean anything if he's like 1% or 2% up on meaningless national polls
on a state level he's losing and has no fucking chance. only backwards hick states vote for him
get fucked Sup Forums I'm compiling a collage of trump posts and it's going to be romney all over again
"You can, of course, pick apart the individual polls if you like. The USC/Los Angeles Times poll makes someunorthodox methodological choices; I happen to like some of these choices and dislike others, but overall, they produce a poll that’s significantly more Trump-leaning than other pollsters."
--Nate Silver
It's not a flawed methodology.
I'm making a compilation of posts like these. Let's see who gets to post theirs on November 9th.
just added your post
Why is CTR so low energy today?
Everyone got tired of mart-sharting too soon, they have no new material
If Trump stays on the message and act presidential, will they die of hunger?
Shill thread
Sage in all fields
Now read the content of tOP's picture.
We are winning John.
Tell the neighbours.
No genuine enthusiasm, even being paid shills.
I didn't give CTR mode than three week of shilling before being overcome by boredom and meaninglessness.
>thinking registered voters is the best method
What do you get out of this Israeli? I've been seeing you, presumably you, for days and days. You should really get a hobby or a girl/boyfriend. I mean, you're amusing but you're also pathetic. The right wing zealots are also pathetic but you especially so. Go outside, take a walk.
There are, I won't say polls are rigged, most pollsters do the best they can but it is extremely difficult to design a good poll.
All polls are flawed and retarded. All polls are used as propaganda.
But of course kikes like you only want to call out the polls you don't like.
Did they seriously think they could control the narrative in a neo-nazi message board?
The LA Times methodology isn't used by other people only because it's so fucking expensive and demanding. It's not perfect but it's a really thoughtful process that isn't subject to manipulation.
It's a banana republic Poland, you guys probably couldn't y'know like invade us and take over right? Yeah, didn't think so. :(
Wew. I can't believe I haven't filtered kikes yet.
No, but it will be very painful
1% is better than nothing though
Will we ever know how much support Trump really has if the elections are rigged?
As long he keeps this up, he will skyrocket on that graph.
I hope so. MAGA.
I don't have time for WW3 caused by clinton and Merkel.
>I don't have time for WW3 caused by clinton and Merkel.
That and possible Civil War if Clinton is elected.
polls are shit until october at least, regardless if they show trump in the lead or not
They've become one of us, as it always happens with outsiders coming here.
Dear CTR shills, enjoy your stay. You're here forever.
they're still rigged genius
it doesn't mean the cook up numbers entirely, just that they introduce a known bias through some techniques like oversampling lefties
What will be CTR's next move?