I just realized how Trump set up his 4D chessboard for the week...
> yesterday Trump tweeted pic related
I just realized how Trump set up his 4D chessboard for the week...
> yesterday Trump tweeted pic related
Today he tweeted pic related that made the press go psychotic and triggered #Morning Joe to start trending (and is still trending right now)
What do you see when you click the trending #Morning Joe hashtag? You see Trump's tweet from last night about Hillary calling blacks super predators and bringing them to heel
I'm sort of on the fence. I thought it was a little unpresidential to tweet that. Amirong?
Yes, you are.
Presidentialism is a jewish lie, memeing is the way of the future.
That is why we are for him.We need strong and smart leader which trump and his whole group of people is.
I think he is trying to get people to think he is president already.
I can't vote for Donald anymore. Mika is just too cute and to have Donald insult her is disgusting.
He is.
daughter of zbigniew fucking brzrzinski..
Mika is a man, are you blind?
hillary is right though
This....could actually work. Target the black vote by bringing up some rather poorly worded comments by Hilary. Trump on the others and has never really said anything about blacks.
I was sad that Trump had lost his edge and gone more "presedential", but HERE WE GO
>5D galactic underwater mahjong
the tweet about Morning Joe was a bad move. Firstly he made kind of ass of himselves that he said before he doesnt watch it any more and now says he watched it again. Then his comment gives them even more attention.
Moreover they were roasting him nonstop and his only rebuttal is only weak ad hominem. Twatter reactions were mostly against trump as regards of morning joe. If he didnt write this, they ratings would keep dropping. But morning joe was even big twitter trend today
Wtf I love 4D chess now
>his only rebuttal is only weak ad hominem.
You don't know what he was implying, they're probably scared shitless right now.
may be. But I only tell you what I saw on twatter. Independently of what morning joe replied, people were really angry at trump throwing this kind of tantrums. I thought he went from his "shock popularity" mode to "presidential." This shit would help him during primaries, but its not good now
What's a morning joe? G.I. Joe's retarded little brother?
She's gorgeous.
except get the endorsement of the leader of the nation of Islam, mike tyson and ice cube.
You're not that far off, desu.
The DNC leaks had Morning Joe's producers getting orders from Hillary's campaign.
I ain't even jealous, well a little bit but he's the Godfather so...
wow this is genius
wtf I love Hillary now
its a news show where people get money from kikes to shit on trump. The problem is that a female host was a friend of trump, but there is too much at stake for juden and she was forced to take gloves on and start pooping on him.
Or at least thats how i understand it.
also the fun part is that this female is daughter of the grand lizard Brzezinski
god just look at his body language, everything about him is confident.
trying to mimic him is so hard
Okay, thanks. I only have one question left then.
What's a Brezezinziki?
Imagine if they had given Hillary a similar introduction video.
She's also dumb as a rock. Watch her cream her pants when Chad Thundercock bad boy has the balls to put her in her place.
That's actually a very smart move
Colour me impressed
Ikr... leaking boss sauce up in here
>mfw retards don't know that the top result depends on your following and browsing history
r e t a r d s
This is the important one, her father
Mika Brzezinski is one of the hosts of the show. Her only claim to fame is that her dad, Zbigniev, has been a rather important democratic international relations bigwig, though who became politically irrelevant after Carter fucked up in the 70s.
quite a good summary
>Ask black voters to be on his side
>Get their attention
>"Hey black people check this out!"
Checkmate once again
You can pin a tweet, dumbass.
Obongo praised Brzezinski on stage as his great mentor. I would say he has a lot of influence again nowadays
Unfortunately he's still swinging his dick around, big advisor to Obama. I believe he's currently fucking around in the caucuses, a very important area to rats like him
it's the walk of the wealthy
no matter what happens in his life he always has the money to fall back on so he never really has to worry about anything
T-thanks for correcting the record...
>and his only rebuttal is only weak ad hominem.
it's politics on twitter... Constructing an argument is a waste of time. A ad hominem attack is more than good enough
Ohhh, I see. That makes perfect sense.
I'm a #morninghoe now.
It's inly at the top because you liked the tweet idiot
Wow... Show this to black twitter
Hillary might not be that bad after all.
Can't reproduce it.
>let's lure the soviets into afghanistan where we can destroy them with our pet jihadis what can possibly go wrong heh heh
I logged out and got on incognito and it still works you cunt. It stopped trending by now tho, but trended all fucking morning and afternoon.
Might vote Hillary now, desu. I hate dirty stinky big-lipped superpredators.
top kekp
Just think of her scumfuck warmongering father and how she's a deceitful kike agent.
That's all I can think of when I see her.
that was fucking hilarious actually
She was actually talking about actual convicted felons, thats a quote mine.
>red eyes
Why do they all have it?
Trump totally destroys his voter base by pandering to niggers and hispanics
This retard is incapable of changing. Do you really want an overgrown manbaby who tweets like a teenager on twitter as your president?
Fellow Americans, do you have any morals left?
>re-Tweeting Sup Forums wannabe shit-posts
>4D chess
i agree with this statement
Oh nice the shills have arrived
Thank you for correcting the record.....sheckles incoming. .
Who cares
Nah, he needs those votes to win. Thinking he can win without any black/hispanic support at all is a stretch.
He isn't pandering, he's offering jobs and safety which should be something all americans have.
That wall is still coming
You know you're doing something right when CTR shows up to shit up the thread.
That crippled reporter retracted a 10+ year article about muslims celebrating 9/11 after Trump cited it... He attacks everyone equally. You think cripples deserve special priveleges?
>slandering someone indirectly by taking quotes out of contexts doesnt matter
You can go ahead and call me a shill, ignoring the fact, and retreating to your safe space.
The news app on iPhones blasts leftist rhetoric 24/7/365. It's amazing how biased it is. 99% of the news about the election is anti trump, and any news about the DNC links says to disregard it as KGB propaganda.
This is why leftists are immune to facts. Their pocket pussy tells them what to think
He's already alienated hispanics by repeatedly saying mexico will pay for the wall not to mention calling them rapists in his announcement speech. He alienated negroes by insulting king nigger. Now by pandering he is losing his core white base who are voting for him solely based on immigration reform.
Face the music. There will be no wall. There will just be a massive landslide for HRC and globalism will reign supreme. Get over it. One world government is coming and if you're in the way you stand the chance of being left behind.
Now you understand
Trump will start acting presidential when the MSM starts acting like journalists instead of DNC hacks.
Ho lee shit
Nobody cares, nigger. You're wasting your time and your boss isn't going to like it.
> he still doesnt know that he called a portion of illegal immigrants rapists
>Alienated Aliens
6th Dimensional Tornado Rex
Donald don't mess around.
>fellow Americans
Trevor Noah plz
Thank you for correcting the record. Here's 3 good goy points. Try not to spend it all on chicken tendies.
*differently abled
Holy shit; this is amazing.
>unpresidential to literally play multibillion dollar media companies for complete fools for a year straight; these are the same companies that are blamed for the downfall of american society
>the US president should be a beta faggot who panders to everyone without stating hard facts and standing up against people he thinks are corrupt
fucking wew
That doesn't look like Bin Laden
considering blacks are super predators, #imwithher
>reptilian rat faced jew whore
one and only one
>Australia is disregarded automatically as a troll.