
gunfags, how does it feel to know that Hillary Clinton will win and END America's stupidity with guns once and for all?

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But you can carry guns in national parks.

with a republican majority in the house?
not likely

>implying Trump's new GOP wont be fucking lawnmowered in the mid-terms

Liberalism is a mental illness.


Clinton has never proposed banning firearms.

The only way she will end gun stupidity is if she puts a bullet in every anti-gun cuck like you, OP.

Horsey is a faggot

>useful idiots advocating for their own society's neutering
There is a special mix of pity and humor in watching the very people you're subverting subvert themselves. Globalists and the elite are laughing all the way to their international central banks.

Gun rights are a liberal ideal you idiot.
Liberal.. Liberty? See the correlation?

You and all these other idiots are confusing it with leftism.

Anti-gun nuts are the American version of the European "refugees welcome" sociopaths.

>drink bleach
>crack a book, dipshit

choose one.

Yes she has, just not all of them right now.

Good, cant wait for all the niggas imprisoned disobeying the laws and too stupid to hide...

Being this delusional

How does it feel knowing Hillary will just be a paid shill for the NRA. Hillary is for sale to the highest bidder. The NRA will conduct Hillary's gun policy. How does it feel knowing that?

white people commit the same rates of violent crime around the world, regardless of gun access.

Most races have a set amount of violence they commit. But if you are going to make us live around them, give us our guns.

Conservatism is a mental disorder

"Assault rifles" are firearms. Hillary wants to ban them.

Why are you lying about what she stands for?

Aren't your proud of your candidate?

Oh look it's the "I'm going to use the classical definition of liberalism, fully knowing that its founding ideologies have changed drastically over the last 200 years, just so I can feel intellectually superior to someone on the internet" again.

Why do you do this? Do you just love reminding people that classical Liberalism was good? That's irrelevant, because modern liberalism is horrible, and that's clearly what Sup Forums usually refers to.

go squirt into your mantights fuccboi.... the greatest irony of all the equalityqueers is that guns are the closest thing to ever make people equal

Faggots like you have been saying that for decades and it hasn't happened yet. If Obama couldn't do it after Sandy Hook, Piss Bag can't do it either.

Everything you just said has changed definitions and you agree with me now.


"Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun."(Mao Zedong)

lol epic win!!!!! wtf I love Hillary now #I'mWithHerâ„¢


Stfu faggot! Guns are cool af! I wish I could buy one....
the saddest words from lips or pen was that Sup Forums was right again

simply ebin :DDD

What the fuck are you on about? The fact that classical Liberalism led to the creation of gun rights doesn't ignore the fact that modern liberals are trying to dismantle those same rights.

You just like "correcting" people into using the classical definition because it makes you feel like a big man on campus. Nobody who talks about liberals in le current year are referring to Hobbes, Locke, Kant, etc.

Can someone hurry up and ban these bot fuckers


Your mistake is believing that Sup Forums does not exist for this purpose now. You're in shill town now baby. You need to forget about this place and go to the other Sup Forums. I don't know why any of you are still here.

If she wins I hope she tries to implement something immediately desu

It will just speed up the process

What is "the other Sup Forums". Teach me.



Except they're not liberal.
They're leftists.
They simply changed the wording and tone to make themselves seem more repeatable and even tempered, people like yourselves are falling straight into their ploy too. You let them change the language and the way you think.

You could think for yourself, you know.

>paranoid member since 1984
they cant even meme correctly

You can carry in national parks though.

good thing i lost my guns to a tornado


Why do these retarded cartoons always target middle aged white presumably working class male Americans? I'm sure most gun violence can be attributed to "gang" violence and mass shootings are more of a young white sperg thing.

Fucking moron

Just use libertarianism as a replacement for classical liberalism like everyone else does.


So how many gun murders are actually done wih legal guns?

>unironically posting Horsey

Wew lad. He's a hack.


