Yes, yes, well done American.
Yes, yes, well done American.
Good job european union get fucked germany.
>All the retarded modalities of swimming and athletics are worth like 100 medals
>The most popular sport in the world is worth just 1 medal
When will they fix this? Football should be worth like 11 medals.
Hahahahahaha 20 something countries compared to ONE country, gave me a good kek germoney.
>50 states compared to 28 states
>Federation of 50 states versus federation of 28 states
>The 50 lose
kek good job United States.
>european union
Guys no matter how you try to spin this its fucking sad. Just stop.
28 European states vs 50 American states.
Yuros won
i hope you're not counting england
Good job EU but we still run the world. Apologize.
Do our states get their own teams to compete with individually?
>checkmate cucks
It doesn't matter. EU minus England still wins against the anglosphere.
please remove our 67 medals you thieves.
But we don't send athletes for every state.
Why don't you just send the 3 best athletes from the whole US to the events? You can't win more than 3 medals per event, can you?
20 something countries against your 50 countries
You can't send teams for each state. If we could send teams from all 50 of our states we'd have WAY more.
Also athletes from Texas and New York are on the same team, euros competed against each other.
What movie is that from?
Wow, I never thought I'd see this meme used well
You are still part of the Federation
per capita
Toy Story 3, BLACKED edition
you're not allowed leaf, we can't know for sure if the guy is muslim
>balkan education
Each country can only send so many athletes, Mr. 70 IQ
>Team Cali wins gold
>Team Florida wins silver
>Team Texas wins bronze
Why didn't you those three guys as part of Team USA? Are you stupid?
hope its worth selling your soul eurofag
>EU cucks trying to steal Britain's glory for themselves.
Fuck off shitters. Anglo domination.
when the butthurt hit you hard and you have to struggle to justify the existence of your failed cia superstate
>no article 50 invocation before 2018
this is getting sad, innit?
>no replies to this
fag euros btfo
I'll have the one in the middle thanks.
i hope british medals aren't included in that
because that's just desperate
>>no replies to this
>literally 3 replies
You might want to reconsider this...
they are
>alaska is bigger than entire europe
>texas is almost the size of europe
>california stretches across entire europe
>there's 50 states
Reminder if you aren't anglo you are subhuman.
All the keks Hans Bugger, all the keks!
Murica lost this day.
I'm sure we'd kick your ass if we could send 7 times there number of people to each Olympic event as well. Nice try eurocuck.
Football isn't even in the olympics you retard.
The definition of words doesn't change just because its convenient for you.
hey, guys, can anyone find the US in the top 5 nations?
in top 10?
in top 20?
in top 30?
not even in top 40?
LMAOing my ass of at you.
The USA can only have 2 people per event, you fucking retard. And some events only allow one person per country.
You must have a 70 IQ to not understand this.
Why? The EU could win at most 3 medals per event. Same as USA. Number of athletes doesn't come into play.
The EU can fuck off. Tying to take credit for the British domination at the Olympics.
It is.
American version of handball is not though
German shilling his pro EU propaganda. I just hope my country takes the right side the next time Europe is divided (not germany)
>american education
no one cares about your girly """""american football""'"".
we're talking about real football, the stuff you are calling (((soccer))), Shlomo
Shut up and get in the damn union.
Pretty sure I would have noticed if football was in the olympics.
Plus handball was in the Olympics
Did you even watch the olympics or were you too busy praying to allah?
>Poverty ball player calling any sport girly
Go fake a leg injury
>US has 319 million people
>EU has 508 million people
Try again Muhammad.
I think the funniest thing about this image is that you could conceivably have a EU country get 2nd and 3rd and USA 1st, but, according to this picture right there, and this is the funny part, that the EU won.
>it's an 90% of (((american football))) players suffer permanent brain damage episode
>american healthcare
Why did they make America female?
>carry the ball in your hands most of the time
No-one likes your stupid little club, Joachim von Abdullah
>Its a "country that is cucked to death" shills for the union that is destroying Europe episode
I dare say the USA's medal count would increase if the states competed seperately.
Shut up and pay your membership fees. Don't forget that we own your military.
Fuck off Kraut. We are NOT in the same team.
EU so cucked that they have to group all their different countries together to make themselves feel better.
>most highly paid sports players in the world
>most expensive stadium tickets in the world
go eat your 90ct burger, ameripoor
>be german
>shill for JewU
>US """government""" is 100% subsidiary of the israel lobby
>Running on a field whilst wearing more amour than a medieval knight
Same reason you are counting the EU as one country. It's not fucking real, Hanz
But the EU isn't a nation
>5 hours of pretending to be hurt
how do you handle the cognitive dissonance of calling football a pansy sport but then showing that it results in grace injuries?
USA is not a nation. It's only an entity governed by one government. You can't have a nation without a culture.
Joke is on you, I'm a Tommy you forest monkey
>american (((football)))
>wearing 50 kilos of protective gear to protect their feelings
>wearing no protective gear
>send 28 teams to 1
>we sure showed these cucks right goys?
this is why nobody over here takes any of you shitheads seriously.
The US is more of a country than the EU will ever be. The US was created by Anglo settlers who wanted liberty. The EU is just a globalist mess made to contain a self loathing, defeated Teuton.
what is our metric to judge manliness by? Number of injuries or amount of gear?
Olympics should be about races competing eachother
So we only get 3 athletes from each state and you get 50x that per country? Makes sense. I bet you are a stupid sandnigger.
>isn't ready to whatever needs to be done in order to win
Grow a pair
>to do
Did you do this?
Now go back to your irrelevant sports, Muhammad Abdul Mustafa Abrahim.
>justifying being a pussy
Twenty-eight teams to beat one. Reach for those stars.
NO ONE gives a shit about olympic soccer.
Pretty much confirms that the EU would beat your sorry as at war.
t. we bombed sand nigs due to 9/11
You can't win this debate, Tyrone
You were saying?
man a sports war would be rad as hell
>continent vs country
k famalam, keep crying
ITT: Murricans crying saturated fat over harmless banter
>sandniggers attack USA we fight back
>sandniggera attack EU "not all muslims"
You even flop when it comes to war lmao
>king negro is literally #1 at not-all-muslims
>falling to the ground crying most of the time
Does that include or not include UK gold medals?
Look at that anglo domination
America sucks but it is pretty pathetic that they had to combine all of their powers to even come close to competing with us. They're even too stupid to understand that a state isn't the same as a nation. They're really dumb over there I guess.