Bad nicknames for other countries in your language

bad nicknames for other countries in your language

germany - szwaby, fryce, szkopy, helmuty, niemra (only for females)
russia - kacapy, ruskie, moskale, krasnoarmiejcy, gieroj (sometimes positive), iwany
ukraine - chochoły
czech republic - pepiki
england - herbaciarze (tea drinkers)
france - żabojady (frog eaters)
italy - makaroniarze (pasta eaters)
yellow asia - kitajce, żółtki (yellows)
arabs - ciapate
usa - hamerykanie
izrael - pejsy, żydki, icki , parchy

Żibel, which means rubbish. We use it for everyone. At least I do.

Poland - psheki.

What slurs do you have for Germoney?

Germany - moffen

Can't think of any other.

Germans - skopčáci, dederóni(from DDR)
Poles - pšonci, prošepáni
French - žabožrouti
Arabs - kozomrdi, košiláči
Ukrainians - Ú-káčka
Netherlanders - chrochtáci

> russia krasnoarmiejcy
The Red Army is an army for all

kek also arabs kozojebcy (goat fuckers)

What nationality is Amor? Russian. He's holding a weapon, his ass is bare and he talks of love.

OMFG, so cute. I love Czechs.

USA - pendosiya
Ukraine - hohlyandiya
Americans - pendosi
Ukrainians - hohli, saloedi
Germans - nemchura
Poles - psheki
french - lyagushatniki
jews - zhidi
italians - macaroniki
japanese - yaposhki

Poles - aardbijenplukkers


Ik dacht al dat ik het fout schreef. Ben net wakker.

Polacken (Poland)
Amis (America)
Ossis (East germany)
Schlitzaugen (East asians in general)
Japsen (Japan)
Inselaffen (UK)

Fritz is common (фpицы eбaныe в хoккeй пpoдyли, for example). Also, fashist.

>Ossis (East germany)

What the fuck does that mean? Is it possible to somehow translate it? What is the origin o this word?

Het is je vergeven.




Varttiryssä (Quarter russian)







>East asians

Vinosilmä ( Crooked eye)

i was always wondering etymology of hamerykanie. is it h(amburger) americans?

It is a retarded slur desu.

Russia - Ryssä. Carries negative meaning
Sweden - Svedu. Used as prefix mainly for insults - svedu-pelle = swede clown. Also hurri.
Asians - vinosilmät = slanteyes (inb4 mongol memes)
Sub Saharan Africans - neekeri, basically our 'negro'. Neutral meaning back in the day, now ebul rayciss word.
/mena/ folk - sheep/goatfucker, terrorist etc.
G*rmans - sakemanni.
French - ranskikset = basically 'French fries'
Italians - makaroonit = macarons (not the sweet)
Jews - jutku
Gypsies - manne, mustalainen = darkie

Italians = Guidos
Poles = Polaks
Spaniards = Spics
Mexicans = Beaners
Cubans = Wetbacks
Irish = Micks
Natives = Redskins
Chinese = Chinks
Koreans = Gooks
Japanese = Japs, Nips

Hungarians: bozgori, Pisti, Zoli, Janos
Bulgarians: turci
Ukrainians: ruși
Moldovans: ruși

fritzi, gansi, nemchura, fashisti

Germans: Schwobe, Herdöpfel
Italiens: Chingge
Albanians: Shippis
French: Franzagge, Froschfresser
Spaniards: Spanioggel

>slur build on good manners

i dont know what to think about this

Germany- Hun, Jerry, Fritz, Kraut, Hans, Hermann, Nazi

Scotland- Jock

Wales- Taffy, Sheep Shagger

England- Limey, Pom, Sassenach, Little Englander

France- Frog

Ireland- Paddy, Patrick, Mick, Taig, Bog-Trotter

Italy- Dago

Poland- Polack

America- Yank

Middle East and Africa- Paki, Wog, (sand) nigger, shitskin

East Asia- Chink

Those are the ones I've heard people say in real life anyway

L.O.L. :'D

Island apes

>Tfw so irrelevant that none has a nickname for us

Greeks are Greeks, noone would call you slurs. You are the creators of our civilization.


To add on

Arabs - Sandniggers, camel jockeys, ragheads
Northerners - Yankees
Cajuns - Coonasses
All Asian - Ching chongs

USA: seppos, burgers, 56%
UK; poms
Germany: krauts, jerries
Russia: ruskies
Italy/Spain/Greece/Balkans/Lebanon/similar countries: wogs
China: chinks
Korea: gooks
Japan: japs, nips
other asians: chinks, gooks
arabs: goat fuckers, ragheads, muzzies
kiwis: sheep shaggers, east australians
tasmanians: inbred
blacks: apex, niggers
indians: curry munchers

>finns have slur words for asians
kinda self ironic tbн

wrong, WOG