Can Trump win even though all smart people support Hillary?
Can Trump win even though all smart people support Hillary?
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My IQ is 250, I make 200k a year and I'm the head chef at Wendy's and I'm voting for Trump
My IQ is 329 I work as a top physisit at CERN and I know how to summon Satan, and I vote for Trump.
What's up with the geologists?
My IQ is 349 and I'm the head chef at wendy's, I have a 12 inch penis and I'm voting for Trump.
Most people aren't smart.
Why would a smart person vote Hillary to begin with? You only need to look into her past and it's clear it's pretty muddled with controversies.
>those computer scientists
Are American CS graduates really that bad?
I work in a physics lab in northern Illinois and I support trump (physicist)
~90% of my male coworkers support Trump and ~50% of my female coworkers do as well.
Yes, computer science majors tend to be retarded.
All those African and Mexican American intellectuals
I've a master's degree in CS and everyone was redpilled as fuck back in the day, can't really imagine bluepilled CS graduates. It's a pretty intense on logic, after all.
>Why would a smart person vote Hillary to begin with?
Because although Hillary is kind of corrupt, Trump would be an incompetent buffoon and literally ruin the country and almost any educated or reasonably intelligent person can see this.
>muh anecdotal data
Developers are blue pilled as fuck.
Why do you think san fran, austin, seattle etc have turned into liberal shit holes?
all the programmers moving there. They are nu-male, beard having flannel shirt wearing hipster glasses butt plug up the ass cancer
Calling Hillary Clinton kind of corrupt is like calling Ted Bundy kind of a serial killer. Hillary is arguably the single most corrupt politician in American history since at least Boss Tweed. Who was also a Democrat.
Women's studies major here and Im voting for trump
>Hillary is arguably the single most corrupt politician in American history
Nigga pls, there have been far more corrupt politicians in the last decade even (See: blagojevich)
Most of the "corruption" you're talking about is apocyphal infographs you saw on Sup Forums, nobody can get anything to stick against her
either way the point that a Trump presidency would be a fucking disaster and anyone intelligent can see this. If the republicans literally nominated any other republican this election would probably be in the bag for them
They don't make their own tools or such, just use existing ones. That's not as much logic as using legos
They're mostly employed within the oil industry
Hillary is way more corrupt than Blagojevich (also a Democrat). She's been involved in literally dozens more corruption scandals than him. He merely got caught because he doesn't have anywhere near the power and connections Hillary does. And that is the sole and exclusive reason nothing "sticks" to her. It has nothing to do with anything other than the fact that she's so powerful and has so many highly placed connections that she is simply above the law.
Hillary claims to support more funding for scientific endeavors
As if public relations aren't real smart people...
>Hillary is way more corrupt than Blagojevich
There's been no proof that she's ever solicited bribes directly, unlike Blagojevich
Geo person here.
People are conflicted in this industry. This oil downturn has put tons of people out of work, and they are willing to do anything to improve job prospects. On one hand, $hillary will go to war with Iran and Syria which will do wonders for the price of oil and by extension, jobs. On the other hand, anyone with two functioning synapses knows she's a piece of shit and we need to MAGA.
They rock.
Also this:
The entire Clinton Foundation is a vehicle for quid pro quo bribery. All the proof is right there in front of your face. She and her husband take money for speeches, then do government favors for the people or firms who gave them the money. Once again, the only reason no charges have been brought is her power, not because she didn't do it.
You keep using this weak "well Hillary's powerful Democrat friends won't charge her with any crimes so she must be innocent excuse" and yet at the same time, you called her corrupt, despite the fact that her Democrat friends don't ever charge her. So according to you, she's not corrupt at all. Is that what you believe?
I work as a PA at a large hospital in FL. I haven't met a single person who will openly admit they are voting for Trump who work in healthcare. Then again, I don't openly talk about voting for Trump because I know my superiors are Clinton-loving women who could damage my reputation.
Also, for anyone thinking of going into healthcare, DON'T. I work in emergency medicine and it's hell. You can only handle so many GI bleeders shitting blood everywhere before it gets to you.
>all smart people support Hillary
Can we stop with this retarded meme?
Keep trying, shills.
We'll just keep on MAGAing right on through two terms of Trump in office.
They are specialized, academics doesn't mean they are smart.
>All the proof is right there in front of your face
Yet you don't present any
>do government favors for the people or firms who gave them the money.
pretty tenuous m8
Either way, it doesn't really matter how corrupt Clinton is, because Trump has the perception that he'd be just as corrupt, but not smart enough to get away with it. He also doesn't seem to understand things like the basic structure of US government and nuclear policy.
