Due to her license plate which is clearly visible (0:28 in the video), I found out that she is a Jewish woman from California with the name of Susan (((Berman))). Don't let this slide.
Hillary Shill caught commiting voter voter fraud (felony)
Other urls found in this thread:
Notice her Stanford shirt in the video
Give us her addresses or something we are lazy folks
I don't know. Just posting the info I know and hoping diggers will go further. Or post this info on twatter
found possible phone number (530) 753-9666
Don't let this thread slide.
Bump for justice
Looks like her husband is also a Democratic super-delegate....Jeff Berman - List of Democratic
Voracoo that sit
so who do you report this to?
shillary committing voter fraud is basically guaranteed after bill clinton
Yep. That's her.
California Office
2519 Lafayette Drive
Davis, CA 95618
53zero 21nine 2244
See this shit every election. No fucking shame.
>this is what Sup Forums has been reduced to
Does anybody know where the oldfags went?
>so who do you report this to?
Nevada's Attorney General's office I assume? Or some other authorities from Nevada
Not sliding
who are you quoting?
>Does anybody know where the oldfags went?
You can just tell
>Does anybody know where the oldfags went?
/CTR/ is where it's at f.am. Seems like you'd fit in
so what is the legal ramifications for this? a fine? jail time?
>so what is the legal ramifications for this? a fine? jail time?
Both. But I doubt anyone would do anything about it unless we somehow get this known to the normies
so how do we do that?
time to report!!!!!
>Nevada's Attorney General's office
use information found here: impactresearchinternational.com
California Office
2519 Lafayette Drive
Davis, CA 95618
53zero 21nine 2244
cool. thanks
Fire up your sockpuppet twatter accounts
Why are jewish women so repuslive?
No sliding allowed
counted 23 chances
going to start drilling.
Arnt the electronic voter machines made by a company that donated to Hillary ?
Should be more concerned about that
Inbreeding combined with the already shitty semitic genetics
I can repost this video on my JewTube account after you guys gather more Intel on the matter. I have 1400 subs so it's something at least but I'll wait until more comes out. Does anyone have a link to the law that says this is illegal for more credibility ?
Also bump for justice.
I knew she was a Jew just by looking at her photograph.
Nevada Revised Statute 293.505(10) " 10.A county clerk, field registrar, employee of a voter registration agency or person assisting a voter pursuant to subsection 13 of NRS 293.5235 shall not: (a)Solicit a vote for or against a particular question or candidate; (b)Speak to a voter on the subject of marking his or her ballot for or against a particular question or candidate; or (c)Distribute any petition or other material concerning a candidate or question which will be on the ballot for the ensuing election,"
If Infowars wrote an article about it I'm sure you can reup a video
the only one in davis, but not registered as a legal voter
In explicit detail, I'm tired of seeing these threads without the story
How dare that man in the video harass that poor innocent public servant.
Anyways, this infuriates me, but I'm so demoralized that I won't share it. No one cares about this shit in my circles and everyone just says it's conspiracy.
The media won't report it because they work for the same people.
I hope you guys can spread it to someone who will give it coverage, but it's been 3 years of this shit now and my morale of fighting against the invisible behemoth of media, social media and pr agencies is at an all time low. I don't even feel like fapping to dick girls anymore.
Voter fraud you retarded leaf. She admitted in the video that she registers voters
Nevada Revised Statute 293.505(10) " 10.A county clerk, field registrar, employee of a voter registration agency or person assisting a voter pursuant to subsection 13 of NRS 293.5235 shall not: (a)Solicit a vote for or against a particular question or candidate; (b)Speak to a voter on the subject of marking his or her ballot for or against a particular question or candidate; or (c)Distribute any petition or other material concerning a candidate or question which will be on the ballot for the ensuing election,"
>Mfw live in Sacramento
>Davis is only 15 minutes from me
Isn't it strange that she lives and works in Davis, yet is registering voters in fucking Nevada? What the fuck are these kikes up to
>What the fuck are these kikes up to
just a guess, but maybe voter fraud?
Kinda looks like Christine Chandler on the left.
Chris has a far more aesthetic nose though
No registered US Voters under the name of "Susan Berman" within 5 hours of Stanford.
If she is not registered and under this name, this is the best bet,
using her hillary supporting friend's car.
Is she actually a shill being paid to do this or just a retarded Hillary supporter taking it way too seriously?
She seems to be some kind of political consultant see this and I doubt even the most dedicated supporters would travel to another state to commit voter fraud