Ladies and gentlemen, say hello to the most destructive race in the history of mankind.
Ladies and gentlemen, say hello to the most destructive race in the history of mankind
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Feels good right?
What is neoliberalism to a liberal?
this, my nordic brazilian bro, shitskin moortugal can't compete.
Day of the rope when?
Neoliberalism is the only objectively bad thing in this picture
If whites hadn't taken black people out of Africa they would have starved to death.
the bait to end all bait
stopped reading right there
> everyone did slavery
> everyone did segregation
> everyone did racist laws
> find someone that hasn't committed genocide
> everyone attempted colonization, not sorry we didn't fail
> blaming us for a war that was more historically awesome than yours part one
> blaming us for a war that was more historically awesome than yours part two
> You have at least one decent one there I'll give you that
> Ok another one
> You're an idiot
We also gave the world...
> The end of slavery in the first world
> The end of segregation in the first world
> The end of systematic oppression in the first world
> A world wide ass kicking due to genocide
> We brought the 3rd world to a modern state, then we left and they shit on it
How can non-whites even compete?
>The moment when you realize you're White.
>WW2 wasn't bad
>We also gave the world...
>> The end of slavery in the first world
>> The end of segregation in the first world
>> The end of systematic oppression in the first world
>> A world wide ass kicking due to genocide
>> We brought the 3rd world to a modern state, then we left and they shit on it
War brought a significant scientific and technological advancement, among other reasones.
>others will refuse to ponder on such wisdom
>that moment when you realize you're white
We had no slavery
>tfw you realize whites wont continue the white race
>tfw it is up to us redpilled racially decadent people to continue the legacy of our ancestors
in the coming generations you will have non red pilled liberal whites descendants as niggers and a 99.9% white upper class of redpilled racially decadent descendants
nothing but fight? lol do you know the history of your own continent? of africa and asia? pic related is what whites contributed to the world
at least the black population doesn't expand significantly :/
Made me rethink my life tbbh
Not this shit again, Jamal
Go to sleep
I wish this didn't end with the "no reason" nuke meme.
>Japan starts our part of the worst war ever with unprovoked sneak attack
>murders even more people than Nazis
>would usually kill themselves rather than surrender
>millions of Americans and japanese civilians would have died in the invasion (so many purple heart (getting wounded) medals and bomb casings were made they still use them today)
>Japan still wouldn't surrender after first bombing, after second we threatened them with a non existent supply of more nukes to be dropped
in the end the white race would become even more zealous in its preservation than ever before.
Are you sure about that senpai
The rate at which Blacks kill each creates a pretty stable population
The Nuclear bomb was built for Berlin
the scientists were white. like 95%+ of all scientific nobel prizes has gone to whites.
that moment when you realize you're Hillary Clinton
Jokes on you. Black people did better while segregated then they did unsegregated.
Never if I can stop it.
>Neoliberalism, WWI, WWII
Nice meme Shlomo
Feels good man.
>subtle fang
MacArthur knew that the Japanese saw their emperor as a god and would never surrender if it meant he would have to step down.
America wanted the emperor to step down.
MacArthur was against the bombing because the Japanese were willing to surrender conditionally, and the bomb was dropped because America didn't want negotiations.
Really, the bomb was not justified.
Not to mention those delicious German lands.
That's a compliment
and abortions
Niggers in Africa have more slaves now then
the US ever captured.
So would those niggers
>ignoring Africa
I have two questions:
1)Are these things supposed to be bad?
2)Who's Jim Crow?
If everyone's a slave then no one is
someone is getting the dough.
But 'I' never did any of this. Why is the blood on me?
>2)Who's Jim Crow?
Some american who didn't like niggers.
Survival of the fittest. If the lesser races didn't like what we were doing then they should have stopped us. I feel not sympathy.
Ever have that much blood on your hands? Feels nice and warm...
So it's okay for a black guy to kill you if he can get away with it?
Jim Crow was a racist caricature drawn in the 1800s, you novices.
Sup Forums is fine with placing all the blame on all Muslims for the actions of a few
Sup Forums is fine with placing all the blame on all niggers for the actions of a few
so why wouldn't you be okay with the way OP is thinking?
>this desparate to enforce their own victim complex
I sure am glad that under that thought process, every single race/person can be held accountable for something. Oh wait... didn't africans catch and sell slaves to the europeans? That means that every black person has that same blood on their hands
Oh forgot to add
Sup Forums is fine with taking credit & pride for all the good stuff their nation or race has done
surely the pendulum can swing both ways?
Yeah, the rest of you are just mad we got that shit on lockdown.
daily reminder that slavery existed before white people
Americans are just racist as fuck. Both blacks and whites. Here, there's your problem.
That pic reminds me of my last encounter with a pitbull. My hands were all bloody from ripping his worthless entrails and strangling him with them in front of his fucking faggot of an owner so he learns how to get a proper dog next time
i'd be dead.
Also the most creative.
Ying and Yang and all that good shit.
Oh what and a bunch of spear chucking retards are better?
Swe card, 90% of all the accusations in the meme are false.
Proof that these people are racist and generalize all white people.
I know, I wish we'd stop feeling guilty and cleanse this fucking world. We're good at this game.
>WW2 was beacouse of whites
Oy vey
The muslim?
in the grand scheme of things, sure.
Why do blacks insist on talking to white people like we're some ancient monolith? It's like their version of the Polandball meme, but in real life, and they believe it.
Are black people doomed?
I can respect that
be careful what you wish for t.brownie
>the moment you realize if it had been the chinese instead of white men they would have mercilessly genocided colored people without batting an eye
The second nuke was kind of over the top.
Wouldn't the threat of a second one have sufficed?
If we stop feeding them now they will starve to death; its not too late bro.
>Day 1: walking down the road with little cousin, random pitbull goes mad and starts barking, owner (antifa cuck with piercing and extensors) does nothing
>Day 2: walking down the road alone, again antifa cuck with pitbull barking at me, do nothing
>Day 3, 4, 5: same
>Day 6:tell owner he should do something about it, he scoffs and implies i'm provoking him
>Day 7, 8: nothing
>Day 9: owner reaches his pocket to grab a light with his hand on the leash, pitbull bolts at me, huge ass jump to my throat, i dodge, he bites my calf, gets the edge of my boot instead
>stomp the back of his neck with the other foot, makes a weird noise and falls on the side
>owner jumps me, i push him aside
> dog tries to get up, i'm on him, i'm angry, very angry, act on instinct
>rip his entrails off and strangle him with it
>owner paralyzed is not saying anything
>clean my hands on the body, cops nearby arrive, tell them what happened
>cops understand
>antifa is crying
>antifa get sued
>win lawsuit
>decide not to take money from him eventually
Free abortions. Also single parent households foster gang involvement to quench the thirst for a strong family unit
>That moment you realize that your race is the only one that has never created a civilization