You beat me to it.
You seem like you're low information in general if you don't even know about the Clinton Foundation and the money-for-favors scandal. I have to show you proof? Just google it. It's everywhere. Or just watch/read Clinton Cash. You've seen it surely? You're the "smart" and "educated" one here, right? Surely you've investigated the corruption allegations against Hillary thoroughly to draw the conclusions you've drawn, right? What do you think, for example, about the Russian uranium deal?
And no, it's not tenuous. When a pattern emerges of Clintons taking money and then doing favors for the people who gave them the money shortly thereafter, it's pretty clear and damning. What could be tenuous about it?
>I have to show you proof? Just google it
Burden of proof is on you, buddy. You're the one making the claims and expecting me to take them at face value. I'm not going to do the work for your argument, if you want to convince someone you have to work for it.
I'm not trying to convince you. You are a shill. I am disassembling your arguments so that they don't affect any onlookers. Onlookers who are curious, can readily get the "proof" you're requesting. It's an enormous story with literally hundreds, if not thousands, of articles, books, movies, testimonies, etc., supporting it. I'm not going to be drawn into the trap of offering one or two links on a scandal so deep and complex that its nature escapes the simplicity of few posts on Sup Forums. Those truly curious about Hillary's history of corruption can look into it. That obviously does not include you. You're not curious about anything, you're just being paid to shill in her favor.
>you're just being paid to shill in her favor.
LOL you are truly fucking crazy and delusional m8. I shitpost on here because it upsets the Trump true believers. I wish I was getting paid by the CTR for it.
I think those are just common US uni graduates these days, all the kids have been fed all kinds of bullshit there. Most here are your everyday working man but on the spergier side, the nu-male hipster glass shit is an absolute minority. Might be a lot of things, like conscription.
You are getting paid. You use the very same canned lines all the CTR shills use.
What's next on the script? The good old "not everybody who hates Trump is a shill!" line?
> engineering
> that's blue
Shitty bait.
Why would CTR waste their money here? All the Trump supporters here are true believers and 100% unwilling to renounce him. They would follow the man off a cliff.
The only campaign that has interns posting on this board is Trump's, face it.
Donald Trump murders Ted Cruz
what's your stake in our election? you don't seem like you know enough about this one to be a US citizen temporarily in canada
Damn, so does this confirm on the low that the ENTIRE field is probably complete bullshit right now?
Like. It has to 100% be lies.
High-skilled prospective immigrant.
cool, thanks for the amicable reply
>People indoctrinated at universities are voting what people indoctrinated at universities vote.
What a shocker.
Well you support Hillary, so your theory is shot.
Why would "smart" people vote Trump, most of these people are the ones who flaked on friends and family while in school or were autistic to get a job where they are only good at calculus or study the advanced molecular structure of tree bark.
These people can't get these high paying/ do nothing jobs without being bought out by a company or have a "lower standards" thing since trying to accommodate gays/disabled/and minorities. Also the fact normal people can't get the jobs due to colleges making it a mission to benefit foreigners, helps them be the ones to get hired.
It's no wonder they want Hillary to win, they would fucking die in society without the corruption of the government and Hillary. They would be replaced with normal people who could communicate with people/ be a member of society/ and do the same jobs as those "smart people".
Examples: Tesla was too autistic to fight Edison, so his secrets and inventions get lost in his death.
I was a pharmacist/computer scientist in college but left due to school getting bonuses for foreigners getting the A's in classes and they raise my tuition to have the foreigners go for free with scouts from companies being their same race.
>voting for someone who funds terrorism
>voting for someone who will soon be hospitalised
trump will win
after all, he will be the only one left standing
>people going through the progressive blender
>voting for progressive changes
Pushing an authoritarian with an appeal to authority... I'm praying its irony.
at least make the bullshit IQ claims believable, steven hawking is like 165, I can tell you plebs are treading water at the average because you can't into standard deviations
>t. 140 IQ 6'1" Trump supporter with an 8.5" cock earning a $175k salary as a chef at Wendy's
At some point, Software Development became easy as fuck and nearly anyone can do it. Especially Webdev.
At some point, it stopped attracting logical and intelligent people, and started attracting people who are only interested in working in an easy field where they won't need to sweat.
>gets btfo
>"haha bro it's too complex to source lol"