Heading to the book store ,give me your recommendations.
>No 1984 or Animal Farm
>No Brave New World
>No Atlas Shrugged
>No nazi lit unless it's really good.
Bonus points: European/Asian History, Geopolitics
Heading to the book store ,give me your recommendations.
>No 1984 or Animal Farm
>No Brave New World
>No Atlas Shrugged
>No nazi lit unless it's really good.
Bonus points: European/Asian History, Geopolitics
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Some book lists. Lots of everything you don't want and some you want.
Count of Monte Cristo
Heart of Darkness
Catch 22
Red Storm Rising
Stranger in a Strange Land
That's all that comes to mind right now. Niggas like take all the fun out of this and any discussion that might be had.
F.A. Hayek - The Road to Serfdom
lads i have 2 weeks in jury service next month and need something to read as apparently there will be a lot of waiting around
recommend me something thats an easy read but politics related
crime and punishment. easy read. best book ever
Starship Troopers
>Futuristic fascist society fights a war against bug aliens
>A military classic that is on the suggested reading list for cadets in the US armed forces
Sorry M43 if it's politics-related in any real sense it won't be an easy read.
Thomas Paine's Age of Reason
Thomas Paine's Agrarian Justice
Adam Smith's Wealth of Nations
Read "Why Nations fail". BTFO's most of this books arguments in around 30 pages in detail.
Haven't read those but I liked Common Sense.
maybe youre right but politics is the only way to properly hold my interest these days
might try or
Anything by Henryk Sienkiewicz. European history, redpilled worldview, Christianity is a central theme.
I'm reading The Deluge at the moment, it's literally Polan Stronk - The Novel. It's really great, but afaik there are two English translations and the earlier one is rubbish.
H.P Lovecraft short story collection.
De Vita Caesarum, Suetonius
De Bello Gallico/Civili, Julius Caesar
The Histories, Herodotus
Ab Urbe Condita, Titus Livius
C+P isn't really political (and I wouldn't call it a particularly easy read). I haven't read Starship Troopers.
If you're willing to broaden your horizons, C+P is an excellent book. It's certainly something you should read before you die.
Come to think of it, you might enjoy The Trial; it's vaguely political in an anti-bureaucracy sense and quite entertaining.
if you guys like what Scott Adams has to say about the election, he has recommended some books on persuasion.
thanks m8 will have a butchers
anything by noam chomsky, i enjoyed "understanding power" the most
Chomsky is a cuck. Try reading some B.F. Skinner.
For PREMIUM BAITâ„¢ that's quite the small image
why is he a cuck?
Don't be a casual and read all of pic related before moving onto any other serious books by any Author.
Even Nietzsche said that you shouldn't bother reading his books if you haven't read the Greeks.
his entire """philosophy""" is just being opposite to whatever the US (foreign) policy atm is. Enemy of my enemy tier. I wouldn't put it past him to unironically support ISIS or Russian annexation of Crimea just because US are against it.
Self Reliance by Ralph Waldo Emerson was a very good book, and it's only about 70-something pages, for all you sperglords out there.
is that the best you can do? lol
Memories, reflections and dreams
I read parts of the Breivik manifest just as an attempt to understand the bloke, who knows he might have been crying ,when he wrote it.
You have a rather wierd fetich. European/Asian history?
The fountain head
American lion was really good
Entertaining too
It's about Andrew Jackson's life
Consideratios on France - de Maistre
Reflections on the Revolution in France - Burke
On Empire, Liberty and Reform - Burke
Fascism for the Million - Mosley
Voyage of the Beagle - Darwin
that's what I make of him pham. I'm a blue-pilled leftist by Sup Forums standards so it's not like I hate on him because he's going against my political views.
if you haven read this you probably arent white
>Even Nietzsche said that you shouldn't bother reading his books if you haven't read the Greeks.
I'm reading Zarathustra, having read no Greeks and I'm understanding it fine. Does re-reading his work after having an understanding of the greeks open up alot of new meaning?
The House of Morgan: An American Banking Dynasty and the Rise of Modern Finance
Or anything else by Ron Chernow.
>Bonus points: European/Asian History, Geopolitics
Yellow fetishist kill yourself
He's a boring contrarian without a cause, making himself the center of all attentions like Gore Vidal.