He's right, you know.
He's right, you know
What's his name?
Mhhh watch what the new generation do. Most are degenerated but mich more crative than olders.
Revolution will come from them
that fucking tool time show was shit who cares
>says the rapist pedo kike
>Jew who fucked his daughter
fixed that for yeh
It's hard to be creative when you have disturbing memories of you daddy putting his pipi on your little asian hole.
He's a fucking jew
Says a man making the same fucking movie year after year
>says others have no imagination
>keeps making the same movie every year
>Jew calling others empty
Hol' up
>woody allen
>the kike pedo
yeah sure thing, kiddy fillder.
He knows a lot about younger generations then.
>almost every movie he makes is about some whiny pussy pining over some slut
>calls other unimaginative
his films are shit but this generation is also shit
I'd say this generation has no identity and no purpose
He fucked his own adopted daughter and hasn't been funny in years.
the roach likes a peodiphile rapist
what a surprise (not)
what? he complaining that his new daughter isn't as kinky as the first one?
I wonder if he is going to marry his grand daughter?
>get called out for having no imagination
>parrot the same three insults over and over
He was right.
I don't want to imagine him fucking his chink daughter that he adopted, because he is a kike
I'm not here to entertain you, fuck off.
>I addressed his point in any way
>I consider myself creative
k y s
Allen Stewart Konigsberg
Because Woody Allen's work is fulfilling and full of imagination, right?
>A roach admires a paedophilic Jew from New York
Weird times.
>hollywood jews pump out unimaginative media year after year, pushing more and more remakes and rehashes
>stupid goyim has no imagination!
Damn. Truth bomb.
I dont see him inventing some sweet memes
No, the jews are just too tight with their money that they won't sponsor new creative works because they aren't sure they can make their money back on it.
So they just do superhero movies and remakes/sequels ad nauseam.
>implying anyone needs to retort to this pedowood, unoriginal jew
He's a self-absorbed piece of shit who diddled his ugly stepdaughter.
he's the only jew I've ever been fine with calling a kike and really meaning it, except maybe roman polanski.