Yea, that's what the man said, a few times now, in this thread.
Are you a contrarian or do you have developmental issues?

>Why do these retarded cartoons always target middle aged white presumably working class male Americans?

Because we're the ones they fear.

It has been done before you know.

you can have your gun at old faithful, horsey is so fucking stupid I hope his children die in his arms

>that's what the man said

Please specify

Scardey cat

That all depends on if the new laws in CA are upheld as constitutional once that gets tested in court, which they will be if Hillary gets her pick of justices.

It won't happen over night. She'll just stack the supreme court with gun hating commies.

Hillary doesn't want to ban guns.

If she does, how will all the people connected to her foundation suicide in the backs of their heads?


I guess the concept of a right vs a privilege escapes you.
Every person has the right to self defense.
Not every government choses to recognize that right. In fact I am betting the US is the last one.
No one is going to give up shit, redditor.
And we will deal with you when the time comes.
Fer realsies.

>>gunfags, how does it feel to know that Hillary Clinton will win
Too early to tell about this yet.

>>and END America's stupidity with guns once and for all?
This by contrast just isn't going to happen. Your stupid comic aside, most of us like our "stupidity" with guns and we will not give them up. If you attempt to force the issue, there will be war.

What makes you think that a republican dominated congress will let her make any supreme court appointees? Has Scalia's old seat been filled yet?

>mfw people are too young to remember 1994.

Yeah you're correct in a classical sense but a "liberal" is not liberal in the classical sense. "A" liberal who pushes "liberal" ideals is actually an elitist authoritarian.

It's too bad Huffington post had to fire this guy for telling the real truth.


>muh NRA spending meme

Yes just continue pretending that's a real thing compared to Bloomberg and Soros.

how does it make you feel that we almost want Hillary to win
pic related

I think the wall just got two feet higher, Pedro.


Gun sales and gun rights issues will sink like a rock if Trump is elected....

2015/16 NICS background checks:

May/15 = 1.6 Million - New Record
June/15 = 1.5 Million - New Record
July/15 = 1.6 Million - New Record
Augest/15 = 1.7 Million - New Record
September/15 = 1.8 Million - New Record
October/15 = 1.98 million - New Record
November/15 = 2.24 Million - New Record
December/15 = 3.3 Million - New Record
January/16 = 2.55 Million - New Record
February/16 = 2.61 Million - New Record
March/16 = 2.52 Million - New Record
April/16 = 2.15 Million - New Record
May/16 = 1.86 Million - New Record
June/16 = 2.13 Million - New Record
July/16 = 2.20 Million - New Record

It feels like you should be trying a little harder with your bait.

>piss bag

I'm glad to see there's a handful of solid dudes reminding people of this. I think that we should just give up and change the definition of liberalism to reflect its new restrictive meaning. Fags did it with marriage, why not change "liberalism"?


"As senator, she co-sponsored and voted for legislation that would close the gun show loophole, voted against the dangerous immunity protections for gun dealers and manufacturers, and co-sponsored legislation to extend and reinstate the assault weapons ban."


This is how fucking stupid the gun grabbers are:

Gunshow loophole = private gun sales

I think an individual should be able to sell their property (i.e. a firearm) if they wish. Get fucked CTR.

>he doesnt buy pre-loaded, disposable magazines that are foil-sealed for freshness
>he probably uses stale ammunition

She is one of these types...

>u gun lovers are just scared babby men!
>n-now please let me take them all away they make me uncomfortable

>how does it feel

Poor doggos. Our existence is a big mistake. We failed.

Shooting guns is fun!

But of course, criminal politicians are very very afraid of their people having guns.

we will make them be afraid

Huh, really gets the neurons pulsing

it's simple really
unarmed women get raped
unarmed fags get bashed
unarmed darkies get dindu'd
unarmed whites get enriched

Some people have learned the game the very hard way....

>that slight backward lean
Why do women always do this?

They just do.....