How do we re-ignite public hatred of commies?
How do we re-ignite public hatred of commies?
What have they done? what are they doing now? Was McCarthy right? People act like he was crazy now. They had a chapter about it in my middle school history book they said it was a modern witch hunt. but they're wrong right?
Was massive public hatered of communism even a thing or just a Hollywood meme, like mass lynching.
>what are they doing now?
Oh my poor goym, if you only knew.
>being a communist
Enjoy figuring out how to meet supply and demand without a free market :^)
>people who disagree with me are communist
idk man, being a communist is now an edgy hip thing to do.
bunch of hipsters are communists and they don't even understand that they'd be the first to be sent to gulags and worked to death
Just let them continue the way they are, the working class hates communisim
by sharting in mart
Are commies that bad? I mean sure, they demoralise nations and all, but apart from that?
You can start by not calling everything communism
>accusing people at random of being treasonous communists
>a good thing
Sup Forums is crazy
>letting communists undermine our freedom
>a good thing
Both. They did get some witch hunt shit but there is a streak of people in the country who push communism. they are now found at our schools.
>implying being a paranoid nutjob and undermining due process protects freedom
>of something that's as clear as fucking day
Easy there, General Ripper
The number of actual threats and spies McCarthy outed can be counted on the fingers of one hand. The overwhelming majority of his raving was just empty blabbering and hot air. There's virtually no communist presence in the USA today.
>Was McCarthy right?
he dug too deep and found that New York Bankers were behind the Russian commie Revolution and he had to be SHUT DOWN for it
In the US they're mostly idiots, but when commies take power, they're fucking terrible. Property rights are null and void in a commie system, and people don't like to give up their shit, so you need a brutal dictator to come in and take it. It's supposed to eventually turn into a stateless society, but brutal dictators don't like to give up power, so that never happens.
People think that ancaps are fools, but the ancaps have nothing on commies/anarcho-communists.
Just google Holodomor for a taste of why communism is bad.
>implying communism isn't what's needed to save humanity in a post scarcity soceity
None of that sjw bullshit that calls itself left tho, they can fuck right off.
Retarded American that doesn't understand the difference between private, public and personal property.
YAAFM. There is a lot overlap between private and personal property. If an individual owns a farm, it is that individual's private and personal property. It is also something that will get taken by commies.
Nice roll mate.
>anarcho communism
>as bad as communism
>socialism still leads to communism
anarchocommunism is an oxymoron
Nice meme.
Stop the shilling. After 1990 McCarthy was proved to be right about almost everyone he accused.
>I swear there is no socialist infiltration and attempt at subversion
>conspiracy theory! there it is, I drop the magic words, now stop looking into it
One of the stated end goals for plain 'ole communism is a stateless society. It's never been achieved, nor will it ever be achieved, but communism is technically a form of anarchy. It always gets stuck in the brutal dictator, lets kill the fuck out of our own people stage without moving on. It's a pipe dream.
>implying that McCarthy wasn't proven right about nearly everybody he accused.
That's why many schools of communist thought skip the dictator phase.
That's because it's in human nature to be greedy, and want more. Communism doesn't give them more, so it eventually falls apart or drags everyone backwards
Government subsidised trips to Venezuela.
I've just started addressing useful idiots as George Soros.
>t. Democratic Socialist
I'm not giving up my shit. You're going to need a dictator to take it. I'll say it again: Communism is a pipe dream.
It did exist in Europe for a little bit then got immediately ran over by a neighboring army if I remember correctly.
Not an argument.
>need a dictator to take it
Tell that to a landlord who gets run out of town by a mob of angry farmers.
>Air Dropped in with a box that has a 7 day countdown clock, and a body camera you cannot remove. After 7 days you can open the box and pull out a device to signal you are still alive, US send and extraction team, you show them your empty box, ID and the signaling device and they let you go home.
They then give you a copy of your film to redpill your friends and family.
I don't waste time arguing with commies; they are worse ideologues than muzzies.
The best recipe for hating comies is to be ruled by them for couple of decades. The bad part is that your country will be fucked up for at least the same amount of time it was commified. If itt goes for too long it may be fucked permanently
Explain pic related, faggot.
Is that St. Petersburg? Volgograd? Moscow? Nope, that's Seattle.
Annual tours to Venezuela
>After 1990 McCarthy was proved to be right
K show me some of that "proof"
In America it was a big deal.
In Canada we were having regular conversations with them about defectors in Canada, giving away their personal info.
Good stuff like that.
You can't because most of them own the media
>implying a mob will be better at hunting down people than a group with a leader
Eventually, since leaders are more effective, a revolution will generally result in leaders leading attacks, which tends to result in a dictator as there is no reason for said leaders to give up power.
kind of skipping that stage again, huh?
Better dead than red.
To be honest commies do a good enough job of making themselves look bad.
>To be honest commies do a good enough job of making themselves look bad.
wow what do you know absolutely 0 proof of claims
>will generally result in x
nice generalization/slippery slope combo
>masonic lodge in the background
Connecting the dots these days is like looking at constellations I am all too familiar with now my friends
if the majority of those kind of revolutions occur are leader-led, it's safe to assume the same will happen, as happened historically with other communist revolutions. And clearly, it's safe to assume that leaders, men with power, as history shows, do not want to give up their power, thus leading to oligarchy or dictatorship.
You proof to me that your revolution is going to go the way to want it to, instead of ignoring most likely scenario.