You lost. YOU. LOST. How does it fucking feel? Spend all that time "fighting back" against the media and get completely BTFO? We fucking won and you will never live this shit down, Sup Forums BTFO!
>when your shitty b8 doesn't work
>If you bankrupt your enemies they win.
Spoken like a true Canadian bud
That's not b8 Schlomo, just Canadian logic
Nope, it's over now. Thousands of free-speaking reporters are going to absolutely demolish Thiel and other bigots stopping leftist voices. You lost.
Why do you syrup niggers come here?
Hold up, there were ACTUAL REPORTERS working for gawker?
Where did they hide them?
Hopefully a mass suicide.
>Implying they'll be able to get jobs
"Hey, what's your experience?"
"Well, I'm a fucking blogger with zero actual qualifications who used to work for Gawker"
"Ha. That's a good one. But really, what's your qualifications?"
>mfw i realize we will never be able to beat westerners cause the harder you fuck them up, the more they are victorious and even if we completely sterilize their cunts there will still be able at least a handful of those wankers left elsewhere in the world and they will be the biggest winners in the universe
Thread theme
are you fucking kidding? gawker writers can get hired in seconds because they know how to get traffic
Why is Gawker shutting down? How exactly did they win? I'm out of the loop, help me a bit.
The HULKAMANIA ran wild on them.
>Gawker wins
>by losing and filing into bankruptcy
Oh leaf you done it again even you know that there is more then one news media resource? other media sites will just take over and gawker will be history.
>Thousands of free-speaking reporters are going to absolutely demolish Thiel and other bigots stopping leftist voices.
>h-hey thiel
>you suck
>you suck thiel
>choke on your money I hate you
>you suck
top kek
what are they supposed to do, you dumb fucking leaf? the worst they could do to him they already did long ago by outing him. he got his revenge on them and there's absolutely nothing they can do against him now but whine
in reality, those writers have 0 integrity and will probably pretend gawker never happened because they have no reason to be loyal to it.
They won because we killed them.
Truly, we got BTFO'd.
Oh yes, he actually won the lawsuits? Good for him, I hope he gets his rightful due.
bost boipucci
>gawker writers can get hired in seconds because they know how to get traffic
t. unemployed gawker reporter
>Durrrrrrrr you can't get hired if you have experience in reporting on the most popular news site online
Why are conservatives so dumb?
>implying Peter Thiel cares what some ex-gawker shitstains say
He wasn't in it to gain money, he was in to bankrupt Gawker, he managed it.
Figured as much, but I still hope he gets his money. Correct me if I'm wrong, but all this bankruptcy stuff might give them loopholes not to pay him or pay them far less than agreed on.
did you seriously miss out on all that?
it was a 115 million dollar suit that hogan won. it essentially bankrupted the entire company. denton has been forced to file chapter 11 and sell off all of gawker's holdings. that's why there's all these memes about hulkamania running wild on gawker.
they can weasel out of some of it but hogan will get at least a 7 or 8 figure check from the bank after gawker has been liquidated.
You think you've won? You didn't win shit.
Well you won't have old Gawker to kick around any more. Honestly, we were too good for you. You never deserved us in the first place. It's only when we're gone that you're appreciate what we did, how we tried to save you pitiful wastes of skin from yourself. There will come a day when you will drown in the cesspool of your own corruption, and you'll look up at Gawker and cry "Save us!" and Gawker will look down and whisper "No"
Sorry but it is over anglo pig.
>if you sue the shit out of your enemies, they win
t. Trudeau
Really. What were they gonna do?
> The sad part is that Gawker writers probably literally feel like this
>gawker gets rekt
>reporters get butthurt and are seething with impotent rage
>pol btfo hurrr
"Fuck that Alligator"
>Authorities say a 28-year-old Texas man was attacked and killed by an alligator “almost immediately” after being warned by a bystander not to swim in the water, replying “fuck that alligator” before jumping in
In this case, Gawker drunkenly slurred "Fuck that alligator" then got eaten.
>"W-we'll be back! Y-you'll regret ever messing with us!"
t. Hook nosed, noodle armed ((journalist))
A bunch of unqualified, non-Spanish speaking professional Fallopian tubes and shitehead hipster trash clickbait bloggers are about to be absorbed into Univision.
They will be seen for what they are and they WILL be slowly fired. One by one.
>wah wah you're gonna miss us one day
>Making a clickbait farewell after being sued into the ground when you can't even afford the bandwidth anymore
>tfw the first time I saw a Russian it was two drunks in Prague
>one had a black eye so bad it looked like he got hit with a fastball
Is Kotaku and Jezebel leaving too?
Gawker closing, and nothing of value was lost, fuck the lugenpresse
>Durrrrrrrr you can't get hired if you have experience in reporting on the most popular news site online
actually that's true. There are less and less journalists over the years and the quality has diminished greatly.
Also, who the fuck would want to hire "kiss-of-death" former employees that fucked up so bad in their reporting, they bankrupted the entire company?
That's like hiring a pedophile to run a daycare. No one will want these people.
being taken over by univision. expect every article to attack trump
The core Gawker site is gone. Kotaku and all the other ancillary sites are now owned by Univision.
A bot can generate traffic too.
the memes write themselves
>are you fucking kidding? gawker writers can get hired in seconds because they know how to get traffic
>"What's my experience? I bankrupted my last company with unethical writing and negligence. BUT I CAN GET CLICKS!!!!!"
pic related. Former Gawker employee at an interview.
they have zero self-awareness
what happened? Can someone give me a short tl;dr?
jesus she looks like shes in constant pain
Sup Forums had a sticky thread his theme song was on repeat the day he won. It was a good day.
>you will never be rich like Peter Thiel
>you will never spend your free time and fortune to effectively fight against cultural Marxism
What a man
Why weren't they demolishing Thiel and other right wing bigots before?
how did they win exactly?
note the lifeless eyes of a progressive. its eerie
>if you kill your enemies; they win
Its basic Esoteric Trudeuism pham
kek, saved into my Trudeau meme folder.